6. Framing Questions and Question Tags
Framing Questions
अंग्रेजी में प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य केवल दो प्रकार से ही शुरू होते हैं- .
(1) Helping Verb (सहायक क्रिया से)-जैसे is, are, am, was, were, has, have, had, will, shall, can, may, do, does, did आदि से।
(2) Question Word (प्रश्नवाचक शब्द से)-जैसे what, when, why, where, who, how आदि शब्दों से। इन दोनों का वर्णन निम्न प्रकार है
Section – A
Helping Verb (सहायक क्रिया) से प्रारम्भ होने वाले प्रश्न
Golden Rules
Rule : 1 : यदि दिया गया उत्तर Yes अथवा No से आरम्भ हो रहा हो तो प्रश्न आवश्यक रूप से Helping Verb से ही बनाया जायेगा। अन्यथा परीक्षक महोदय के निर्देशानुसार प्रश्न का निर्माण किया जायेगा।
Rule : 2 : उत्तर में Yes या No दिया होने पर प्रश्न बनाते समय उन्हें हटा दो।
Rule : 3 :
(i) यदि Ans. में (अर्थात् Paper में) वाक्य में I अथवा We हो तो उसका 0. बनाने में You कर दो।
(ii) यदि Ans. में You हो तो I या We कर दो लेकिन परीक्षा में तुम I करो। ये निम्न प्रकार बदलो
पेपर में दिया हुआ हो — तो Q. में करो
I या We — You
my या our — Your
me या.us — You
you — I या we
Your — my या our
you — me या us
Rule : 4 : यदि Ans. में (अर्थात् Paper में) वाक्य में कोई Helping Verb (H.V.) दिया हो तो उस H.V. को (यदि आवश्यक हो तो change करके) वाक्य के आरम्भ में रख दो और पूरा वाक्य ज्यों का त्यों उतार दो, कोई शब्द छोड़ो मत। (Pronoun यदि आवश्यक हो तो Rule : 3 : के अनुसार बदलो।)
Question बनाने में काम आने वाले मुख्य Helping Verbs हैं-is, are, am, was, were, has, have, had, will, shall, can, may, do, does, did.
Ans. 1. His father is a farmer.
Q. Is his father a farmer?
Ans. 2. I can speak English.
Q. Can you speak English?
Ans. 3. I am reading a book.
Q. Are you reading a book?
Ans. 4. I have done my homework.
Q. Have you done your homework?
Ans. 5. They will play football.
Q. Will they play football?
Ans. 6. Babita has cooked food.
Q. Has Babita cooked food?
Rule : 5 : यदि Ans. में कोई H.V. नहीं हो तो अपनी तरफ से आवश्यकतानुसार Do, does या did (Tense के हिसाब से) से आरम्भ करो।
विशेष नोट-
(1) यदि Ans. Present Tense में हो तो Do से वाक्य आरम्भ करो।
(2) यदि Ans. के मुख्य Verb में -s या -es लगा हो तो Q. Does से आरम्भ होगा और मुख्य Verb में से -s या -es हटा दो।
(3) यदि Ans. Past Tense में हो तो Did से Q. आरम्भ करो। वाक्य में Verb की I Form आयेगी।
Examples :
Ans. 1. They go to school.
Q. Do they go to school?
Ans. 2. I play football in the evening.
Q. Do you play football in the evening?
Ans. 3. He runs on the road.
Q. Does he run on the road?
Ans. 4. Sita saw a snake in the room.
Q. Did Sita see a snake in the room?
Main Verb में से H.V. निकालने के सूत्र .
(i) I form = do (H.V.) + I form
go = do (H.V.) + go
(ii) I form + -s या -es = does (H.V.) + I form
goes = does (H.V.) + go
(iii) II form = did (H.V.) + I form
went = did (H.V.) + go
Rule : 6 : वाक्य में यदि not दिया हो तो not अवश्य ही हटेगा।
1. No, I am not a weaver.
Q. Are you a weaver?
स्पष्टीकरण – (1) No को हटा दिया।
(2) I के साथ am ठीक है किन्तु Q. में I को you में बदलेंगे, you के साथ Present Tense में ‘are’ आता है, इसलिए H.V. ‘Are’ से आरम्भ किया।
(Are …………….)
(3) .’I’ Pronoun को ‘you’ में बदल दिया। (Are you ……………)
(4) ‘not’ दिया हुआ है, इसलिए ‘not’ को हटा दिया।
(5) शेष वाक्य उतार दिया। (Are you a weaver)
(6) अंत में प्रश्नवाचक-चिन्ह (?) लगा दिया।
Are you a weaver?
2. No, my father is not a doctor.
Q. Is your father a doctor?
3. Yes, I saw your sister.
Q. Did you see my sister?
4. Yes, I know him.
Q. Do you know him?
5. No, my brother does not live in this house.
Q. Does your brother live in this house?
6. Yes, Sita wrote a story for your brother.
Q. Did Sita write a story for my brother?
7. No, she does not cook food in the evening.
Q. Does she cook food in the evening?
विशेष : जब do मुख्य verb हो
पहचान : मुख्य verb के बाद कोई दूसरा verb नहीं आता है, जैसेI
play football.
She cooks food.
You wrote a letter.
उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में play, cooks, wrote के बाद कोई दूसरा verb नहीं है, अतः ये मुख्य verb हैं।
इसी प्रकार, I do my work.
She did her homework.
Hari does his work.
उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में do, did, does के बाद कोई दूसरा verb नहीं है अतः ये यहाँ मुख्य verb हैं।
Q. Framing में मुख्य verb के अनुसार Helping Verb do, does, did आवश्यकतानुसार लगाते हैं। अतः do, does, did यदि मुख्य verb हैं तो Q. Framing में अपनी ओर से do, did, does Helping verb और लगाने पड़ते हैं और मुख्य verb के रूप में do, does, did को हटाकर do लगाते हैं। जैसे
1. Students do their homework.
Q. Do students do their homework?
(नोट-पहला Do – helping verb है एवं दूसरा do मुख्य verb है।)
Ans. 2. She does her homework.
Q. Does she do her homework?
Ans. 3. Raju did his homework.
Q. Did Raju do his homework?
Have का प्रयोग
यदि Have main verb है तो प्रश्न बनाने के लिए have = do + have, has = does + have तथा had = did + have सूत्र काम आयेगा। जैसे
Ans. Yes, he has a new motor-cycle.
Q. Does he have a new motor-cycle?
Ans. No, I have no time to wait.
Q. Do you have any time to wait?
Ans. No, Rama had no chocolates.
Q. Did Rama have any chocolates?
यदि Have का प्रयोग H.V. के रूप में किया गया है तो प्रश्न Has/Have या Had से आरम्भ होगा!
Ans. Yes, I have done my work.
Q. Have you done your work?
Ans. Yes, he has come home.
Q. Has he come home?
Ans. Yes, he had sold his house before he came here.
Q. Had he sold his house before he came here?
Section – B (Wh-Type)
Table of Question Word (Wh-समूह)
वे प्रश्न जिनके उत्तर Yes या No में नहीं होते और जो किसी भी तरह की सूचना (information) देते हैं उनके प्रश्न किसी Question word (wh- समूह) से बनाये जाते हैं। Wh-group में आने वाले Question words तथा उनका अर्थ तथा प्रयोग किये जाने का क्षेत्र नीचे Table में बतलाया गया है |
Who से Q. Frame करना
Golden Rule : Who से यदि Q. बनाना हो तो प्रश्न-पत्र में दिये गये वाक्य के कर्ता (Subject) को हटा दो और उस शब्द के स्थान पर Who लगा दो और पूरा वाक्य ज्यों का त्यों उतार दो, कोई भी | शब्द छोड़ो मत; जैसे
Ans. 1. Ramesh and Vimla will go to school today.
Q. Who will go to school today?
1. Ramesh and Vimla वाक्य के आरम्भ में कर्ता (subject) हैं, इन्हें हटाकर Who कर दिया।
2. H.V.-will दिया है, उसे वहीं रहने दो।
3. शेष वाक्यांश उतार दो।
Ans. 2. Mohan went to school.
Q. Who went to school?
1. ‘Mohan’ वाक्य के आरम्भ में है (subject है), इसे हटाकर Who कर दिया।
2. H.V. नहीं दिया है तो अपनी तरफ से भी मत लगाओ।
3. शेष वाक्यांश उतार दो।
Ans. 3. I was looking at this book.
Q. Who was looking at this book’
Ans. 4. They were playing football.
Q. Who were playing football?
Ans. 5. Sita killed a snake.
Q. Who killed a snake?
Ans. 6. Your friends taught me such foolish things.
Q. Who taught you such foolish things?
Whose से Q. Frame करना
यदि Whose से Q. बनाना हो तो प्रश्न-पत्र में दिए हुए Ans. में Pronoun का संबंध कारक | और उसके तुरन्त बाद कोई Noun अवश्य होगा। Pronoun का संबंध कारक ये हैं-my, our, your, his, her, their.
प्रश्न की रचना-Question word + HV + S + Main verb + … ?
eg. Whose car + did + she + purchase?
Golden Rules
Rule: 1: Pronoun की सम्बन्ध कारक को Whose बनाकर 0. के आरम्भ में रख दो, ध्यान रहे,
pronoun की सम्बन्ध कारक के साथ जो Noun आया है, वह Noun भी Whose केसाथ आयेगा।
Rule: 2: Whose + Noun के तुरन्त बाद आवश्यकतानुसार H.V. आयेगा।
Rule: 3: अब शेष वाक्य उतार दो।
Ans. 1. She purchased your car yesterday.
Q. Whose car did she purchase yesterday?
Ans. 2. I know her sister.
Q Whose sister do you know?
Ans. 3. He respects your mother.
Q. Whose mother does he respect?
Ans. 4. He killed my dog.
Q. Whose dog did he kill?
Ans. 5. I do not know Ram’s house.
Q. Whose house do you not know?
Ans. 6. You purchased Rita’s scooter.
Q. Whose scooter did I purchase?
पहचान-यदि Whom से Q. बनाना हो तो verb के तुरन्त बाद कोई Noun (व्यक्ति का नाम) अथवा Pronoun अवश्य दिया होगा।
Golden Rules
Rule: 1: Verb के तुरन्त बाद वाले Noun (व्यक्ति) अथवा Pronoun को Whom …….. बना दो।।
Rule : 2 : Whom के तुरन्त बाद आवश्यकतानुसार H.V. लगा दो।
Rule: 3: इसके बाद शेष वाक्य उतार दो।
Ans. 1. I saw Sita in the garden.
Q. Whom did you see in the garden’?
Ans. 2. The teacher punished your brother today.
Q. Whom did the teacher punish today?
Ans. 3. Your sister was talking with a ¡flan.
Q. Whom was my sister talking with?
With whom was my sister talking?
Ans. 4. I like him.
Q. Whom do you like?
Ans. 5. You respect my teacher.
Q. Whom do I respect?
Ans. 6. He was looking at Vimla.
Q. Whom was he looking at?
At whom was he looking?
Golden Rules
Rule : 1 : Verb के तुरन्त बाद वाले Noun को What बना दो।
Rule : 2 : What के तुरन्त बाद आवश्यकतानुसार H.V. लगाओ।
Rule : 3 : शेष वाक्यांश उतार दो
Rule : 4 : Pronoun यदि हो , तो नियमानुसार बदलो
Ans. 1. He wrote a letter to his sister.
Q. What did he write to his sister?
Ans. 2. Mr. Gupta teaches us English.
Q. What does Mr. Gupta teach you?
Ans. 3. Tulsidas has written “The Ramcharit Manas’.
Q. What has Tulsidas written?
Ans. 4. Seema was afraid of thieves.
Q. What was Seema afraid of?
Ans. 5. We want to learn how to prepare tea.
Q. What do you want to learn?
Ans. 6. They are studying History.
Q. What are they studying?
Ans. 7. I was playing football in the evening.
Q. What were you playing in the evening?
यदि verb के बाद Noun न हो तो verb के स्थान पर do लगा दो।
Ans. I am playing.
Q. What are you doing?
पहचान-‘Where’ (कहाँ)-स्थानसूचक शब्द है। यदि Where से Q. बनाना हो तो वाक्य में स्थान-सूचक शब्द अवश्य ही दिया हुआ होगा।
स्थान-सूचक शब्द, कुछ ये हैं-school, garden, house, किसी नगर का अथवा देश का नाम
(Jaipur, Kota, Mumbai, India, England, The U.S.A. ……….), cinema, circus, tree, table ……….., hospital, shop ……….. आदि।
Golden Rules
Rule : 1 : दिये हुए वाक्य में स्थान-सूचक शब्द को ‘Where’ बना दो।
Rule : 2 : Where के तुरन्त बाद H.V. नियमानुसार रख दो।
Rule : 3 : शेष वाक्य पूरा उतार दो।
Ans. 1. I sleep on the roof.
Q. Where do you sleep?
Ans. 2. You live at Mahesh Nagar.
Q. Where do I live?
Ans. 3. She went to Agra.
Q. Where did she go?
Ans. 4. Sita will go to school on foot.
Q. Where will Sita go (to) on foot?
Ans. 5. You can find it in the box.
Q. Where can I find it?
Ans. 6. I am going to the library.
Q. Where are you going?
पहचान-‘When’ समय-सूचक शब्द है। यदि ‘When’ से Q. बनाना है तो समय-सूचक शब्द अवश्य ही दिया होता है। समय-सूचक शब्दों में कुछ ये हैं-घड़ी का समय (जैसे-7 बजे, 10 बजे), दिन अथवा दिनों का नाम (Monday, Friday आदि), महीने का नाम (जैसे-March, June), सन् (जैसे सन् 2015, 2020, …..), वर्ष (Two years….), yesterday, tomorrow…… आदि।
Golden Rules
Rule : 1 : समय-सूचक शब्द को When बना दो।
Rule : 2 : When के तुरन्त बाद आवश्यकतानुसार H.V. लगा दो।
Rule : 3 : अब शेष वाक्य उतार दो।
Ans. 1. Sita sleeps at eleven o’clock.
Q. When does Sita sleep?
Ans. 2. The Bikaner Mail reaches Delhi at 7 a.m.
Q. When does the Bikaner Mail reach Delhi?
Ans. 3. He will go to Ajmer tomorrow.
Q. When will he go to Ajmer?
Ans. 4. I met the teacher yesterday.
Q. When did you meet the teacher?
Ans. 5. You take tea in the morning.
Q. When do I take tea?
Ans. 6. Our examination started on 10 March.
Q. When did your examination start?
Golden Rules
Rule : 1 : Why से Q. आरम्भ करो।
Rule : 2 : आवश्यक H.V. लगाओ।
Rule : 3 : वाक्य के बीच में to + verb की I Form, because, if, ….. आदि हों तो इन्हें तथा इनके | बाद वाले सभी शब्दों को हटा दो।
Rule : 4 : अंत में प्रश्नवाचक चिह्न लगा दो।
Ans. 1. I went to school to teach the students.
Q. Why did you go to school?
Ans. 2. I went to hospital because I was suffering from fever.
Q. Why did you go to hospital?
Ans. 3. We work hard to pass.
Q. Why do you work hard?
Ans. 4. His father returned to the city to join his duty in the office.
Q. Why did his father return to the city?
Ans. 5. I sold my old house to pay off my debt.
Q. Why did you sell your old house?
Ans. 6. My mother punished me because I had broken the chair.
Q. Why did your mother punish you?
Ans. 7. I went to your house to attend your birthday party.
Q. Why did you go to my house?
अर्थ – Which का अर्थ है-कौनसा। इसका प्रयोग Subject के रूप में भी हो सकता है और Object के रूप में भी। इसके साथ इससे सम्बन्धित संज्ञा (Noun) का प्रयोग होता है।
Ans. 1. Sumán is more beautiful of the two girls.
Q. Which of the two girls is more beautiful?
Ans. 2. Anita is the youngest of all the girls.
Q. Which of the girls is the youngest?
Object के रूप में
Ans. 1. I like mango most.
Q. Which fruit do you like most?
Ans. 2. My sister goes to a government school.
Q. Which school does your sister go to?
Ans. 3. I like the red shirt most.
Q. Which shirt do you like most?
Ans. 4. I want to borrow
Q. Which book do you want to borrow?
Golden Rules
Rule : 1 : How का अर्थ है-कैसे? अथवा किस प्रकार? यहाँ How का अर्थ काम करने का तरीका है। यह आवागमन का साधन भी बताता है। Verb से प्रश्न करो-कैसे? अथवा किस प्रकार? जो उत्तर आये उसे छोड़ दो और पूरा
वाक्य उतार दो। |
Rule : 2 : How के तुरन्त बाद H.V. अवश्य लगाओ।
Ans. 1. He was crying loudly.
Q. How was he crying?
Ans. 2. She looks very beautiful in this saree.
Q. How does she look in this saree?
Ans. 3. He goes to school on foot.
Q. How does he go to school?
Ans. 4. I like my teacher most.
Q. How do you like your teacher?
Ans. 5. He entered the room through a window.
Q. How did he enter the room?
अर्थ- How many का अर्थ है-कितने। Many संख्यासूचक शब्द है और इसका प्रयोग गिनी जाने वाली वस्तुओं (countables) के लिए किया जाता है।
ध्यातव्य- यदि How many से Q. बनाना हो तो Ans. के वाक्य में कोई संख्या व उसके तुरन्त बाद कोई Noun अवश्य ही दिया हुआ होता है।
Golden Rules
Rule : 1 : दिये हुए वाक्य में
(i) संख्या को How many में बदल दो,
(ii) संख्या के तुरन्त बाद जो Noun दे रखा है, उस Noun को How many के साथ … .. लगा दो।
Rule : 2 : इसके बाद आवश्यकतानुसार H.V. उतार दो। |
Rule : 3 : अब शेष वाक्य उतार दो।
Ans. 1. I sold ten scooters yesterday.
Q. How many scooters did you sell yesterday?
Hints : Step I : संख्यासूचक-शब्द ‘ten’ है, इसे How many बना दिया, और यहाँ से Q. आरम्भ करो।
How many …….
Step II : संख्यासूचक-शब्द (ten) के तुरन्त बाद Noun है ‘scooters’, अत: How many के तुरन्त बाद scooters लगा दिया।
How many scooters ……
Step III : इसके तुरन्त बाद H.V.did लगाया।
How many scooters did
Step IV : अब शेष वाक्य उतार दो – How many scooters did you sell yesterday?
Ans. 2. He gave her five hundred rupees.
Q. How many rupees did he give her?
Ans. 3. I sold ten chairs today in my shop.
Q. How many chairs did you sell today in your shop? एक महत्त्वपूर्ण बिन्दु
ध्यान दें-
1. यदि has, have, had के बाद verb की III Form नहीं हो तो ये मुख्य verb होते हैं और अर्थ देते हैं-पास है, रखता है, आदि।
2. जब ये मुख्य verb हैं तो Negative एवं Interrogative में आवश्यकतानुसार helping verb do, does या did लगाना आवश्यक है।
3. do, does, did के बाद have का ही प्रयोग होता है-has अथवा had का प्रयोग गलत है।
Ans. 4. She has five books.
Q. How many books does she have?
Ans. 5. My uncle has ten cows.
Q. How many cows does your uncle have?
Ans. 6. Sita had two sons.
Q. How many sons did Sita have?
Ans. 7. They have four bicycles.
Q. How many bicycles do they have?
नीचे वाक्यों में has, have, had Helping Verbs हैं
Ans. 8. She has eaten four apples.
Q. How many apples has she eaten?
Ans. 9. Mohan had purchased five pens.
Q. How many pens had Mohan purchased?
Ans. 10. You have given her ten rupees.
Q. How many rupees have I given her?
अर्थ- How much का अर्थ है-कितना। much मात्रासूचक शब्द है और इसका प्रयोग न गिनी
जाने वाली वस्तुओं (uncountables) के लिए किया जाता है। ध्यातव्य- यदि How much से Q. बनाना हो तो Ans. के वाक्य में कोई मात्रा व उसके तुरन्त बाद कोई Noun अवश्य ही दिया हुआ होता है।
Golden Rules
Rule : 1 : वाक्य में दी गई मात्रा को How much बना दो।
Rule : 2 : मात्रा के साथ जो Noun है, वह Noun, How much के पास ही आयेगा।
Rule : 3 : अब आवश्यकतानुसार H.V. लगाओ।
Rule: 4: शेष वाक्य उतार दो।
Ans. 1. He drank two kilogram milk in the morning.
Q. How much milk did he drink in the morning?
Ans. 2. I collected five hundred rupees today.
Q. (i) How many rupees did you collect today?
(ii) How much money did you collect today?
विशेष नोट-
(1) यदि परीक्षा में How many से प्रश्न बनाने को कहा जाये तो How many rupees आयेगा क्योकि rupees-countable (गिने जा सकने योग्य) हैं।
(2) यदि परीक्षा में How much से प्रश्न बनाने को कहा जाये तो How much money से प्रश्न आरम्भ होगा क्योंकि money (धन) uncountable है।
Ans. 3. He sold ten kilogram sugar yesterday.
Q. How much sugar did he sell yesterday?
How long से Q. Framing करना अर्थ- How long का अर्थ है-कितनी देर? मूल अर्थ है-कितना लम्बा या कितनी अवधि? वाक्य में देखो कि How long क्या अर्थ देता है। Verb से उसी आधार पर प्रश्न पूछो और उसके उत्तर को छोड़ दो और शेष वाक्य उतार दो। परीक्षा में प्राय: ऐसा वाक्य देते हैं जिसमें समय दिया हुआ होता है।
Golden Rules
Rule : 1 : समयसूचक शब्द को How long बना दो।
Rule : 2 : How long के तुरन्त बाद H.V. लाओ।
Rule : 3 : अब शेष वाक्य उतार दो।
Ans. 1. He was on the surface for a moment.
Q. How long was he on the surface?
Ans. 2. This room is twenty feet long.
Q. How long is this room?
Ans. 3. She has been waiting here for two hours.
Q. How long has she been waiting here?
ध्यातव्य बातों का पुनरावलोकन
1. यदि प्रश्न में Ans.-Yes, अथवा No, से आरम्भ हो तो Q. को H.V. से ही आरम्भ करो।
2. How many, How much (कितना), Whose (किसका), Which (कौनसी), In which (कौनसी में), By which (किसके द्वारा) के तुरन्त बाद कोई Noun आयेगा, उसके बाद H.V. .. आयेगा। जैसे Whose scooter is this? By which train will you go?
3. यदि Wh-(What, When, Where ……..) से वाक्य बनाना हो तो इनके तुरन्त बाद H.V. आयेगा, उसके बाद Subject आयेगा।
4. यदि प्रश्न-पत्र में Ans. Past Tense में दिया हो तो अपनी तरफ से H.V.-did लगेगा और did के बाद आने वाले Verb की I Form आयेगी, क्योंकि did-Past Tense है तो दूसरा Past Tense नहीं आयेगा।
एक अन्य महत्त्वपूर्ण GOLDEN RULE | यदि परीक्षा में Ans. Negative में हो
(i) यदि Q. को H.V. से बनाना हो तो not हटेगा,
(ii) यदि Q. को Wh- से बनाना हो तो not नहीं हटेगा। जैसे
1. Ans. He was not playing football.
Q. (i) Was he playing football?
(ii) What was he not playing?
2. Ans. She did not go to school today.
Q. (i) Did she go to school today?
(ii) Where did she not go today?
3. Ans. Ram is not her brother.
Q. (i) Is Ram her brother?
(ii) Whose brother is not Ram?
4. Ans. She will not write a letter.
Q. (i) Will she write a letter?
(ii) What will she not write?
Practice Exercise1.
Frame questions to get the following answers :
1. Yes, my father is a teacher.
2. Yes, I saw your sister.
3. No, he is not a teacher.
4. Yes, she will play football.
5. No, he cannot solve this question.
6. Yes, your brother went to college.
7. Yes, I shall give my book to your sister.
8. No, you will not write a letter to my brother.
9. Yes, you could pass the examination easily.
10. No, you did not see my friend in the garden.
11. Yes, he came back home yesterday.
12. Yes, they did it last night.
1. Is your father a teacher?
2. Did you see my sister?
3. Is he a teacher?
4. Will she play football?
5. Can he solve this question?
6. Did my brother go to college?
7. Will you give your book to my sister?
8. Shall I write a letter to your brother?
9. Could I pass the examination easily?
10. Did I see your friend in the garden?
11. Did he come back home yesterday?
12. Did they do it last night?
Practice Exercise 2.
Change the following statements into questions :
1. Yes, she went to the hospital to see her friend.
2. No, they didn’t see my latest painting.
3. No, I am not satisfied with his work.
4. Yes, I have read this book.
5. No, they can’t leave without my permission.
6. Yes, I have a motorbike with me.
7. No, she doesn’t like eating sweets.
8. Yes, we go for a walk every morning.
9. No, we haven’t seen any old man coming this way.
10. Yes, he can play guitar.
11. No, we didn’t know her name.
12. Yes, I always donate money for the charity.
13. No, she will not help you.
14. Yes, my mother washes my shirt.
15. No, my father does not cook food.
16. Yes, your sister comes to school in the morning.
17. No, your sister did not go to Agra.
18. Yes, Rajesh can win the match.
19. No, Atul should not abuse you.
1. Did she go to the hospital to see her friend?
2. Did they see your latest painting?
3. Are you satisfied with his work?
4. Have you read this book?
5. Can they leave without your permission?
6. Do you have a motorbike with you?
7. Does she like eating sweets?
8. Do you go for a walk every morning?
9. Have you seen any old man coming this way?
10. Can he play guitar?
11. Did you know her name?
12. Do you always donate money for the charity?
13. Will she help me?
14. Does your mother wash your shirt?
15. Does your father cook food?
16. Does my sister come to school in the morning?
17. Did my sister go to Agra?
18. Can Rajesh win the match?
19. Should Atul abuse me?
Practice Exercise 3.
Frame questions to get the following sentences as answers :
1. What ………….?
Ans. They are studying History.
2. Where ………..?
Ans. He is going to field now.
3. Who ………..?
Ans. The servant broke this beautiful cup yesterday.
4. Who ………..?
Ans. She was talking and laughing in the room.
5. What ………..?
Ans. I am a doctor.
6. Why ………..?
Ans. I work hard because I want to pass the examination.
7. When ………..?
Ans. I shall come to your office tomorrow.
8. How many ………..?
He got 70 marks in English.
9. How many ………..?
Ans. You saw 60 students in the class.
10. How many ………..?
Ans. Ten boys were playing football.
11. How many ………..?
Ans. He gave me Rs. 100/-.
12. How much ………..?
Ans. He gave me a lot of money.
13. How many ………..?
Ans. She learned to spell thirty words that day.
14. How long ………..?
Ans. I shall be here for a short time.
15. How much time
Ans. This film took two hours to show.
16. What ………..?
Ans. He believes in God.
17. What ………..?
Ans. You are wearing a new hat.
18. Where ………..?
Ans. I am sitting under a tree.
19. When …………?
Ans. I shall return from office at 5 p.m.
20. Whom ………..?
Ans. I want to see you.
21. Whom ………..?
Ans. You will give a present to me.
22. Where ………..?
Ans. She was dancing on the stage.
23. What ………..?
Ans. The prince had never seen such a beautiful girl.
24. Why ………..?
Ans. I sat down because I was tired.
1. What are they studying?
2. Where is he going now?
3. Who broke this beautiful cup yesterday?
4. Who was talking and laughing in the room?
5. What are you?
6. Why do you work hard?
7. When will you come to my office?
8. How many marks did he get in English?
9. How many students did I see in the class?
10. How many boys were playing football?
11. How many rupees did he give you?
12. How much money did he give you?
13. How many words did she learn to spell that day?
14. How long will you be here?
15. How much time did this film take to show?
16. What does he believe in?
17. What am I wearing?
18. Where are you sitting?
19. When will you return from office?
20. Whom do you want to see?
21. Whom shall I give a present?
22. Where was she dancing?
23. What had the prince never seen?
24. Why did you sit down?
Practice Exercise 4.
Frame questions to get the following sentences as answers :
1. Whose ………..?
Ans. I went to his house yesterday with my son.
2. Whose ………..?
Ans. Your scooter was stolen yesterday.
3. Why ….?
Ans. I went to Agra to see the Taj Mahal.
4. Where ………..?
Ans.She lives in this house.
5. What ………..?
Ans. Your brother writes a letter.
6. What ………..?
Ans. Your brothers write a letter.
7. How long ………..?
Ans. I waited there for you for one hour.
8. How long ……
Ans. Mukesh can read for six hours.
9. When ………..?
Ans. Your brother came here yesterday in the morning.
10. When ………
Ans. He plays volleyball and football in the evening.
11. What ………..?
Ans. He plays volleyball and football in the evening.
12. How ………..?
Ans. He does his work very carefully.
13. Whose. ………..?
Ans. I do not know her brother.
14. What ………..?
Ans. He was eating food when I went there.
15. How far ………..?
Ans. Bikaner is 225 kms. from Jaipur.
16. Where ………..?
Ans. She saw a dead body at the road.
17. How many ………..?
Ans. My brother has two scooters in his house.
18. How much ………..?
Ans. Water covers a large area on the earth.
19. What ………..?
Ans. Gandhi wanted his wife to be educated.
20. How many ………………………?
Ans. I have three sisters.
1. Whose house did you go yesterday with your son?
2. Whose scooter was stolen yesterday?
3. Why did you go to Agra?
4. Where does she live?
5. What does my brother write?
6. What do my brothers write?
7. How long did you wait there for me?
8. How long can Mukesh read?
9. When did my brother come here?
10. When does he play volleyball and football?
11. What does he play in the evening?
12. How does he do his work?
13: Whose brother do you not know?
14. What was he eating (or doing) when you went there?
15. How far is Bikaner from Jaipur?
16. Where did she see a dead body?
17. How many scooters does your brother have in his house?
18. How much area does water cover on the earth?
19. What did Gandhi want his wife to be?
20. How many sisters do you have?
Practice Exercise 5.
Frame questions to get the following sentences as answers :
1. ………………………?
Ans. Yes, I have visited Agra.
2. ………………………?
Ans. Yes, I am going to give away the prizes.
3. ………………………?
Ans. No, I will never do it again.
4. ………………………?
Ans. Yes, she did her homework yesterday.
5. ………………………?
Ans. Yes, I will join university next year.
6. ………………………?
Ans. No, she does not know how to dance well on the stage.
7. ………………………?
Ans. Yes, I always abide by the law of the land.
8. ………………………?
Ans. No, his wife never looked after the children.
9. ………………………?
Ans. No, Mr. Sharma never admired his wife.
10. ………………………?
Ans. Yes, my father purchased ten shops last year.
1. Have you visited Agra?
2. Are you going to give away the prizes?
3. Will you do it again?
4. Did she do her homework yesterday?
5. Will you join university next year?
6. Does she know how to dance well on the stage?
7. Do you always abide by the law of the land?
8. Did his wife ever look after the children?
9. Did Mr. Sharma ever admire his wife?
10. Did your father purchase ten shops last year?
Practice Exercise 6.
Frame questions to get the following sentences as answers :
1. What ………..?
Ans. Children have been playing cricket since morning.
2. What ………..?
Ans. She gave me love and affection in difficult days.
3. When ………..?
Ans. The Taj Express arrives in Dholpur at 11 a.m.
4. Who ………..?
Ans. A hungry child was cryin
5. How ………..?
Ans. She talks in elegant manner.
6. For how long ………..?
Ans. I have been teaching spoken English for two months.
7. Whom ………..?
Ans. I liked my younger brother very much.
8. What ………..?
Ans. I always admire this picture.
9. Who ………..?
Ans. Julius Caesar was a powerful Roman General.
10. Where ………..?
Ans. I left my wallet on the study table.
1. What have the children been doing since morning?
2. What did she give you in difficult days?
3. When does the Taj Express arrive in Dholpur?
4. Who was crying?
5. How does she talk?
6. For how long have you been teaching spoken English?
7. Whom did you like very much?
8. What do you always admire?
9. Who was a powerful Roman General?
10. Where did you leave your wallet?
Practice Exercise 7.
Frame questions to get the following sentences as answers :
1. How many…………?
Ans. I have twenty plays of Shakespeare.
2. ………..?
Ans. Yes, Nirmal has a magnetic personality.
3. How far ………..?
Ans. Delhi is 200 k.m. far from our town.
4. How many ………..?
Ans. My neighbour has two children in his family:
5. When ………..?
I shall celebrate my birthday in November.
6. Whose ………..?
Ans. We appreciated her behaviour very much.
7. Whose ………..?
Ans. I was fond of her smile.
8. Who ………..?
Ans. Dinesh caused many problems to his neighbours.
9. ………..?
Ans. Yes, you made this mistake.
10. What ………..?
Ans. He purchased a new T.V. set yesterday.
1. How many plays of Shakespeare do you have?
2. Does Nirmal have a magnetic personality?
3. How far is Delhi from your town?
4. How many children does your neighbour have in his family?
5. When will you celebrate your birthday?
6. Whose behaviour did you appreciate very much?
7. Whose smile were you fond of?
8. Who caused many problems to his neighbours?
9. Did I make this mistake?
10. What did he purchase yesterday?
Practice Exercise 8.
Frame questions to get the following answers. The bold words should form the core of the answer.
Example : India became free in 1947.
(a) Which country became free in 1947?
(b) When did India become free?
1. Horses eat grass.
2. My brother has deposited my fees.
3. They went to Jaipur by car.
4. I like red colour.
5. Those girls are going to school.
6. She rang up her husband.
7. He is happy because he got a prize.
8. He joined the Air Force after graduation.
9. This is Krishna’s bungalow.
10. She wants to talk to you.
1. What do horses eat?
2. Who has deposited your fees?
3. How did they go to Jaipur?
4. Which colour do you like?
5. Where are those girls going to?
6. Whom did she ring up?
7. Why is he happy?
8. When did he join the Air force?
9. Whose bungalow is this?
10. Whom does she want to talk to?
Practice Exercise 9.
Frame questions to get the following sentences as answers :
1. How long ………..?
Ans. She has been waiting here for two hours.
2. How ………..?
Ans. Her bungalow looks splendid.
3. How many ………..?
Ans. There are five members in my family,
4. Whose ………..?
Ans. The boys are Mohan’s sons.
5. Why ………..?
Ans. I went to Delhi to meet my uncle.
6. When ………..?
Ans. India got her freedom on 15th August, 1947.
7. Why ………..?
Ans. I sold the old house to educate the children.
8. How much ………..?
Ans. Renu wants two kg. of sugar.
9. Where …………?
Ans. Bismilla Khan played on Shahnai first in a temple in Lucknow.
10. Which subject ………..?
Ans. I like English most.
11. Why ………..?
Ans. I.went to the station to receive my friend.
12. When ………..?
Ans. Rajesh goes to school at ten o’clock.
1. How long has she been waiting here?
2. How does her bungalow look?
3. How many members are there in your family?
4. Whose sons are the boys?
5. Why did you go to Delhi?
6. When did India get her freedom?
7. Why did you sell the old house?
8. How much sugar does Renu want?
9. Where did Bismilla Khan play on Shahnai first?
10. Which subject do you like most?
11. Why did you go to the station?
12. When does Rajesh go to school?
Tag Questions
विभिन्न नाम : Tag Question को
(i) Tail Question
(ii) App-ended Question
(iii) Disjunctive Question
(iv) Question Tags भी कहते हैं।
विशेषता : Tag Questions में विशेषता यह होती है कि ये ‘स्वतन्त्र प्रश्न’ (independent questions) नहीं होते हैं, वरन् ये ‘कथन’ (statement) के अंत में ही प्रयोग किये जाते हैं।
ध्यातव्य बातें :
1. जब ‘कथन’ (statement) समाप्त हो जाता है तो उसके बाद Comma (,) लगाना आवश्यक होता है।
2. इसके तरन्त बाद आवश्यकतानसार कोई Helping Verb आना आवश्यक है।
3. Helping Verb के साथ यदि आवश्यक हो तो not लगाते हैं (Rule आगे दिए गए हैं), यदि not जोड़ना आवश्यक हो तो-मुख्य Verb के साथ ही not आयेगा, लेकिन not पूरा नहीं लिखते हैं, not में से ‘०’ को हटा देते हैं तथा ऊपर Comma (apostrophe) लगा देते हैं। (आगे Example देखो)।
4. इसके बाद वाक्य के Subject के Pronoun का कर्ता कारक आयेगा।
5. अंत में प्रश्नवाचक-चिह्न लगाना आवश्यक है।
Example : 1. She is too young, isn’t she?
2. He is very late today, isn’t he?
3. Sita went to Jaipur, didn’t she?
4. That girl is not very intelligent, is she?
5. Ramesh is not a student, is he?
ध्यान दें-ऊपर वाक्य 3 में ‘Sita’ subject है, इसके लिए pronoun – ‘she’का प्रयोग किया, इसी प्रकार वाक्य 4 में ‘The girl’ के लिए pronoun she’ का प्रयोग किया, वाक्य 5 में ‘Ramesh’ के लिए pronoun.—‘he’ का प्रयोग किया।
ध्यान दो –
1. ‘not’ को पूरा नहीं लिखते हैं। ‘not’ में से ‘o’ को हटा देते हैं तथा ‘n at’ के बीच में ऊपर comma (apostrophe) लगा देते हैं, अर्थात् n’t लिखते हैं।
2. Tag Qs. में ‘am not’ नहीं आता है, I के साथ aren’t I आयेगा।
3. ‘will not’ पर भी ध्यान दो, will not का won’t बनेगा। willn’t गलत है।
4. “Shall not’ का shan’t बनेगा । shalln’t गलत है।
Golden Rules
वाक्य के दो भाग होते हैं-प्रथम, मुख्य वाक्य, जिसे ‘कथन’ (Statement) कहते हैं, द्वितीय, Tag Q.। Tag Q. हमेशा, Statement के बाद, Comma लगाने के बाद ही आता है।
Rule : 1 : (A) यदि Statement (कथन) सकारात्मक हो तो Q. Tag नकारात्मक (Negative) बनेगा; और (B) यदि Statement नकारात्मक हो तो Q. Tag सकारात्मक (Positive) बनेगा।
ध्यान दो-Tag. Q. वाले वाक्य के दो भाग होते हैं-
(i) Statement (कथन) इसके बाद Comma (,) अवश्य लगा होता है,
(ii) Q. Tag का भाग, इसके अंत में प्रश्नवाचक चिह्न (?) अवश्य लगा होता है।
Golden Rule यह है कि इन दोनों भागों में केवल एक भाग में ‘not’ अवश्य ही आयेगा। दोनों भागों में not नहीं आयेगा।
1. He can play football, can’t he?
2. He cannot play football, can he?
Rule : 2: यदि Statement में कोई Helping Verb हो तो, Q. Tag में उसी H.V. का प्रयोग होगा। जैसे
1. She is a clever girl, isn’t she?
2. You are a lazy boy, aren’t you?
3. Sita was cooking food, wasn’t she?
4. She is not dancing, is she?
5. I am writing a story, aren’t I?
(ध्यान दो-I के साथ Tag Q. में aren’t आयेगा।)
6. I am not teaching, am I? (ध्यान दो-यदि Statement Negative हो तो Tag Q. में am I आयेगा।)
Rule : 3 : यदि statement में कोई H.V. नहीं दिया हो तो अपनी ओर से आवश्यकतानुसार do, does या did का प्रयोग करो, जैसे
He plays football, doesn’t he? She kicked a dog, didn’t she? They run on the road, don’t they?
Rule: 4: Tag Q. में हमेशा Statement में दिये हुए Subject का Pronoun आयेगा, जैसे
1. Ram is a good boy, isn’t he?
2. My sister can do it, can’t she?
Formula :
A. 1. Positive Statement, Negative Tag Q.
2. Negative Statement, Positive Tag Q.
B. Statement में दिए हुए H.V. का प्रयोग।
C. यदि H.V. नहीं हो तो आवश्यकतानुसार do, did, does का प्रयोग।
कतिपय बारीकियाँ
Special Golden Rules
Rule : 1 यदि वाक्य के आरम्भ में (अर्थात् कथन का Subject) निम्नलिखित शब्द हो everyone, everybody, someone, somebody तो इनके लिए Tag Q. में they pronoun प्रयोग होगा।
1. Everyone likes money, don’t they?
2. Everybody was laughing, weren’t they?
3. Someone has broken this mirror, haven’t they?
4. Somebody is knocking at the door, aren’t they?
5. Everyone is not a thief, are they’?
6. Everybody went to cinema, didn’t they?
7. Somebody cleans my room, don’t they?
8. Soinebpdy was dancing there, weren’t they?
9. Someone looks after her property, don’t they?
10. Everybody cooked, his food, didn’t they’?
Rule : 2 यदि वाक्य में निम्नलिखित शब्द हो-nothing, never, none, no use, few, little,hardly, seldom, rarely, scarcely तो इनका Tag Q. Positive बनेगा। कारण-उपर्युक्त सभी शब्द नकारात्मक भाव देते हैं।
1. She never comes here, does she’?
2. He has nothing to say, has he?
3. This book is no use to Raju, is it?
4. Few students passed the examination, did they?
5. She drank little milk, did she?
6. I hardly reached the station, did I?
7. He seldom goes to cinema, does he?
8. Rekha rarely takes tea, does she?
Rule : 2A ध्यान दें-a few तथा a little-Negative शब्द नहीं हैं, अत: Tag Question Negative बनेगा, किन्तु few तथा little-negative हैं।
1. He has a little money, hasn’t he?
2. A few students failed, didn’t they?
3. A few people were hungry, weren’t they?
4. He knows a little about her secrets. doesn’t he?
Rule: 3. Imperative (प्रार्थना अथवा आदेश का) वाक्य यदि Positive हो तो Q. Tag चाहे Positive में बना दो अथवा चाहे Negative में बना दो-दोनों ही Correct हैं। ध्यान रहे Q. Tag हमेशा will you अथवा won’t you ही बनेगा, जैसे
1. Open the window, will you?
Open the window, won’t you?
2. Please help me, will you?
Please help me, won’t you?
Rule : 3A. किन्तु Imperative (प्रार्थना अथवा आदेश का) वाक्य यदि Negative में हो तो Q. Tag हमेशा Positive में ‘will you?’ बनेगा। जैसे
1. Don’t make a noise, Will you?
2. Please don’t tease her, will you?
Rule : 4A. यदि Let से वाक्य आरम्भ हो (अर्थात् Let’s या Let us नहीं हो) तो Q. Tag प्रायः ‘will you?’ से बनता है, जैसे
1. Let the students go now, will you?
2. Let her cook food for us, will you?
3. Let him play the match, will you?
Rule:5. यदि वाक्य में ‘used to’ का प्रयोग हो तो Q. Tag में usedn’t अथवा didn’t-किसी का भी प्रयोग कर सकते हैं-दोनों ही correct हैं, किन्तु आजकल didn’t का प्रयोग अधिक किया जाता है, जैसे
1. She used to get up early in the morning, usedn’t she?
She used to get up early in the morning, didn’t she?
2. Raju used to go for a morning walk, usedn’t he?
Raju used to go for a morning walk, didn’t he?
Practice Exercise 1.
Add question tags to the following statements :
1. Mr. Sharma and his family did not come, ………..?
2. The students of our class are very intelligent, ………..?
3. Mohan, Sohan and Rohit are not real brothers, ………..?
4. I have no books, ……… …………..?
5. We are travelling by train, ………………?
6. Mr. Jain has invited us to dinner ……………………..?
7. They did not live in Kashmir, …………………….?
8. You do not want me to come with you, ………..?
9. Our team has not won a trophy, ………..?
10. This book costs ten rupees, ………..?
11. They answered all the questions, ………..?
12. The food was not bad, ………………
13. You don’t speak English, …………?
14. She should see a doctor, ………….?
15. She has come here before, ………..?
16. It was raining, ………..?
17. We shall be late, ……………..?
18. Our Principal did not come to school, ..?
19. Sita will work hard, ………..?
20. Raju will not come today, ……..?
1. did they
2. aren’t they
3. are they
4. have I
5. aren’t we
6. hasn’t he
7. did they
8. do you
9. has it
10. doesn’t it
11. didn’t they
12. was it
13. do you
14. shouldn’t she
15. hasn’t she
16. wasn’t it
17. shan’t we
18. did he
19. won’t she
20. will he.
Practice Exercise : 2
Add question tags to the following statements
1. The prison-wall was twenty feet high, ……………………..?
2. Babita and his mother are coming to the show, ……………… ?
3. They did not expect such a difficult question, ………. ?
4. Javed cannot drive a car, ……………..?
5. We have plenty of time, ……………………?
6. It is very hot today, ……… ?
7. She looks ill today, ……………………?
8. We must not be late, …………………… ?
9. You can use your common sense, …….. ?
10. That girl is not very attractive, ……… ?
11. I am not greedy, ……. …………..?
12. I am a teacher, …………………….?
13. Vikramaditya was a great judge, …………. ?
14. Tomorrow we shall attend our classes, ……….. ?
15. Trees are very useful, ………….. ?
16. Kabir is the child of God, ……………………..?
17. Napoleon was a great man, ………………….
18. I am satisfied, ………………….?
19. The peacock is a beautiful bird, ……………?
20. A computer is very useful, ………………………?
1. wasn’t it
2. aren’t they
3. did they
4. can he
5. don’t we
6. isn’t it
7. doesn’t she
8. must we
9. can’t you
10. is she
11. am I
12. aren’t I
13. wasn’t he
14. shan’t we
15. aren’t they
16. isn’t he
17. wasn’t he
18. aren’t I
19. isn’t it
20. isn’t it.
Practice Exercise 3.
Add question tags to the following statements
1. I never abuse others, ……….. ?
2. I always help others, ……………………?
3. She and her sons never help others, …….?
4. Everyone saw this picture, …… ?
5. Someone opened the door, ………………… ?
6. Please help me, ……………………..?
7. Don’t kick this ugly girl, ………. ?
8. Let the boys make a noise, ………………….?
9. Let her prepare tea for us, ……… ?
10. Let Ramesh go home now, …………….?
11. She used to play with toys, ……………………..?
12. Vimla used to go for a morning walk, ……… ?
13. Ramesh can do nothing for his sister, ….. ?
14. This pen is no use to Sita, …………………….?
15. Sita and her brother never come to my house, …………..?
16. I never take tea, ………………… ?
17. You will go to Ajmer, …………………. ?
18. I am a student, ……… ………. ?
19. Seema cannot drive a car, ………. ?
20. Jaipur is a beautiful city, …………………….. ?
1. do I
2. don’t I
3. do they
4. didn’t they
5. didn’t they
6. will you/won’t you .
7. will you
8. will you
9. will you
10. will you
11. usedn’t she/didn’t she
12. usedn’t she didn’t she
13. can he
14. is it
15. do they
16. do I
17. won’t you
18. aren’t I
19. can she
20. isn’t it
Practice Exercise 4.
Add question tags to the following statements :
1. You are making a noise, ……………………?
2. It is raining outside, ……………………..?
3. Raju has purchased a rain-coat, ……….. ?
4. Leela can dance in the party, ……………………….?
5. He will lend you some money today, ………. ?
6. Babita broke the beautiful mirror, .. ?
7. Your mother will prepare tea for the guests, ……….?
8. His sister danced well in the theatre, …………………….. ?
9. My brother and sisters do not play tennis, ……… ?
10. She does not bathe daily, ..
11. He has seen the picture twice, …. ?
12. We cannot live without oxygen, …. …………..?
13. Your sister was helpful to me, ………….. ?
14. She cannot dance before my father, …….?
15. It is not a good picture, ………………….?
16. You did not make any complaint about his misbehaviour,
17. A farmer grows food for the country, …………….. ?
18. The dog of this street did not bark loudly,
19. Babita cooked rice for me …………………….?
20. The stories were very terrible …………………….?
1. aren’t you
2. isn’t it
3. hasn’t he
4. can’t she
5. won’t he
6. didn’t she
7. won’t she
8. didn’t she
9. do they
10. does she
11. hasn’t he
12. can we
13. wasn’t she
14. can she
15. is it
16. did you
17. doesn’t he
18. did it
19. didn’t she
20. weren’t they
Practice Exercise 5.
Add the appropriate tag to the following sentences :
1. He was punished for telling lies, …………..?
2. They did not allow us to go, …………………… ?
3. The telephone line has gone dead, …………………..?
4. I am still under training, …………………….?
5. Students must not leave bicycles unlocked,…………….?
6. Let’s try to forget it, ……. …………..?
7. She will miss the train, ……………………?
8. We seldom spare time for ourselves, ……….?
9. Few people are grateful in this world, …… ?
10. A few people helped her, ……………… ?
11. Come and have a cup of tea, …………………….?
12. These apples seem ripe, ……………………..?
13. None of us liked to stay there, …………………….. ?
14. You should write down what you hear, ………. ?
15. This house needs repairing, ……….. ………….?
16. Your father sells second-hand books, ………
17. Everybody likes money, ……… ……………?
18. I haven’t played tennis for years, ……… ?
19. Donkeys are called stupid animals, …………….. ?
20. There is no use waiting here, ……………………..?
1. wasn’t he
2. did they
3. hasn’t it
4. aren’t I
5. must they
6. shall we
7. won’t she
8. do we
9. are they
10. didn’t they
11. will you
12. don’t they
13. did we
14. shouldn’t you
15. doesn’t it
16. doesn’t he
17. don’t they I
8. have I
19. aren’t they
20. is it.
Practice Exercise 6.
Add Tag to the statements given below Questions :
1. Mrs. Sharma teaches us English, ………………..?
2. He never told a lie, …………………….?
3. Tansen was a great musician, ………?
4. Rajat has a bad cold, …………………….?
5. Hari cannot speak French, …………………….?
6. This beautiful car is yours, …………………….. ?
7. Both boys and girls like science, …………..
8. He takes exercise, ……………..?
9. These chocolates are for you, ………..?
10. Please keep quite, …………………..?
1. doesn’t he
2. did he .
3. wasn’t he
4. hasn’t he
5. can he
6. isn’t it.
7. don’t they
8. doesn’t he
9. aren’t they
10. will you/won’t you.
Practice Exercise 7.
Put a questions tag at the end of the following sentences.
Example : He won’t fail, will he?
He’s passed, hasn’t he?
1. It’s a beautiful day, …………. ?
2. This story isn’t boring, …………………….?
3. I’m quite honest, ………………………?
4. You aren’t very strong, ……………….. ?
5. Look at the board, …………..?
6. They don’t speak the truth, ………..?
7. You can speak English, ………… ?
8. He wouldn’t tell it to anyone, ……….?
1. isn’t it’
2. is it
3. aren’t I
4. are you
5. will you/won’t you
6. do they
7. can’t you
8. would he.
Practice Exercise 8.
Add question tags to the following statements :
1. I am writing a story, …………………….. ?
2. She put all her books on the table, …….. ?
3. He plays very well, ………………?
4. You wrote a letter, ……………………..?
5. Your father is a doctor, ……… ?
6. The players have not arrived on the ground yet, ………. ?
7. Rajni will invite us on her birthday, ……………………..?
8. No, he was not absent yesterday, ……………………..?
9. The Indians forgot about their glorious past during foreign rule, …. ?
1. aren’t I?
2. didn’t she?
3. doesn’t he?
4. didn’t you?
5. isn’t he?
6. have they?
7. won’t she?
8. was he?
9. didn’t they?