Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues
Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues A. Understanding the Text Question 1:Give reasons for the following: (i) King Tut’s body has been subjected to repeated scrutiny. Answer: The mummy of King Tutankhamun has earned world wide fame for the riches it was buried with. There is also speculation about the manner of his death and his age […]
A Photograph (Poem)
A Photograph (Poem) A. Infer the meanings of the following words from the context: paddling, transient Now look up the dictionary to see if your inference is right. Answer: ‘Paddling’ means ‘wading’ or ‘rowing’ a boat. ‘Transient’ means temporary. Dictionary meanings: ‘Paddling’ means ‘walking or standing with barefeet in shallow water’. ‘Went paddling’ means ‘swam with short movements of […]