Chapter 9 Peace

Chapter 9 Peace Textbook Questions Solved Question 1. Do you think that a change towards a peaceful world, needs a change in the way people think? Can mind promote peace and is it enough to focus only on the human mind? Answer: A thought process of persons requires a positive attitude to promote peace because […]

Chapter 8 Secularism

Chapter 8 Secularism Textbook Questions Solved Question 1. Which of the following do you feel are compatible with the idea of secularism? Give reasons. (a) Absence of domination of one religious group by another. (b) Recognition of a state religion. (c) Equal state support to all religions. (d) Mandatory prayers in schools. (e) Allowing separate […]

Chapter 7 Nationalism

Chapter 7 Nationalism Textbook Questions Solved Question 1. How is a nation different from other forms of collective belonging? Answer: A nation is not only a collection of people and it differs from other groups found in society: A state is different from a family which is based on direct personal interaction of people living […]

Chapter 6 Citizenship

Chapter 6 Citizenship Textbook Questions Solved Question 1. Citizenship as full and equal membership of a political community involves both rights and obligations. Which rights could citizens expect to enjoy in most democratic state today? What kind of obligation will they have to their state and fellow citizens? Answer: Citizenship refers to a full and […]

Chapter 5 Rights

Chapter 5 Rights Textbook Questions Solved Question 1. What are rights and why are they important? What are the bases on which claims to rights can be made? Answer: Rights are: An entitlement to do as a citizen, individual or human being. Something that the society must recognise as being a legitimate claim to be […]

Chapter 4 Social Justice

Chapter 4 Social Justice Textbook Questions Solved Question 1. What does it mean to give each person his/her due? How has the meaning of “giving each his due” changed over time? Answer: To give each person his/her due ensures the well-being of the people or equal importance should be given to all people, i.e. a […]

Chapter 3 Equality

Chapter 3 Equality Textbook Questions Solved Question 1. Some people argue that inequality is natural while others maintain that it is equality which is natural and the inequalities which we notice around us are created by the society. Which view do you support? Give reasons. Answer: Natural inequalities: These inequalities emerge due to differences in […]

Chapter 2 Freedom

Chapter 2 Freedom Textbook Questions Solved Question 1. What is meant by freedom? Is there a relationship between freedom for the individual and freedom for the nation? Answer: Freedom refers to do all those things which do not harm to others and, are essential for a person’s own development. There is a close relationship between […]

Chapter 1 Political Theory: An Introduction

Chapter 1 Political Theory: An Introduction Textbook Questions Solved Questions 1. Which of the following statements are true/false about Political Theory? (a) It discusses ideas that form the basis of political institutions. (b) It explains the relationship between different religions. (c) It explains the meanings of concepts like equality and freedom. (d) It predicts the […]
