Chapter 13 The Dear Departed

Chapter 13 The Dear Departed TextBook Questions Question 1. Read an excerpt from the diary of a man of 72 years : As I sit here alone and waiting I gaze at people passing me by. I try to smile and reach out to them But no one notices; no one waits. They look to […]

Chapter 14 Julius Caesar

Chapter 14 Julius Caesar TextBook Questions Question 1. Consult a dictionary and find out the difference between (a) killing (b) murder (c) assassination. Answer: (а) ‘killing’ means : to cause the death of somebody or something (b) ‘murder’ means : unlawful killing of a human being intentionally (c) ‘assassination’ means : killing an important or […]

Chapter 12 Snake

Chapter 12 Snake TextBook Questions Question 1. Snakes generate both horror and fascination. Do you agree? Why? Why not? Answer: Snakes generate both horror and fascination because our reasoning often misleads us. Though snakes are creations of nature, we are afraid of them. Snakes also fascinate us but we do not understand the beauty of […]

Chapter 11 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Chapter 11 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner TextBook Questions Question 1. Look at the picture carefully and answer the questions given below : (a) What can you see in the picture? Does the man look happy? Give reasons for your answer. (b) Why does he have the bird hanging around his neck? (c) Have […]

Chapter 10 Ozymandias

Chapter 10 Ozymandias TextBook Questions Question 1. Look at the picture given below : While on a sight-seeing tour to an old and mysterious country far away from home, you saw this statue. Discuss with your partner what this picture tells you about the people, the place and the ruler. Note down your ideas in […]

Chapter 9 Not Marble, nor the Gilded Monuments

Chapter 9 Not Marble, nor the Gilded Monuments TextBook Questions Question 1. Look at the following picture carefully. (a) What has Time been portrayed as? Why? (b) What are the other symbols associated with Time? Answer: (a) Time has been portrayed as a mysterious man wearing a loose cloak with a scythe in one hand […]

Chapter 8 Mirror

Chapter 8 Mirror TextBook Questions Question 1. In pairs discuss the following questions : (a) When do you generally use a mirror? (b) Is a mirror essential for us? (c) Given below is a list of possible reasons why a person uses a mirror. Tick (✓) the ones you agree with : (i) to check […]

Chapter 7 The Frog and the Nightingale

Chapter 7 The Frog and the Nightingale TextBook Questions Question 1. Listed below are a few character traits of people. Some are positive qualities, while others are not. Tick mark the ones you feel are desirable qualities in a person. Characteristic Tick Mark Characteristic Tick Mark Characteristic Tick Mark Insensitive High – headed Manipulative Humorous […]

Chapter 6 Virtually True

Chapter 6 Virtually True TextBook Questions Question 1. Before reading the story, attempt the following working in groups of four or five. (a) Do you play computer games ? How many hours do you spend playing games on the computer as compared to outdoor games? Answer: Yes I play computer games. I spend at least […]

Chapter 5 Patol Babu, Film Star

Chapter 5 Patol Babu, Film Star TextBook Questions Question 1. With your partner answer the following questions: What are your strengths? Strengths Why do you feel so ? What is your dream career? Is there any correlation between your strengths and aspirations ? Do you think you can achieve your dreams ? Give reasons. Answer: […]
