Dialogue Writing 8

Dialogue Writing 8 A dialogue means conversation between two or more people. In fiction, dialogue is a verbal exchange between two or more characters. If only one person talks then it is a monologue. Dialogues are an effective tool of communication. They are a very important form of composition. The conversation may be informal or […]

Description Writing 8

Description Writing 8 A description is a set of characteristics by which someone or something can be recognised. We can describe people, places and events. By describing them we make a sketch in words so that the reader is able to get a clear picture of the described object. A good description creates a clear […]

Dairy Writing 8

A diary entry is a form of writing where an individual records an account of the day. We record important and significant days and with it our personal feelings. Thus, it is a personal document. The general format of a diary is given below. Date, Day What you saw/experienced Your reaction to what you saw/experienced […]

Composition Based on Visual Input 8

Composition Based on Visual Input 8 1. Gauri sees the following scene as he looks out of his bedroom window. He is alarmed at the way his city has changed in the past five years. He writes an article for his city newspaper expressing his alarm and painting the present position cautioning people against environmental […]

Composition Based on Verbal Input 8

Composition Based on Verbal Input 8 On the basis of the given outlines write a paragraphs on the given topics: 1. Work Your Way To Health Outlines : Health is wealth—regular exercise—nourishing food—good habits—tension free life Health is the real wealth. Every student must try to keep good health. It is not very difficult to […]

Article Writing 8

Article Writing 8 The students have already practised paragraph writing. How does an article differ from a paragraph ? In fact an article is an advanced writing which may or may not contain more than one paragraph. You may say it is something between a paragraph and an essay. Articles narrate the personal feelings of […]

Application Writing 8

Application Writing 8 1. To a Principal to improve the hygienic conditions in the school. You are Naresh of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ranchi. Write an application to your Principal drawing his/her attention to improve the hygienic conditions in your school. Answer: The Principal Kendriya Vidyalaya Ranchi September 3, 2016 Sir Kindly permit me to make a […]
