17 Application Writing

Application to formal written request (औपचारिक लिखित प्रार्थना) होती है। यह एक विशेष शैली में लिखी जाती है। इसके द्वारा कुछ करने की permission (अनुमति) माँगी जाती है या कछ करने की। request (प्रार्थना) की जाती है। विद्यालयों में यह अक्सर Headmaster/Headmistress on को लिखी जाती है।.

Format of Application
(प्रार्थना – पत्र का प्रारूप)

Receiver’s Designation…………….
Name of the School ……………
Village/Town/City …………… 
Communication ……………
Courteous Ending ……………
Complimentary Phrase
Name of the Student/Signature
Class ……………

Question 1. 
You are Kailash reading in Govt. Secondary School, Hanspur. Your father has been transferred to import. Write an application to your headmaster requesting him to issue you your transfer certificate (T.C.). You may use following clues: 
(father has been transferred, go to Jalpur,need TC, issue one)
23 Govind Colony
25 April 20XX
The Headmaster
Govt Secondary School
Sub. : For Issuing Transfer certificate
Sir :
With due respects I beg to state that I. am a student of class VIII A, My father works in a Govt. bank. He has been transferred to Bikaner. The whole family will shift there. I have to take admission in a Govt. School. I need my transfer certificate to get admission.
Kindly issue my T.C. and oblige.
Thanking you
Yours Faithfully
Kail ash
Class VIII

Question 2.
Imagine you are Bharat, studying in a Govt. Secondary School, Lanela. You want to play à friendly match of cricket with Class VIII of Govt. Secondary School, Mokala. Write an application to your headmaster to allow you to play a cricket match. You may use the following clues—
(Want to play friendly match, Mokala, Govt. Sec. School, allow to play)
21 August 20XX
The Headmaster
Govt. Secondary School
Sub. : For allowing to play a friendly cricket match.
Respectfully I beg to say that we want to play a friendly cricket match with the students of class VIII of Govt. Secondary School, Mokala. The match will be played on 25 September on our school playground.
Kindly allow us to play this match.
Thanking you
Yours obediently

Question 3.
You are Rukmani/Ramesh. Write an application to your Headmaster, requesting him for admission to Class IX, Govt. Secondary. School, Alwar. You may lise the following clues – (VIII class passed, secured 66%, good player of football, admission IX)
2 July 20XX
The Headmaster
Govt. Secondary School
Most respectfully I beg to say that I have passed VIII class examination this year. I have secured 66% marks. I am a good player of football. I would like to take admission in IX class of your school. Kindly allow me to admit in your school.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Rukmini Ramesh

Question 4. 
You are Rajani/Raju. Your father Is a poor farmer. Write an application to your Headmaster to lend you books from Book-bank.You may use the following clues – (poor farmer, big family, cannot purchase books, well behaved, book bank)
5 July 20XX
The Headmaster
Govt. Upper Primary School
Most respectfully I beg to say that my father is a poor farmer. We have a big family. My father is unable to purchase my books. I am a well-behaved student. Kindly, you are requested to lend me text-books from B ok Bank.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class VIII

Question 5. 
Imagine that you are MalinilMahesh reading in Govt. Maharaja Secondary School, Jaipur. Write an application to your Headmaster for free studentship or grant you full fee-concession. You may use the following discs – (father farmer, not pay fees, good player, secured first positon grant full free studentship)
3 July 20XX
The Headmaster
Govt. Maharaja Sec. School
Most respectfully I beg to say that my father is a poor farmer. I have six sisters. He is unable to pay my fee. I am a good player of football. I got first position in Vll class. I am a well-behaved student. Please grant me free studentship.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class VIII

Question 6. 
Imagine that you are Gomati/Gaurav. Your father is a poor farmer.This year rains have failed. Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to give you some help from the Poor Boys’ Fund. You may use the following clues – (poor student father farmer, six members,
economic help, poor boys fund)
11 July 20XX
The Headmaster
Kamal Upper Primary School
Most respectfully I beg to say that I am a student of your school. My father is a poor farmer. This year rains have failed. There are six members in our family. So my father is unable to pay my school fee. He is also not able to purchase books for me. I request you to give me some help from the Poor Boys’ Fund.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class VIII

Question 7. 
Imagine that you are Geeta/Gopal reading in Agarwal Secondary School, Bikaner. You have some urgent piece of work at your house. Write an application for leave. You may use the following clues –  (urgent piece of work, cannot attend school, grant leave)
9 August 20XX
The Headmaster
Agarwal Secondary School
Respectfully I beg to say that I have some urgent piece of work at my home. So an unable to attend the school. Please grant me leave for two days be from 10 August to 11 August.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class VIII B

Question 8. 
Imagine that you are Ankita/Ankit reading in Shri Jam School, Ajmer. The marriage of your elder sister/brother is on 26 August. Write an application to your Headmaster for four days’ leave. You may use the following clues – 
(marriage elder sister, busy, not able to attend, grant leave four days)
21 August 20XX
The Headmaster
Shri Jam School
Most respectfully I beg to say that the marriage of my elder sister, Vimla, will be held on 26 August. I am busy. So I shall not be able to attend the classes. Kindly grant me leave for four days from 24th August to 27th August.
Thanking you .
Yours obediently
Class VIII.

Question 9. 
Imagine you are Shreyaf Sunil reading in Govt. Secondary School, Alwar. You have been Ill for the last two days. Write an application to your Headmaster for three days’ leave. You may use the following clues (ill last two days, cannot attend, grant leave 2 days, and oblige)
23 August 20XX
The Headmaster
Govt. Secondary School
Respectfully I beg to say that I have been ill from the last two days. So I cannot attend my classes. Kindly grant me leave for three days from
23 August to 25 August.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class VIII B

Question 10. 
You are Nazama/Naved. Your right hand bone fractured while playing football. Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to grant you leave for ten days. You may use the following clues – (playing football fractured, cannot attend,grant leave)
9 December 20XX
The Headmaster
AgarwalSec. School
Most respectfully beg to say that yesterday evening as I was playing football on the school playground, my right hand bone fractured. I cannot attend the classes. Kindly grant me leave for ten days i.e. from 9 December to 18 December.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class VIII.

Question 11. 
Imagine you are Anamika/Ankit, a student of class VIII at Government Secondary School, Jaipur. Write an application to the Headmaster of your school to issue you a railway concession warrant. You may take help from the following :
(i) Your parents live in Ajmer.
(ii) You want to join them in summer vacations.
(iii) You shall travel to Ajmer by train.
(iv) You need a railway concessiOn.
(v) Request the Headmaster to issue a railway concession warrant.
15 May 20XX
The Headmaster
Government Secondary School
Most respectfully I beg to say that I shall go to Ajmer to join my parents in the coming summer vacations. I shall travel to that place by railway train. So please issue me a student railway concession warrant.
Thanking you 
Yours obediently
Class VIII

Question 12. 
Imagine you are AnjanalAniruddh, a student of Government Secondary School, Bassi (Jalpur). Write an application to the Headmaster of your school to issue you the character certificate. You may take clue from the following:
(i) The class of which you are a student.
(ii) You are applying for a merit scholarship.
(iii You need a character certificate to submit it there.
(iv) Request for issuing you a character certificate.
2 July 20XX
The Headmaster
Government Secondary School
Bassi (Jaipur)
Most respectfully I beg to say that I am a student of class VIII of your school. I am applying for a merit scholarship. I need a character certificate from the head of my present school to submit it there. So kindly issue me a character certificate.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class VIII

Question 13.
Imagine you are Anuprlya/Anil, a student of Class VIII Section ‘B’ of Government Secondary School, Sikar. Write an application to the Headmistress of your school to change your section from ‘B’ to ‘A’. You may take clues from the following :
(i) You secured more than 60% marks in class VIl.
(ii) All the students scuñng 60% marks in class VII have been promoted to Section ‘A’ of class VIII.
(iii) You wish to compete among such students.
(iv) Request for a change of your section from ‘B’ to ‘A’.
ii July 20XX
The Headinistrešs
Government Secondary School
Most respectfully I beg to say that I obtained more than 60% marks in class VII. All the students who secured 60% marks. have been promoted to section ‘A’ of class VIII. I wish to compete among those students. Would you change my section from Viii B to VIII-A and oblige.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Annual Anil
Class VIII B

Question 14. 
Your studies arc affected due to the lock down during Corona Pandemic, as the monitor of your class write an application to the headmaster of your school to arrange extra classes for major subjects, as your board exams are on head.
The Headmaster 
Govt. Secondary School
Govindgarh (Jaipur)
Our school is opened very late this year. Studies of my class are affected due to lock down during Corona Pandemic. You are requested to arrange extra classes for major subjects like Mathematics. Science and English. I shall be thankful to you.
Yours obediently
Class VIII-A

Question 15. 
Suppose that you are Anita/Amit. You were a student of Adarsh Vidya Mandir, Jaipur. You had your transfer certificate issued by the school. But you lost It. Write an application to the Head- master of the concerned school to issue you a duplicate transfer certificate. You may Lake help of the following clues :
(i) Student of class VIII during 20XX – 20XX.
(ii) Passed class VIII in I Division.
(iii) Got the Transfer Certificate but lost it.
(iv) Need it to take admission to class IX.
3 July 20XX
The Headmaster
Adarsh Vidya Mandir
I was a student of class VIII in your school during 20XX-20XX. I passed class VIII in the first division. I had got my transfer certificate from the school. But it was lost. Now please issue me a duplicate copy of that transfer certificate. It is needed to take admission ‘to class IX. I shall be highly obliged to you.
With humble regards
Yours obediently
Class VIII

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