8 Vocabulary Prefix and Suffix

भाषा में शब्द भण्डार की वृद्धि के उद्देश्य की पूर्ति एवं भाषा को प्रभावी बनाने के लिए prefix and suffix का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Prefix की परिभाषा – यह शब्द का एक set (set of word) है जो कि किसी अन्य शब्द के आगे लगाया जाता है, इस कारण उस शब्द का अर्थ बदल जाता है।
Suffix की परिभाषा – किसी मूल शब्द के अन्त में शब्द का एक set (set of word) लगाया जाता है जिससे एक नये शब्द का निर्माण होता है। यह उस शब्द का व्याकरण के उद्देश्य से भी कार्य बदल देता है। हम इन्हें निम्नानुसार समझेंगे

पाठ्यक्रम में आए कुछ महत्त्वपूर्ण Prefix 

RBSE Class 7 English Vocabulary Prefix and Suffix 1

आपके शब्द भण्डार की वृद्धि हेतु निम्न prefix दिए जा रहे हैं-anti, extra, non, post, mis, un, under, co, over, mid, pro, auto आदि। इनके उदाहरण निम्न प्रकार से हैंanti+social = antisocial, extra+curricular = extracurricular, non+sense = nonsense,post+mortem = postmortem, mis+take = mistake, un+friend = unfriend, under+water = underwater, co+worker = coworker, over + joyed = overjoyed, mid+night = midnight, pro+gress = progress, auto+mobile = automobile.

पाठ्यक्रम के अनुसार महत्त्वपूर्ण Suffix 

RBSE Class 7 English Vocabulary Prefix and Suffix 4

आपके शब्द भण्डार की वृद्धि हेतु निम्न suffix दिए जा रहे हैं —
cover+age = coverage, annoy+ance = annoyance, faith+ful = faithful, coward+ice = cowardice, fool+ish = foolish, act+ive = active, use+less = useless, develop+ment = development, happy+ness = happiness, city+zen = citizen, body+ly = bodily, abduct+or = abductor, laugh+er = laughter, act+or = actor, him+self = himself, who+ever = whoever.

Exercise – 1.

Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets using correct prefix and suffix. 

कोष्ठकों में दिए गए शब्दों के सही prefix and suffix का प्रयोग करते हुए रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए।

1. The king, therefore, sent messengers through out his ………………. (king) 
2. They all answered his questions (different) 
3. The king notice all that was going on, avoid …………….. pleasures. (fool) 
4. He breathed …………. ……. (heavy) 
5. I will serve you as your most ……………… servant. (faith) 
6. So he was the most important man, and what you did for him was your most important …………. (busy) 
7. He shrieked, very pleased with (him) 
8. Her elbows jutting out and her eyes glazed with ……………… (concentrate)
9. Lalli stumbled behind him on her violin, which looked quite ………….. and unhappy in her hands.. (help) 
10. The music master came out of the house and took an ……………. look at the three of them. (appreciative) 
11. You can’t possibly go out in those ……………. rags. (graceful) 
12. Gopal, congratulations! you have achieved the ……………… once again. (possible) 
13. How …………… my home are! (beauty) 
14. I was …………… of my legs. (shamed) 
15. As for the dog, they petted him till they nearly smothered him with ………. (kind) 
1. kingdom 
2. differently 
3. foolish 
4. heavily
5. faithful 
6. business 
7. himself 
8. concentration 
9. helpless 
10. unappreciative 
11. disgraceful 
12. impossible 
13. beautiful 
14. ashamed 
15. kindness. 

Exercise – 2. 

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the brackets using correct prefix and suffix.

कोष्ठकों में दिए गए शब्दों के सही prefix and suffix का प्रयोग करते हुए रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति करों।

1. He mourned a great while over his pet, calling him many dear names, as if he were ………………. (live) 
2. …………… the whole mass turned into a heap of gold coins. (sudden) 
3. You should be …………… that our neighbours did not grow coconuts. (thank) 
4. I remember well my shy …………… (marks) 
5. I never heard him discuss the conditions and …………….. of his trade. (hard)
6. And soon after that I went ………… (broad) 
7. Never gave ………… time to eat. (him) 
8. Nishad looked ……………. (appointed) 
9. School was to have ……………… after the summer holidays. (opened) 
10. I thought I’d spend the time ……………. (useful) 
11. The tenants at Shankar House say he’s mad, strange and …………. (friendly) 
12. “I don’t care”, said Nishad ………. (stubborn) 
13. Fire was ……………… and dangerous and he was frightened. (power) 
14. We now know that fire is the result of chemical … (action)
15. And we spend more trying to find new ways of …………… fires from happening and getting out of control. (venting) 
1. alive 
2. suddenly 
3. thankful 
4. remarks 
5. hardships 
6. abroad 
7. himself 
8. disappointed
9. reopened 
10. usefully 
11. unfriendly 
12. stubbornly 
13. powerful 
14. reaction 
15. inventing.

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