15 Letter Writing

Informal Letters 

Question 1. 
You are Kamla/Kamal. Your birthday is on 18 Feb. Write a letter to your friend to invite him on your birthday.
आप कमला/कमल हैं। 18 फरवरी को आपका जन्मदिन है। अपने जन्म-दिवस पर अपने मित्र को आमन्त्रित करते हुए एक पत्र लिखिये। 
Johari Bazar 
16 Feb. 20XX 
My dear Sohan 
You will be glad to know that my birthday will be celebrated on 18 February. I am going to arrange a tea-party at 7 o’clock in the evening. I invite you to attend the party. Please come. I shall be happy. If you do not come, I will miss you. 
Please pay my regards to your parents. 
Yours sincerely

Question 2. 
You are Reena/Ram. Your father asked you about your studies. Write a letter to your father telling him about your studies.
आप रीना/राम हैं। आपके पिताजी आपसे आपकी | पढ़ाई के बारे में पूछते हैं। अपने पिताजी को अपनी पढ़ाई के विषय में बतलाते हुए एक पत्र लिखिये। 
27, Kisan Hostel 
10 Jan. 20XX 
My dear Father 
I got your letter yesterday. I was very happy. You asked me about my studies. I am working very hard. I hope to get very good marks in the examination. Please pay my regards to mother. Love to Seema. 
Your loving son
Reenal Ram.

Question 3. 
You are Sita/Suresh. Your uncle has sent a birthday gift for you. Write a letter to him thanking for the gift.
आप सीता/सुरेश हैं। आपके चाचा ने आपके लिए एक जन्मदिन उपहार भेजा है। उन्हें उपहार के लिए धन्यवाद देने हेतु पत्र लिखिए। 
37, Johari Bazar 
12 March 20XX 
My dear Uncle 
You sent a watch to me on my birthday. It is your affection to me. I am very happy. It is a very fine watch. It will be very useful to me. I like it very much. I thank you very much for it. Kindly pay my regards to aunty and love to Pinky. I again thank you. 
Yours lovingly 
Sital Suresh. 

Question 4. 
You are Rakhi/Rakesh. You have to purchase some books. Write a letter to your father to send you a money order of Rs. 250/-. 
आप राखी/राकेश हैं। आपको कुछ पुस्तकें खरीदनी भेजने के लिए एक पत्र लिखो। 
Rani Bazar Bikaner 
10 Jan. 20XX 
My dear Father 
I am quite well here. I have joined school. I need Rs. 250/-. I have to purchase some books. Please send me a money order for Rs. 250/Please pay my regards to mother. I remember her very much. Love to Baby. I am waiting for the money order. 
Your loving son
Rakhe Radesk 

Question 5. 
You are Rajani/Rajesh. Write a letter to your friend telling him about your participation in the picnic.
आप रजनी/राजेश हैं। अपने मित्र को तुम्हारे पिकनिक में भाग लेने के बारे में बताते हुए एक पत्र लिखिये। 
Jawahar Nagar 
20 January 20XX 
My dear Anil 
I am quite well here. Last Sunday I went to a picnic with my friends. We went to the lake. We played there. We sang songs. We took food together. We came back to our houses in the evening. We were very happy. When will you come to Jaipur ? Please pay my regards to the elders and love to Pinky. 
Yours sincerely 
Rajan Rajesh. 

Question 6. 
You are Rani/Rohan. Write a letter to your father requesting him to allow you to go on an educational tour. 
आप रानी/रोहन हैं। एक शैक्षणिक भ्रमण पर जाने की अनुमति माँगते हुए अपने पिताजी को एक पत्र लिखिये।
Govt. Sec. School 
8 January 20XX 
My dear Father 
I am happy here. I am working hard. About 25 students of my class and three teachers shall go on an educational tour on 20 January for a week. They will go to Jaipur, Ajmer and Kota. I also want to go with them. It will be a good change. We shall learn much. Father, you love me very much. I hope that you will allow me to go on this tour. Also please send me Rs. 1,000/- for the tour. Pay my regards to dear mother. Love to Pinky. Please reply early. I am waiting for your reply. 
Your loving son 
Ravel Rohan

Formal Letters 

Question 1. 
You are Jagriti/Jagroop. There is water supply with low pressure in your locality. Write a formal letter to the Assistant Engineer, PHED, Naradpura for ensuring due pressure immediately. 
आप जाग्रति/जगरूप हैं। आपके क्षेत्र में कम दबाव से पानी आ रहा है। सहायक इंजीनियर, PHED नारदपुरा को उचित दबाव से पानी की आपूर्ति के लिए एक औपचारिक पत्र लिखें। 
11 Shiv Colony 
21 February 20XX 
The Assistant Engineer 
Sub. : Water supply with low pressure at Shiv Colony, Naradpura. The residents of Shiv Colony, Naradpura have been facing the problem of low pressure of water supply for three days. Please, take action to ensure water supply with due pressure otherwise public unrest may take an ugly turn.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Sagriti Gagronog. 

Question 2. 
You are Rani/Rajesh of class VII. Your locality has condition of insanitary. Write a formal letter to the Executive Officer, Jaipur Municipal Corporation, Sanganer for taking immediate steps.
आप कक्षा VII के रानी/राजेश हैं। आपके क्षेत्र में गंदगी की स्थिति है। कार्यकारी अधिकारी, जयपुर नगर निगम, सांगानेर को तत्काल कदम उठाने के । लिए एक औपचारिक पत्र लिखिए। 
21, Clean Nagar
11 March 20XX The Executive Officer Jaipur Municipal Corporation Sanganer Sir Sub. : Insanitary Conditions at Clean Nagar, Sanganer. The sweepers of the JMC haven’t been sweeping Clean Nagar, Sanganer for many days. There are heaps of garbage and pools of dirty water. Mosquitoes are breeding. Diseases may spread if any urgent action is not taken. You are kindly requested to take immediate steps to ensure regular cleanliness. 
Thanking you 
Yours faithfully

Question 3. 
You are the Executive Officer, Jaipur Municipal Corporation,Sanganer. Write a reply to Rani/Rajesh ensuring that the sweepers of the area will sweep the area every day. Explain that the sweepers were on strike. 
आप नगर निगम, सांगानेर के कार्यकारी अधिकारी हैं। रानी/राजेश को जवाब लिखिए, यह आश्वासन देते हुए कि उस क्षेत्र के सफाईकर्मी प्रत्येक दिन सफाई करेंगे। स्पष्ट करें कि सफाईकर्मी हड़ताल पर थे। 
The Executive Officer 
Jaipur Municipal Corporation 
12 March 20xx 
Ms Rani/Mr Rajesh 
21 Clean Nagar 
Madam Thanks for your letter of 11 March 20XX. Urgent steps have been taken to ensure cleanliness in your locality-Clean Nagar, Sanganer. From tomorrow, there will be regular sweeping there. The problem arose because the sweepers were on strike. I regret for the inconvenience which has been caused to the people of your area. 
Thanking you 
Yours faithfully 
Executive Officer 

Question 4. 
You are Vinita/Vishnu. Your locality has poor lighting & complete darkness. There may be cases of theft. Write a letter to the Chairman, Municipal Board of your town complaining about poor lighting in your locality. 
आप विमला/विष्णु हैं। आपके क्षेत्र में रोशनी व्यवस्था खराब है तथा पूर्ण अंधेरा रहता है। चोरी की घटना हो सकती है। म्यूनिसिपल बोर्ड के चेअरमैन को अपने क्षेत्र की खराब रोशनी व्यवस्था के बारे में एक पत्र लिखिये।
137 Adarsh Colony 
10 February 20XX 
The Chairman 
Municipal Board 
Sub. : Poor Lighting 
Respectfully I bring to your kind notice about poor lighting in our locality. There are electric poles but no electricity. There is complete darkness at night. There had been many accidents. There may be cases of theft. Our life is in danger. Please look into the matter immediately and do the needful. 
Thanking you 
Yours faithfully 

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