Chapter 12 Consumer Protection

Chapter 12 Consumer Protection Short Answer Type Questions 1. Explain the importance of consumer protection from the point of view of business. Ans: A business can not survive without paying attention on protecting the consumers interest and adequately satisfying them. This is important because of the following reasons (i) Long Term Interest of Business Business firms should aim […]

Chapter 11 Marketing

Chapter 11 Marketing Very Short Answer Type Questions 1. Explain the advantages of branding to marketers of goods and services. Ans: Branding is an important function performed by a marketer. It has following advantages to the marketers (i) Enables marking product differentiation. (ii) Helps in advertising and display programmes. (iii) Differential pricing. (iv) Ease in introduction […]

Chapter 10 Financical Market

Chapter 10 Financical Market Short Answer Type Questions 1. What are the functions of a Financial Market? Ans: Financial market plays an important role in the allocation of scarce resources in an economy by performing the following four important functions (i) Mobilisation of Savings and Channelising Them into the Most Productive Uses A financial market facilitates the […]

Chapter 9 Financial Management

Chapter 9 Financial Management Short Answer Type Questions 1. What is meant by capital structure? Ans: Capital structure refers to the mix between owners and borrowed funds. It represents the proportion of equity and debt 2. Discuss the two objectives of Financial Planning. Ans: Financial Planning strives to achieve the following two objectives (i) To Ensure Availability of […]
