Chapter 4 Food Security in India eng
Chapter 4 Food Security in India Question 1. How is food security ensured in India? Answer: Food security of a nation is ensured if all of its citizens have enough nutritious food available, all persons have the capacity to buy food of acceptable quality and there is no barrier to access to food. Question 2. […]
Chapter 3 Poverty as a Challenge eng
Chapter 3 Poverty as a Challenge Question 1. Describe how the poverty line is estimated in India. Answer: While determining the poverty line in India, a minimum level of food requirement, clothing, footwear, fuel and light, educational and medical requirements etc. are determined for subsistence. These physical quantities are multiplied by their prices in rupees. […]
Chapter 2 People as Resource eng
Chapter 2 People as Resource Question 1. What do you understand by ‘people as a resource’? Answer: People as a resource is a way of referring to a country’s working people in terms of their existing productive skills and abilities. Question 2. How is human resource different from other resources like land and physical capital? […]
Chapter 1 The Story of Village Palampur eng
Chapter 1 The Story of Village Palampur Question 1. Every village in India is surveyed once in ten years during the Census and some of details are presented in the following format. Fill up the following based on information on Palampur. (a) Location: (b) Total area of the village: (c) Land use (in hectares): Cultivated Land Land not […]