Chapter 9 Urban Livelihoods

Chapter 9 Urban Livelihoods 1. Read and discuss the following description of the living conditions of workers who come to the labour chowk. Most workers that we find at the labour chowk cannot afford permanent accomodation and sleep on pavements near the chowk, or they pay Rs. 6 a night for a bed at a nearby […]

Chapter 8 Rural Livelihoods

Chapter 8 Rural Livelihoods 1. You have probably noticed that people in Kalpattu are engaged in a variety of non­farm work. List five of these. Ans: Making baskets, utensils, pots, bricks bullock-carts, etc. Teaching Washing clothes Weaving Repairing cycle. 2. List the different types of people you read about in Kalpattu who depend on farming. […]

Chapter 7 Urban Administration

Chapter 7 Urban Administration 1. Why did the children go to Yasmin Khala’s house? Ans: The children broke the street-light while playing cricket. As its replacement was beyond their reach, they were very much upset. They didn’t know whom did the street light belong to. They went to Rehana’s mother who gave them the knowledge that […]

Chapter 6 Rural Administration

Chapter 6 Rural Administration 1. What is the work of the police? Ans: Work of the Police: To maintain law and order in its area. To register cases of thefts, accidents, injuries, fights etc. To inquire, investigate, and take action on the cases within its area.  2. List two things that the work of a Patwari […]

Chapter 5 Panchayati raj

Chapter 5 Panchayati raj 1. What problem did the villagers in Hardas village face? What did they do to solve this problem? Ans: The villagers in Hardas village faced the problem of drinking water shortage. They did the following tasks to solve this problem: They deepened the two hand pumps. They cleaned one well. They sought […]

Chapter 4 Key Elements of a Democratic Government

Chapter 4 Key Elements of a Democratic Government 1. How would Maya’s life be different in South Africa today? Ans: Maya’s life would be different in South Africa today in the following manner: She can use roads, buses, and railway trains as others do without any discrimination. She can attend hotels and restaurants. She can use […]

Chapter 3 What is Government

Chapter 3 What is Government 1. What do you understand by the word ‘government’? List five ways in which you think the government effects your daily life. Ans:  By the word, ‘government’ we understand that the organisation which takes decisions and makes laws for the citizens of a country is the government. The five ways in […]

Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination

Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination 1. Match the following statements in a way that challenges stereotypes: Ans:  (a).3.Remark. Many people have formed a stereotype that people living in cities or having influential jobs like surgeon are busy and do not give time to their family. But this example proves that feelings for the family are universal […]

Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity 1. Draw up a list of the different festivals celebrated in your locality. Which of these celebrations are shared by members of different regional and religious communities? Ans: Festivals shared by different regional and religious communities are: Independence Day Republic Day Gandhi Jayanti These are our national festivals, so every Indian celebrates […]
