Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory
Textbook Questions and Answers
Working with the Text:
Question 1.
The author describe Bepin Babu as a serious and hardworking man. What evidence can you find in the story to support this?
लेखक, विपिन बाबू को एक गम्भीर व परिश्रमी व्यक्ति के रूप वर्णित करता है। इसे समर्थन देने के लिए आप कहानी से क्या प्रमाण ढूँढ़ सकते हैं।
Bepin Babu was a serious man. The evidences are these – “He lived alone, was not social, had few friends, and didn’t like spending time in idle chat.” He was a hardworking man.”He had been working for a big firm for 25 years. He had a reputation for being a tireless, sincere worker.”
बिपिन बाबू एक गम्भीर व्यक्ति थे। प्रमाण ये हैं “वे अकेले रहते थे, मिलनसार नहीं थे, न के बराबर मित्र थे, और समय व्यर्थ की वार्ता में व्यतीत करना पसन्द नहीं करते थे।” वे एक परिश्रमी व्यक्ति थे।”वे 25 वर्ष से एक बड़े | प्रतिष्ठान के लिए कार्य कर रहे थे। उनकी एक अथक्य, कर्तव्यनिष्ठ कार्मिक के रूप में प्रतिष्ठा थी।”
Question 2.
Why did Bepin Babu change his mind about meeting Chunilal ? What was the result of this meeting?
बिपिन बाबू ने चुनीलाल से मिलने के बारे में अपना विचार परिवर्तन क्यों किया? इस बैठक का परिणाम क्या था?
Bepin Babu changed his mind about meeting Chunilal because it struck him that Chunilal might remember something about the 1’58 trip. There was no harm in asking him. The result of the meeting was that his condition became more pitiable. He sighed and shook his head in nervousness.
बिपिन बाबू ने चुनीलाल से मिलने के बारे में अपना विचार परिवर्तन इसलिए किया क्योंकि उसे लगा कि 1958 की यात्रा के बारे में शायद चुनीलाल को कुछ याद हो। उससे पूछने में कोई नुकसान नहीं था। बैठक का परिणाम यह था कि उसकी स्थिति और अधिक दयनीय हो गई। उसने आह भरी व चिन्ता से अपना सिर हिलाया।
Question 3.
Bepin Babu lost consciousness at Hudroo Falls. What do you think was the reason for this?
बिपिन बाबू हुदरु प्रपात पर होश खो बैठे (अर्थात् बेहोश हो गए)। आप क्या सोचते हैं कि इसके लिए क्या कारण था?
The reason for Bepin Babu’s unconsciousness at Hudroo Falls was his depression. At Ranchi he didn’t find anything with which he had slightest acquaintance. At Hudroo Falls he must have thought he would soon loose everything. His life without memory would be a hell. So, under depression, he fell unconscious.
बिपिन बाबू के हुदरु प्रपात पर बेहोश होने का कारण उसका अवसादग्रस्त होना था। रांची में उसे ऐसी कोई चीज नहीं मिली जिससे उसका जरा भी परिचय हो। हुदरु प्रपात पर उसने अवश्य सोचा था कि वह शीघ्र ही सब कुछ खो देगा। उसका जीवन याददाश्त के बिना नर्क हो जायेगा। अतः इस ही अवसाद में वह बेहोश हो गया।
Question 4.
How do you think Bepin Babu reacted when he found out that Chunilal had tricked him?
आप क्या सोचते हैं कि बिपिन बाबू ने कैसी प्रतिक्रिया की। होगी जब उन्हें यह पता चला कि चुनीलाल ने उससे चाल चली थी?
When Bepin Babu found out that Chunilal had tricked him, he, I think, reacted calmly because he told Dr. Chanda that he was fine then. Chunilal’s letter had opened his eyes.
जब बिपिन बाबू को यह पता चला कि चुनीलाल ने उससे चाल चली थी तो उसने, मेरे विचार से, शान्त प्रतिक्रिया की क्योंकि उसने डॉ. चंदा को बताया था कि वह उस समय ठीक था। चुनीलाल के पत्र ने उसकी आँखें खोल दी थीं।
Comprehension Check
Page – 61
Question 1.
Why did the man stare at Bepin Babu in disbelief?
उस व्यक्ति ने बिपिन बाबू को अविश्वास से क्यों घूरा?
The man stared at Bepin Babu in disbelief because he (Bepin Babu) not only refused to recognise him but also denied having been to Ranchi ever.
उस व्यक्ति ने बिपिन बाबू को अविश्वास से घूरा क्योंकि उसने (बिपिन बाबू ने) उसे पहचानने से न केवल इन्कार कर दिया था बल्कि यह भी इन्कार कर दिया था कि वह कभी रांची गया था।
Question 2.
Where did Bepin Babu say he went in October ’58?
बिपिन बाबू ने कहाँ कहा कि वह अक्टूबर ’58 में गया था?
Bepin Babu said he went to Kanpur in October ’58 at his friend Haridas Bagchi’s place during the Pujas.
बिपिन बाबू ने कहा कि वह अक्टूबर 1958 में पूजाओं के दौरान कानपुर में अपने मित्र हरिदास बागची के घर गया था।
Question 3.
Mention any three (or more) things that Parimal Ghose knew about Bepin Babu.
उन किन्हीं तीन (या अधिक) चीजों का जिक्र करें जो परिमल घोष, बिपिन बाबू के बारे में जानते थे।
(1) Bepin Babu always carried the bag of books on his sight-seeing trips:
(2) He had lost | his wife ten years ago.
(3) He had no children.
(4) His only brother had died insane. Parimal Ghose knew these about him.
(1) बिपिन बाबू सैर-सपाटे की यात्रा में पुस्तकों का थैला हमेशा ले जाते थे।
(2) वह 10 वर्ष पूर्व अपनी पत्नी कोखो चुका था।
(3) उसके कोई सन्तान नहीं थी।
(4) उसका इकलौता भाई पागलपन से मरा था। परिमल घोष उसके बारे में ये बातें जानता था।
(Page 64)
Question 1.
Why did Bepin Babuworry about what Parimal Ghose had said?
बिपिन बाबू ने उस पर चिन्ता क्यों की जो परिमल घोष ने कही थी?
Bepin Babu worried about what Parimal Ghose had said because he seemed to know some intimate details and he (Bepin Babu) didn’t know him.
बिपिन बाबू ने उस पर चिन्ता की जो परिमल घोष ने कही। थी क्योंकि वह कुछ अन्तरंग बातें जानता हुआ-सा प्रतीत हुआ जबकि वह (बिपिन बाबू) उसे नहीं जानता था।
Question 2.
How did he try to decide who was right-his memory or Parimal Ghose?
उसने कैसे सुनिश्चित करने का प्रयास किया कि कौन ठीक था उसकी यादाश्त या परिमल घोष?
He tried to decide by talking to Dinesh Mukerji over phone. According to Dinesh he (Bepin Babu) had been to Ranchi in 1958. Thus, Parimal was right.
दिनेश मुकर्जी से फोन पर बातें करके उसने यह सुनिश्चित करने का प्रयास किया। दिनेश के अनुसार वह (बिपिन बाबू) 1958 में रांची गया था। इस प्रकार, परिमल ठीक था।
Question 3.
Why did Bepin Babu hesitate to visit | Mr. Mukerji? Why did he finally decide to phone him?
बिपिन बाबू ने श्रीमान् मुकर्जी के (यहाँ) जाने की हिचकिचाहट ‘क्यों की? उसने आखिर में उसे (श्रीमान् मुकर्जी को) फोन करने का निश्चय क्यों किया?
Bepin Babu first hesitated to visit Mr. Mukerji because Dinesh could conclude that Bepin Babu was becoming mad. And then his sarcasm could be ruthless. He finally decided to settle the question over the phone because there would be no embarrassment on his face.
बिपिन बाबू को पहले श्रीमान् मुकर्जी के (यहाँ) जाने में| हिचकिचाहट हुई क्योंकि दिनेश यह निष्कर्ष निकाल सकता। था कि बिपिन बाबू पागल हो रहा था। और फिर उसका कटाक्ष निर्मम हो सकता था। उसने आखिरकार फोन पर ही | उस प्रश्न को निपटाना चाहा क्योंकि उसके चेहरे पर कोई परेशानी नहीं होगी।
Question 4.
What did Mr. Mukerji say? Did it comfort Bepin Babu, or add to his worries?
श्रीमान् मुकर्जी ने क्या कहा? क्या इसने बिपिन बाबू को राहत दी या उसकी चिन्ताओं में वृद्धि की?
Mr. Mukerji said that first he went to Krishnanagar and then to Ranchi. Bepin Babu was also there. It didn’t comfort Bepin Babu but added to his worries.
श्रीमान् मुकर्जी ने कहा कि वह पहले तो कृष्णानगर गया था और बाद में रांची। बिपिन बाबू भी वहाँ थे। इसने बिपिन बाबू को राहत नहीं दी बल्कि उसकी चिन्ताओं में वृद्धि ही की।
Page 67
Question 1.
Who was Chunilal? What did he want from Bepin Babu?
चुनीलाल कौन था? वह बिपिन बाबू से क्या चाहता था?
Chunilal was an old friend of Bepin Babu. He was at school with him. He wanted from Bepin Babu to help him by giving a job in his bad days.
चुनीलाल, बिपिन बाबू का एक पुराना मित्र था वह विद्यालय में उसके साथ पढ़ता था। वह अपने बुरे दिनों में होने के कारण बिपिन बाबू से काम देने की सहायता चाहता था।
Question 2.
Why was Dr. Chanda puzzled? What was unusual about Bepin Babu’s loss of memory?
डॉ. चंदा उलझन-ग्रस्त क्यों थे? बिपिन बाबू के याददाश्त खोने के बारे में क्या बात अप्रत्याशित है?
Dr. Chanda was puzzled because he never dealt with such case. It was quite outside from his field of experience. Everything was in Bepin Babu’s memory except his visit to Ranchi. This was unusual about his loss of memory
डॉ. चंदा उलझनग्रस्त थे क्योंकि वे कभी ऐसे केस से नहीं निपटे थे। यह उनके अनुभव क्षेत्र के एकदम बाहर था। बिपिन बाबू की याददाश्त में सब कुछ था केवल उसकी रांची की यात्रा को छोड़कर। उनकी याददाश्त खोने के बारे में यह अप्रत्याशित था।
(Page 69)
Question 1.
Had Bepin Babu really lost his memory and forgotten about a trip to Ranchi?
क्या बिपिन बाबू वास्तव में अपनी याददाश्त खो चुके थे और रांची की यात्रा के बारे में भूल चुके थे?
No, Bepin Babu hadn’t really lost his memory and forgotten about a trip to Ranchi. It was the work of Chunilal’s imagination, a part of which he used in retribution of his unfeeling behaviour.
नहीं, बिपिन बाबू वास्तव में अपनी याददाश्त नहीं खोये थे और रांची की यात्रा के बारे में नहीं भूले थे। यह तो सब चुनीलाल की कल्पनाशक्ति का काम था जिसके एक हिस्से का प्रयोग उसने उसके असंवेदनशील व्यवहार के अपराध की संज्ञा देने में किया।
Question 2.
Why do you think Chunilal did what he did? Chunilal says he has no money; what is it that he does have?
आप क्यों सोचते हैं कि चुनी ने वही किया जो उसे करना चाहिए था? चुनीलाल कहता है कि उसके पास कोई धन नहीं है; वह क्या है जो उसके पास अवश्य है?
I think that Chunilal did what he should have done because it is right to make a friend sensitive to the needs of the other friend. Chunilal has no money but he does have a fertile imagination.
मैं सोचता हूँ कि चुनीलाल ने वही किया जो उसे करना चाहिए था क्योंकि एक मित्र को दूसरे मित्र की आवश्यकताओं के प्रति संवेदनशील बनाना उचित है। चुनीलाल के पास कोई धन नहीं है किन्तु उसके पास एक उर्वर कल्पनाशक्ति है।
Working with Language:
Question 1.
Fill in the blanks below using ‘had to’/] ‘have to’/’has to'[नोट had to का प्रयोग भूतकाल में करें, have to का| प्रयोग वर्तमान काल में Plural Subject (बहुवचन कर्ता) व (मैं) के साथ करें, तथा has to का प्रयोग भी वर्तमान काल में किन्तु Singular Subject (एकवचन कर्ता) के साथ करें।]
(i) I…………..cut my hair every month.
(ii) We…………..go for swimming lessons last year.
(iii) She…………..tell the principal the truth.
(iv) They………….take the baby to the doctor.
(v) We…………complain to the police about the noise.
(vi) Romit………..finish his homework before he could come out to play
(vii) I………… my cycle yesterday.
(i) have to
(ii) had to
(iii) has to
(iv) have to
(v) have to
(vi) has to
(vii) had to
Question 2.
Here are a few idioms that you will find in the story. Look for them in the dictionary in the following way.
यहाँ कुछ मुहावरे हैं जो आपको कहानी में मिलेंगे। शब्दकोश में अग्र तरीके से तलाश करें।
First, arrange them in the order in which you would find them in a dictionary.
(Clue: An idiom is usually listed under the first noun, verb, adjective or adverb in it. Ignore articles or prepositions in the idiom). To help you, we have put in bold the word under which you must look for the idiom in the dictionary.)
प्रथम, इन्हें शब्दकोश में पाये जाने वाले तरीके से क्रमबद्ध रूप से व्यवस्थित करें। [संकेत : एक मुहावरे को उसमें दिये गये प्रथम Noun (संज्ञा), Verb (क्रिया), Adjective (विशेषण) या | Adverb (क्रिया विशेषण) में अक्सर सूचीबद्ध किया जाता है। मुहावरे में दिये गये Articles (a, an, the) व Prepositions को अनदेखा करें।] आपकी सहायता के लिए उन शब्दों को मोटा छापा गया है जिनमें ये मुहावरे आपको तलाशने हैं।
(i) at/from close quarters (close : adjective)
(ii) break into a smile (break : verb; look under break into something’)
(ii) carry on (carry : verb)
(iv) have a clean record (you may find related meanings under both these words)
(v) beat about the bush (verb)
Now refer to your dictionary and find out what they mean.
अब शब्दकोश देखें और पता करें कि ये क्या अर्थ रखते हैं।
According to dictionary, the above idiomsare under this order.
शब्दकोशानुसार उपर्युक्त मुहावरे इस क्रम में हैं
(i) beat about the bush
(ii) break into a smile
(iii) carry on
(iv) have a clean record
(v) at/from close quarters
These idioms have the following sense as per their arranged serial number
इन मुहावरों का, व्यवस्थित की गई क्रमसंख्यानुसार, निम्न अर्थ है —
(i) to talk about something for a long time without mentioning the main point.
मुख्य मुद्दे पर न आकर घुमा-फिराकर बात करना।
(ii) To start smiling suddenly
एकाएक मुस्कराने लगना
(iii) Keep continue
जारी रखना
(iv) Having no record of offences or crimes
नियमभंग या अपराध के दोष रहित होना
(v) From a position that is very near.
बहुत निकटता से
Question 3.
Study the sentences in the columns below:
नीचे कॉलम में दिये वाक्यों का अध्ययन करें।
A | B |
I saw this movie yesterday | I have seen this movie already. |
‘Bepin Babu worked here for a week last year. | Bepin Babu has woiked he since 2003. |
Chunilal wrote to a publisher last week. | Chunilal has written to a publisher. |
I visited Ranchi once,long ago. | I have visited Ranchi once before. |
Compare the sentences in the two columns, especially the verb forms. Answer the following questions about each pair of sentences.
दो कॉलमों में दिये वाक्यों की तुलना करें, विशेषतः क्रिया के रूपों की। वाक्यों के प्रत्येक जोड़े के बारे में दिये गये निम्न प्रश्नों का उत्तर दें।
(i) Which column tells us that Bepin Babu is still wroking at the same place?
कौनसा कॉलम हमें बताता है कि बिपिन बाबू अभी भी उस ही स्थान पर कार्य कर रहे हैं?
Bepin Babu has worked here since 2003. — (Column B)
(ii) Which column suggests that Chunilal is now waiting for a reply from the publisher?
कौनसा कॉलम सुझाता है कि चुनीलाल अब प्रकाशक के जवाब की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है?
Chunilal has written to a publisher. (Column B)
(iii) Which column suggests that the person still remembers the movie he saw?
कौनसा कॉलम सुझाता है कि वह व्यक्ति उस फिल्म को अभी भी याद करता है जो उसने देखी थी?
I have seen this movie already. — (Column B)
(iv) Which column suggests that the experience of visiting Ranchi is still fresh in the speaker’s mind?
कौनसा कॉलम सुझाता है कि रांची के भ्रमण का अनुभव अभी भी वक्ता के दिमाग में ताजा है?
I have visited Ranchi once before. — (Column B)
Question 4.
Given below are jumbled sentences. Working in groups, rearrange the words in each sentence to form correct sentences. You will find that each sentence contains an idiomatic expression that you have come across in the lesson. Underline the idiom and write down its meaning. Then use your dictionary to check the meaning. One sentence has been worked out for you as an example. Jumbled sentence : vanished/The car/seemed to/into thin/have/air.
The car seemed to have vanished into thin air.
Idiom : vanished into thin air : disappeared or vanished in a mysterious way.
(i) Stop/and tell me/beating about/what you want/ the bush
Stop beating about the bush and tell me what you want.
Idiom : beating about the bush : say something in a round about way.
(ii) don’t pay/If you/attention/you might/the wrong train/to the announcement/board
If you don’t pay attention to the announcement, you might board the wrong train.
Idiom : Board the wrong train : to get on a wrong train.
(iii) The villagers/tried the crime/on the young woman/to pin
The villagers tried to pin the crime on the young woman.
Idiom : to pin the crime on somebody : to impose crime on somebody.
(iv) Bepin Babu/orders to/telling people/under/ loved/doctor’s/eat early/that he was.
Bepin Babu loved telling people that he was under doctor’s orders to eat early.
Idiom : under doctor’s orders : following what has been asked to do.
(v) the students/The teacher/his eyebrows/when/ said that/all their lessons/raised/they had revised
The teacher raised his eyebrows when the students said that they had revised all their lessons.
Idiom : raised his eyebrows : to show that he was surprised.
Seen Passages For
Read the given passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :
Passage 1.
Every Monday, on his way back from work, Bepin Choudhury would drop in at Kalicharan’s in New Market to buy books. Crime stories, ghost stories and thrillers. He had to buy at least five at a time to last him through the week. He lived alone, was not a good mixer, had few friends, and didn’t like spending time in idle chat.
Today, at Kalicharan’s, Bepin Babu had the feeling that someone was observing him from close quarters. He turned round and found himself looking at a round faced, meek looking man who now broke into a smile. “I don’t suppose you recognise me.” “Have we met before?” asked Bepin Babu. The man looked greatly surprised. “We met every day for a whole week. I arranged for a car to take you to the Hudroo Falls. In 1958. In Ranchi. My name is Parimal Ghose.”
1. What is Kalicharan’s?
कालीचरन्ज क्या है?
2. What type of books would Bepin Chaudhury buy?
बिपिन चौधरी कैसी पुस्तकें खरीदता था?
‘would’ मॉडल (modal) का प्रयोग हम भूतकाल की आदत बताने को भी करते हैं, जैसे –
3. Who was observing Bepin Choudhury from close quarters?
कौन बिपिन चौधरी को बहुत निकट से देख रहा था?
4. Where are the Hudroo Falls?
हुदरु प्रपात कहाँ है?
5. Write the one word for the following sentence, “spirit of a dead person appearing to somebody who is still living”.
6. Find the opposites of the following from the passage :
(i) old
(ii) Sell
Answers :
1. Kalicharan’s is a book store in New Market.
कालीचरन्ज न्यू मार्किट में एक पुस्तक की दुकान है।
2. Bepin Choudhury would buy crime stories, ghost stories and thrillers,
बिपिन चौधरी अपराध कहानियाँ, प्रेत कहानियाँ व रोमांचक कहानियाँ खरीदते थे।
3. A round faced, meek looking man was observing Bepin Choudhury from close quarters.
एक गोल चेहरे वाला, विनीत दिखने वाला व्यक्ति बिपिन चौधरी को बहुत निकट से देख रहा था।
4. The Hudroo Falls are in Ranchi.
हुदरु प्रपात रांची में हैं।
5. ghost
6. (i) new
(ii) buy
Passage 2.
Bepin Babu’s car was safely parked in Bertram Street by the Lighthouse Cinema. He told the driver as he got into the car, “Just drive by the Ganga, will you, Sitaram.” Driving up the Strand Road, Bepin Babu regretted having paid so much attention to the intruder. He had never been to Ranchi-no question about it.
It was inconceivable that he should forget such an incident which took place only six or seven years ago. He had an excellent memory. UnlessBepin Babu’s head reeled. Was he losing his mind? But how could that be? He was working daily in his office. It was a big firm, and he was doing a responsible job. He wasn’t aware of anything ever going seriously wrong. Only today he spoke for half an hour at an important meeting. And yet…
1. Where was Bepin Babu’s car parked?
बिपिन बाबू की कार कहाँ खड़ी की गई थी?
2. What instruction did Bepin Babu give to his driver?
बिपिन बाबू ने अपने ड्राइवर को क्या निर्देश दिया?
3. For what did Bepin Babu regret?
4. What was inconceivable?
क्या अकल्पनीय था?
5. Write the one word for the following sentence, “one who drives”.
6. Find the opposites of the following from the passage :
(i) remember
(ii) unaware
Answers :
1. Bepiry Babu’s car was parked in Bertram Street by the Lighthouse Cinema.
बिपिन बाबू की कार लाइटहाउस सिनेमा के पास बस्ट्रैम स्ट्रीट में खड़ी थी।
2. Bepin Babu instructed the driver to drive by the Ganga.
बिपिन बाबू ने ड्राइवर को गंगा के आस-पास कार चलाने का निर्देश दिया।
3. Bepin Babu regretted for paying so much attention to the intruder.
बिपिन बाबू ने घुसपैठिये पर इतना अधिक ध्यान दिये जाने पर खेद जताया।
4. It was inconceivable to forget about the visit of 6 or 7 years ago
यह अकल्पनीय था कि 6 या 7 वर्ष पूर्व की यात्रा के बारे में ही भूल जाए।
5. driver
6. (i) forget
(ii) aware
Passage 3.
After dinner, snuggling in bed with one of the new thrillers, Bepin Babu forgot all about the man in New Market. Next day, in the office, Bepin Babu noticed that with every passing hour, the previous day’s encounter was occupying more and more of his mind. If the man knew so much about Bepin Babu, how could he make such a mistake about the Ranchi trip?
Just before lunch Bepin Babu decided to ring up Dinesh Mukerji. It was better to settle the question over the phone; at least the embarrassment on his face wouldn’t show. Two-Three-Five-Six-One-Six. Bepin Babu dialled the number.
1. When did Bepin Babu forget about the man?
बिपिन बाबू उस व्यक्ति के बारे में कब भूल गए?
2. What did Bepin Babu notice in the office, the next day?
बिपिन बाबू ने अगले दिन कार्यालय में क्या देखा (महसूस किया)?
3. About what was the man making mistake?
वह व्यक्ति किस बारे में गलती कर रहा था?
4. Why did Bepin Babu want to settle the question over the phone?
बिपिन बाबू उस प्रश्न को फोन पर ही निपटाना क्यों चाहते
5. Find the one word from the passage which means, “meet or find oneself faced by”.
6. Find the opposites of the following – from the passage:
(i) before
(ii) old
Answers :
1. Bepin Babu forgot about the man when, after dinner, he was reading the new thrillers in the bed
बिपिन बाबू उस व्यक्ति के बारे में तब बिल्कुल भूल गये थे जब डिनर के बाद वे बिस्तर में नई रोमांचक कहानियाँ पढ़ रहे थे।
2. Next day, in the office, Bepin Babu noticed that the previous day’s encounter was affecting his mind.
अगले दिन, कार्यालय में, बिपिन बाबू ने देखा कि पूर्व दिन की घटना उसके दिमाग को प्रभावित कर रही थी।
3. The man was making mistake about the Ranchi trip.
वह व्यक्ति रांची की यात्रा के बारे में गलती कर रहा था।
4. Bepin Babu wanted so to avoid his face’s embarrassment to be seen.
बिपिन बाबू ऐसा इसलिए चाहते थे ताकि उनके चेहरे की परेशानी को देखने से टाला जा सके। ।
5. encounter
6. (i) after
(ii) new
Passage 4.
After lunch-time, Bepin Babu realised that he couldn’t possibly carry on sitting at his desk and working. This had never happened in the twenty-five years he had been with the firm. He had a reputation for being a tireless, conscientious worker. But today his head was in a whirl. Back home at two-thirty, Bepin Babu lay down in bed and tried to gather his wits together.
He knew that it was possible to lose one’s memory through an injury in the head, but he didn’t know of a single instance of someone remembering everything except one particular incident and a fairly recent and significant one at that. He had always wanted to go to Ranchi; to have gone there, done things, and not to remember was something utterly impossible.
1. How did Bepin Babu feel after lunch time?
लंच टाइम के बाद बिपिन बाबू ने कैसा महसूस किया?
2. For how many years has Bepin Babu been with the firm?
बिपिन बाबू कब से इस प्रतिष्ठान में है?
3. What is his reputation in the firm?
प्रतिष्ठान में उसकी क्या प्रतिष्ठा है?
4. When did Bepin Babu try to gather his wits together?
बिपिन बाबू ने शान्त होने व स्पष्ट रूप से सोचने का प्रयास कब किया?
5. Find the one word from the passage which means, “event”.
6. Find the opposites of the following from the passage :
(i) possible
(ii) insignificant
1. After lunch time, Bepin Babu felt difficulty in sitting and working at his desk.
लंच टाइम के बाद, बिपिन बाबू को डेस्क पर बैठने व कार्य करने में दिक्कत महसूस हुई।
2. Bepin Babu has been with the firm for 25 years.
बिपिन बाबू 25 वर्ष से इस प्रतिष्ठान में है।
3. His reputation in the firm is of a tireless, conscientious worker.
प्रतिष्ठान में उसकी प्रतिष्ठा एक अथक, कर्तव्यनिष्ठ कार्मिक की है।
4. Bepin Babu tried to gather his wits together after coming back home at 2.30 p.m.
बिपिन बाबू ने 2.30 बजे अपने घर वापिस आने के बाद शान्त होने व स्पष्ट रूप से सोचने का प्रयास किया।
5. incident
6. (i) impossible
(ii) significant
Passage 5.
“As far as I can make out,” said Dr. Chanda, “And I think you’re of the same opinion-you must have been to Ranchi, but due to some unknown reason, the entire episode has slipped out of your mind. What I suggest is that you go to Ranchi once again. The sight of the place may remind you of your trip. This is not impossible, More than that I cannot do at the moment.
I’m prescribing a nerve tonic and a tranquilliser. Sleep is essential, or the symptoms will get more pronounced.” Bepin Babu felt somewhat better the next moming After breakfast, he rang up his office, gave some instructions and then procured a first class ticket for Ranchi for the same evening.
1. What did Dr. Chanda suggest Bepin Babu to do?
डॉ. चंदा ने बिपिन बाबू को क्या करने का सुझाव दिया?
2. What may remind Bepin Babu of his trip?
बिपिन बाबू को उसकी यात्रा की याद क्या बात दिला | सकती है?
3. What is essential to such a person?
ऐसे व्यक्ति के लिए क्या आवश्यक है?
4. How did Bepin Babu feel the next morning?
बिपिन बाबू ने अगली सुबह कैसा महसूस किया?
5. Find the one word from the passage which means, “necessary”.
6. Find the opposites of the following from the passage :
(i) near
(ii) unknown
Answers :
1. Dr. Chanda suggested Bepin Babu to go to Ranchi once again.
डॉ. चंदा ने बिपिन बाबू को एक बार पुनः रांची जाने का परामर्श दिया।
2. The sight of the place may remind Bepin Babu of his trip.
उस स्थान के दृश्य बिपिन बाबू को उसकी यात्रा की याद दिला सकते हैं।
3. Sleep is essential to such a person.
ऐसे व्यक्ति को नींद आवश्यक है।
4. The next moming Bepin Babu felt somewhat better.
अगली प्रात: बिपिन बाबू ने कुछ अच्छा महसूस किया।
5. essential
6. (i) far
(ii) known