Poem 9 Garden Snake

Poem 9 Garden Snake Textbook Questions and Answers Working with the Poem Question 1. Answer the following questions :  निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए :  (i) Pick out the line that suggests that the child is afraid of snakes.  कविता में से उस पंक्ति को चुनिए जो यह बताती है कि बच्चा साप से डरा […]

Poem 8 Meadow Surprises

Poem 8 Meadow Surprises Textbook Questions and Answers Working with the Poem  Question 1. Read the lines in which the following phrases occur. Then discuss with your partner the meaning of each phrase in its context. उन पंक्तियों को पढ़िए जिनमें निम्न वाक्यांश आए हैं। तब आप अपने साथी से इसके सन्दर्भ में प्रत्येक वाक्यांश […]

Poem 7 Dad and the Cat and the Tree

Poem 7 Dad and the Cat and the Tree Textbook Questions and Answers Working with the Poem  Question 1.  Why was Dad sure he wouldn’t fall?  पापा को इस बात का विश्वास क्यों था कि वे नीचे नहीं गिरेंगे? Answer: Dad was sure that he wouldn’t fall because according to him he was a good […]

Poem 6 Mystery of the Talking Fan

Poem 6 Mystery of the Talking Fan Textbook Questions and Answers Working with the Poem  Question 1.  Fans don’t talk, but it is possible to imagine that they do. What is it, then, that sounds like the fan’s chatter?  पंखे बात नहीं करते हैं, मगर यह कल्पना करना संभव है कि वे बात करते हैं। […]

Poem 5 Trees

Poem 5 Trees Textbook Questions and Answers Working with the Poem  Question 1.  What are the games or human activities which use trees, or in which trees also ‘participate’? वे कौनसे खेल या मानव गतिविधियाँ हैं जिनमें वृक्षों का उपयोग किया जाता है या जिनमें वृक्ष भी भाग लेते हैं?  Answer: Trees are involved in […]

Poem 4 Chivvy

Poem 4 Chivvy Textbook Questions and Answers Working with the Poem  1. Discuss these questions in small groups before you answer them.  इन प्रश्नों का उत्तर देने से पहले आप इन्हें छोटे समूह में चर्चा करें।  (i) When is a grown-up likely to say this? “Don’t talk with your mouth full”.  एक बड़ा व्यक्ति आपको […]

Poem 3 The Shed

Poem 3 The Shed Textbook Questions and Answers Working with the Poem  1. Answer the following questions :  निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए (i) Who is the speaker in the poem? कविता में बोलने वाला कौन है?  Answer: The speaker in the poem is a child.  कविता में बोलने वाला एक बच्चा है।  (ii) Is […]

Poem 2 The Rebel

Poem 2 The Rebel Textbook Questions and Answers Working with the Poem  1. Answer the following questions :  (i) If someone doesn’t wear a uniform to school, what do you think that the teacher will say?  यदि कोई विद्यालय में विद्यालय पोशाक धारण करके नहीं आता आप क्या सोचते हैं कि शिक्षक क्या कहेंगे?  Answer: […]

Poem 1 The Squirrel

Poem 1 The Squirrel Textbook Questions and Answers Working with the Poem  Question 1.  Why does the poet say that the squirrel “wore a question mark for tail”? Draw a squirrel, or find a picture of a squirrel sitting on the ground. How would you describe its tail? कवयित्री यह क्यों कहती है कि गिलहरी […]

Chapter 10 The Story of Cricket

Chapter 10 The Story of Cricket Textbook Questions and Answers Working with the Text  Question 1.  Name some stick-and-ball games that you have witnessed or heard of  छड़ी और गेंद से खेले जाने वाले कुछ खेलों के नाम लिखिए जिनको आपने देखा हो या सुना हो।  Answer: Polo. Hockey, golf etc.  Question 2.  The Parsis […]
