6 Vocabulary Suitable Words

रिक्त स्थानों में suitable words भरवाने के अन्तर्गत प्रायः Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Adverb, Verb, Phrase आदि शब्दों को सम्मिलित किया जाता है। इस प्रकार के प्रश्न में कुछ वाक्य दिये जाते हैं, जिनमें कुछ रिक्त स्थान होते हैं। रिक्त स्थान में भरने के लिए इन वाक्यों के ऊपर ही कुछ शब्द दिये गये होते हैं। इन शब्दों में से परिस्थिति के अनुसार उचित शब्द रिक्त स्थानों में भरने होते हैं।

Exercise – 1.

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. 

बॉक्स में दिए गए शब्दों से रिक्त स्थान भरिए। 

hermit, bleeding, wise, spade, necessary 

1. Many………………..men came to the king, but they all answered his questions differently.
2. The.. ……………lived in a wood which he never left. 
3. Let me take the…………………and work in your place.
4. The king re-dressed the wound until at : last the………………..stopped. 
5. The most………………..person is the person you are with at a particular moment.
1. wise 
2. hermit 
3. spade 
4. bleeding 
5. necessary 

Exercise – 2.

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. 

बॉक्स में दिये गए शब्दों से रिक्त स्थान भरिए।

claws, leathery, kind, scientifically,gazed

1. People are always telling us to be………………..to animals. 
2. A close relative, …………….. speaking, of none other than the lion. 
3. He had just been sharpening his……………….on the edge of the coconut shell. 
4. A gold chain gleamed around his………………..neck. 
5. The beggar opened his eyes very wide and………………at each of the children one by one.
1. kind 
2. scientifically 
3. claws 
4. leathery 
5. gazed 

Exercise – 3.

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. 

बॉक्स में दिए गए शब्दों से रिक्त स्थान भरिए |

crazy, greedy, courtier, titbets, whinning 

1. Are you a……………….or a fisherman? 
2. I think it’s one of his……………….jokes. 
3. The kind people fed the pet with………………..of fish from their own chopsticks, and all the boiled rice it wanted. 
4. But the dog kept on……………….and running to and fro for some minutes. 
5. “Quick, wife, hand me the spade and hoe!” Cried the……………… old fool, as he densed with joy.
1. courtier 
2. crazy 
3. titbits 
4. whinning 
5. greedy 

Exercise – 4.

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. 

बॉक्स में दिए गए शब्दों से रिक्त स्थान भरिए।

hardships, months, brother, tiptap, rent : 

1. He lived with his elder………………in his shop
2. I would hear the………………..of his slippers going up the stairs; to his dream of boots. 
3. It was the only time I ever heard him discuss the conditions and…………… of his trade. 
4. It was many………………. before my next visit to his shop. 
5. All went in …………….. and leather.
1. brother 
2. tiptap 
3. hardships 
4. months 
5. rent 

Exercise – 5.

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. 

बॉक्स में दिये शब्दों से निम्न रिक्त स्थान भरें।

restaurant, such, knocked, why,impression 

1. He told me that he had……..loudly on Mr. Nath’s door that evening and said, “Open the door quickly, Mr.Nath. 
2. I went down to the……………… where Ramesh works and talked to him. 
3. He can’t be such a bad man if he gives Ramesh ……………….. generous tips. 
4. I want to know ……………….. he doesn’t have any friends and lives alone. 
5. My theories seemed to have made no ……….. ….. on him at all.
1. knocked 
2. restaurant 
3. such 
4. why 
5. impression 

Exercise – 6.

asleep, slipped, little, camels, arrangements 

1. My first rank……………..to the second. 
2. The other ………………. were left to Nikhil.
3. After dinner, everybody soon fell
4. I want two whole
1. slipped 
2. arrangements 
3. asleep 
4. camels 

Exercise – 7.

problem, breathtaking, drink, rock, rapidly

1. It was indeed a … ………………. view. 
2. The ………………. looks like a toad. 
3. This is a very easy …… 
4. The smaller desert animals do not…………. water.
1. breathtaking 
2. rock 
3. problem 
4. drink 


harmless, earned, worse, destiny, daughters 

1. He sent his …………… to school. 
2. I am pleased with you, but I cannot change your ……………. 
3. He………………his money by cutting wood and selling it in the market. 
4. This was………than dying a thousand deaths. 
1. daughters 
2. destiny 
3. earned 
4. worse

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