Chapter 9 A Shirt in the Market

Chapter 9 A Shirt in the Market 1. Did Swapna get a fair price on the cotton? Answer: No. Swapna did not get a fair price on the cotton. The local trader paid her low price. 2. Why did the trader pay Swapna a low price? Answer: The trader had lent Swapna money at the beginning of […]

Chapter 8 Markets Around Us

Chapter 8 Markets Around Us 1. In what ways is a hawker different from a shop owner? Answer: A hawker provides door to door service. He sells his goods by calling out the names of his items. He generally owns a the which we may call a movable shop and keeps in it different items of […]

Chapter 7 Understanding Advertising

Chapter 7 Understanding Advertising 1.  Look at the two advertisements given below and tell in the table that follow. 2. Do you think there is a problem in using the image of the mother as the only person who takes care of the child on the Care Soap, advertisement? Answer: I don’t think there is any […]

Chapter 6 Understanding Media

Chapter 6 Understanding Media 1. In what ways does media play an important role in a democracy? Answer: Media play an important role in democracy in the following ways: They make the masses know about certain issues/problems. They propagate the policies and programmes of the government. They also criticise the unpopular policies and programmes of the […]

Chapter 5 Women Change the World

Chapter 5 Women Change the World 1. How do you think stereotypes, about what women can or cannot do, affect women’s right to equality? Answer: Stereotypes about what women can or cannot do affect women’s right to equality because they are termed weak and incapable of doing strong work. It is because of this reason that […]

Chapter 4 Growing up as Boys and Girls

Chapter 4 Growing up as Boys and Girls 1. Are the statements given below true or false? Support your answer with the use of an example : (a) All societies do not think similarly about the roles that boys and girls play. (b) Our society does not make distinctions between boys and girls when they […]

Chapter 3 How the State Government Works

Chapter 3 How the State Government Works 1. Use the terms ‘constituency’ and ‘represent’ to explain who an MLA is and how is the person elected? Answer: An MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) is the person affiliated to a political party or independent who represents a constituency {an area). The person is elected in […]

Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health 1. In this chapter you have read that health is a wider concept than illness. Look at this quote from the Constitution and explain the terms ‘living standard’ and ‘public health’ in your own words. An important part of the Constitution says it is the “duty of […]

Chapter 1 On Equality

Chapter 1 On Equality 1. In a democracy why is Universal Adult Franchise important? Answer: In a democracy, the Universal Adult Franchise is important because of the following reasons: Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Every adult irrespective of caste, creed, religion, region, sex, the rich or poor […]
