Chapter 10 The Comet – II

Chapter 10 The Comet – II Comprehension Check (Page 83) Question 1: “For a moment James wondered if he had done his sums right.” Why was James doubtful about his sums and calculations? Answer: James reached his hotel at 1 pm. He looked up from his window and saw the star- studded sky. He couldn’t believe […]

Chapter 9 The Comet – I

Chapter 9 The Comet – I Comprehension Check (Page 77) Questions: Why does Indrani Debi dislike Duttada’s “hobnobbing’ with Dibya? She is complaining and smiling. Why is she smiling? ‘ (i) What was Duttada’s secret ambition? (ii) What did he do to achieve it? What is the difference between a planet and a comet, as given in […]

Chapter 8 Jalebis

Chapter 8 Jalebis Comprehension Check (Page 65) Questions: Why didn’t he pay the school fees on the day he brought money to school? (i) What were the coins ‘saying’ to him? (ii) Do you think they were misguiding him? Why didn’t he take the coin’s advice? Give two or three reasons. (i) What did the oldest coin tell […]

Chapter 7 The open window

Chapter 7 The open window Comprehension Check (Page 57) Questions: Why had Framton Nuttel come to the “rural retreat”? Why had his sister given him letters of introduction to people living there? What had happened in the Sappleton family as narrated by the niece? Answers: Framton Nuttel was suffering from some nervous disorder and worry. […]

Chapter 6 The fight

Chapter 6 The fight Comprehension Check (Page 49) Questions: In what way is the forest pool different from the one which Ranji knew in the Rajputana desert? The other boy asked Ranji to ‘explain’ himself. (i) What did he expect Ranji to say? (ii) Was he, in your opinion, right or wrong to ask this question? Between […]

Chapter 5 Princess September

Chapter 5 Princess September Comprehension Check (Page 38) Questions: How many daughters did the royal couple have? Why were they named after the months of the year? The King had a peculiar habit. What was it? Why is it called peculiar? (i) What was Princess September’s reaction to the loss of her parrot? (ii) What […]

Chapter 4 The treasure with in

Chapter 4 The treasure with in Comprehension Check (Page 28) Questions: What did Hafeez Contractor have nightmares about? What did the Principal say to him, which influenced him deeply? “……………. that year I did not step out into the field.” What was he busy doing that year? (i) What ‘distraction’ did Hafeez Contractor create one day? […]

Chapter 3 The selfish giant

Chapter 3 The selfish giant Comprehension Check (Page 20) Questions: Why is the Giant called selfish? On one occasion the children said: “How happy we are here!” Later they said: “How happy we were there!” What are they referring to in both the cases? (i) When spring came, it was still winter in the garden. What […]

Chapter 2 Children at work

Chapter 2 Children at work Comprehension Check (Page 9) Questions: Velu stood on the platform but he felt “as if he was still on a moving train.” Why? What made him feel miserable? (i) Velu travelled without a ticket. Why? (ii) How did he escape the ticket collector’s attention? Why had Velu run away from home? Why […]

Chapter 1 How The camel got his hump

Chapter 1 How The camel got his hump Comprehension Check (Page 3) Question 1: What tasks, do you think, were assigned to the dog and the ox? Answer: The dog was assigned the task of fetching and carrying. The ox was made to plough the fields. Question 2: Why did the camel live in the […]
