Poem 6 The Wonderful Words

Poem 6 The Wonderful Words Textbook Questions and Answers Working With The Poem  1. With your partner, complete the following sentences in your own words using the ideas in the poem.  कविता में से विचारों का प्रयोग करते हुए निम्न वाक्यों को अपने साथी के साथ अपने शब्दों में पूर्ण कीजिए।  (i) Do not let […]

Poem 8 What if

Poem 8 What if Textbook Questions and Answers Working With The Poem  1. (i) Who is the speaker in the poem?  कविता में वक्ता कौन है?  Answer:  The speaker in the poem is a child.  कविता में वक्ता एक बच्चा है।  (ii) With your partner list out the happenings the speaker is worried about.  अपने […]

Poem 7 Vocation

Poem 7 Vocation Textbook Questions and Answers Working With The Poem  1. Your partner and you may now be able to answer these questions :  आप और आपके साथी अब इन प्रश्नों का जवाब देने के योग्य (i) Who is the speaker in the poem? Who are the people the speaker meets? What are they […]

Poem 7 Vocation

Poem 7 Vocation Textbook Questions and Answers Working With The Poem  1. Your partner and you may now be able to answer these questions :  आप और आपके साथी अब इन प्रश्नों का जवाब देने के योग्य (i) Who is the speaker in the poem? Who are the people the speaker meets? What are they […]

Poem 5 Where Do All the Teachers Go

Poem 5 Where Do All the Teachers Go Textbook Questions and Answers Working With Language  1. Answer these questions.  इन प्रश्नों का जवाब दीजिए।  (i) Why does the poet want to know where the teachers go at four o’clock?  कवि यह क्यों जानना चाहता है कि शिक्षक 4 बजे कहाँ जाते हैं? Answer: The poet […]

Poem 4 Beauty

Poem 4 Beauty Textbook Questions and Answers Working With The Poem  Question 1. With your partner try to guess the meaning of the underlined phrases.  अपने साथी के साथ मिलकर रेखांकित वाक्यांशों के अर्थ का अनुमान लगाइए (i) And somehow we fell out. (ii) The afternoon turned black.  Answer:  (i) Fell out-stopped talking (बात करना […]

Poem 3 The Quarrel

Poem 3 The Quarrel Textbook Questions and Answers Working With The Poem  Question 1.  With your partner try to guess the meaning of the underlined phrases.  अपने साथी के साथ मिलकर रेखांकित वाक्यांशों के अर्थ का अनुमान लगाइए (i) And somehow we fell out. (ii) The afternoon turned black.  Answer:  (i) Fell out-stopped talking (बात […]

Poem 2 The Kite

Poem 2 The Kite Textbook Questions and Answers Working With The Poem  Question 1.  List out the action words in the poem : कविता में आए क्रियात्मक शब्दों की सूची बनाओ dive, dip, snaps, ……………. Find out the meaning of these words : इन शब्दों के अर्थ भी ज्ञात करो।  Answer: dive – jump head […]

Poem 1 A House, A Home

Poem 1 A House, A Home Textbook Questions and Answers Working With The Poem  1. Do you agree with what the poet says? Talk to your partner and complete these sentences.  कवि ने जो इस कविता में कहा है क्या आप उससे सहमत हैं? अपने साथी से बात करो और इन वाक्यों को पूर्ण करो।  […]

Chapter 10 The Banyan Tree

Chapter 10 The Banyan Tree Textbook Questions and Answers Working With The Text  A. Complete the following sentences.  निम्न वाक्यों को पूरा कीजिए।  1. The old banyan tree “did not belong” to the grandfather, but only to the boy, because ……… Answer: the grandfather at sixty-five could no longer climb it. 2. The small gray […]
