Chapter 3 Environment and Society

Question 1.
Describe in your own words what you understand by the term ‘ecology’.

Question 2.
Why is ecology not limited only to the forces of nature?

Question 3.
Describe the two-way process by which ‘social environments’ emerge.

Question 4.
Why and how does social organisation shape the relationship between the environment and society?

Question 5.
Why is environmental management a complex and huge task for society?

Question 6.
What are some of the important forms of pollution related environmental hazards?

Cities also suffer from noise pollution, which has been the subject of court orders in many cities. Sources include amplified loudspeakers used at religious and cultural events, political campaigns, vehicle horns and traffic, and construction work.

Question 7.
What are the major environmental issues associated with resource depletion?

Question 8.
Explain why environmental problems are simultaneously social problems.

Question 9.
What is meant by social ecology?

Question 10.
Describe some environment related conflicts that you know or have read about. (Other than the examples in the text.)
For self-attempt.

Extra Questions

very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is meant by ecology?
Ecology is the study of relationship between living things and their environment which includes biological and geographical conditions.
Mountains, rivers, flora and fauna are parts of ecology.

Question 2.
What is environment?
Everything which surrounds us is called environment. It includes both biological and geographical conditions.
It is total web of life which includes physical characteristics of a particular region as well as plants and animals.

Question 3.
What is cultural environment?
Man made environment is known as cultural environment.
Traditions, folkways, language, beliefs, art and literature, social values are part of cultural environment.

Question 4.
What is social ecology?
It refers to the branch of general ecology. The interrelationship of biological, physical and cultural features of a region is the domain of social ecology.
Social ecology has four aspects i.e. population, environment, technology and social organisations.

Question 5.
What is urban ecology?
It is related to the study of urban areas, cities and towns. Urban ecology deals with the relationship between man and environment of cities and towns.

Question 6.
What is the meaning of resources depletion?
Excessive usage of non-renewable natural resources are called resources depletion. It is limited e.g. Mineral, coal, natural gas, petroleum etc. The next generation will be deprived from these resources.

Question 7.
What is deforestation?
The process of cutting trees gradually reduce the forest land. The cleared land is used by people for so called development i.e., industrialization and housing. The whole process is known as deforestation.

Question 8.
State causes and effects of air pollution.
Air pollution is caused due to emission of vehicles and industries. It occurs due to burning of wood and coal in rural houses.
This polluted air we inhale through lungs which cause respiratory problems, cancer, chronic bronchitis and asthma like serious health hazards.

Question 9.
Define Green house.
It is a covered structure for protecting plants from extremes of climate, usually from excessive cold. Green house maintains a warmer temperature inside as compared to the outside temperature.

Question 10.
What is eco system?
Human beings, animals and plants are living components of universe.
The environment is inorganic. Non-living component of this system includes heat, energy, land, water bodies, temperature, gases etc.
Eco system is interrelationship of these two components.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is global warming?
Continuous increase in the temperature of universe because of green house effect is known as global warming.
Green house effect means release of particular gases like carbon dioxide, methane etc. It is influenced by trapping the sun’s heat and allowing to dissipate. This phenomena causes gradual but significant rise in global temperature.
beings. Therefore, many ways are evolved for the development of the relationship between needs and environment.
Green house is a structure which has natural covering. This covering protects flora and fauna from extreme climate.

Question 2.
What is water pollution? How it gets polluted?
Water pollution means contamination of water which occurs due to:

Question 3.
State main causes of soil pollution.

Question 4.
State major effects of global warming.

Question 5.
How can cities be classified keeping the “Internal structure” in mind?
On the basis of “internal structure” we can classify them under the following:

Question 6.
What do you mean by renewable resources?
These are natural resources of energy which are renewable. The main renewable resources are solar energy, water and wind energy. These are very important in our day to day life. The depletion of these resources may cause major environmental hazards.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Elaborate three aspects of human ecology seen in human society.
Three aspects of human society are as follows:

Question 2.
Why are environmental problems treated as social problems?

Question 3.
What is Sustainable Development?
