Chapter 2 A Gift of Chappals
Textbook Questions and Answers
Working with the Text
Question 1.
Complete the following sentences.
निम्न वाक्यों को पूर्ण कीजिए
(i) Ravi compares Lalli’s playing the violin to a train which always goes off the track and derails.
(ii) Trying to hide beneath the tray of chillies, Mahendran tipped a few chillies over himself.
(iii) The teacher played a few notes on his violin, and Lalli stumbled behind him on her violin, awkwardly without any success.
(iv) The beggar said that the kind ladies of the household had been very generous. He had been relying on them for food.
(v) After the lesson was over the music teacher asked Lalli if she had seen his slippers somewhere.
Question 2.
Describe the music teacher as seen from the window?
संगीत शिक्षक का वर्णन कीजिए जैसा उसे खिड़की से देखा है?
Music teacher was very thin with bald head. He had an old fashioned tuft. He was wearing a gold chain in his neck and diamond rings in his hands.
संगीत शिक्षक बहुत पतला था और गंजे सिर का था। उसके पुराने प्रचलन के अनुसार बालों का एक गुच्छा था। उसने गर्दन पर सोने की चेन और हाथों में डायमण्ड की अंगूठियाँ पहनी थीं।
Question 3.
(i) What makes Mridu conclude that the beggar has no money to buy chappals?
मृदु किस प्रकार से यह निष्कर्ष निकालती है कि भिखारी के पास चप्पल खरीदने के लिए पैसे नहीं हैं?
The pink, peeling blisters on the bare feet of the beggar make Mridu conclude that he has no money to buy chappals
भिखारी के पैरों के गुलाबी, छिले हुए नंगे पैरों के छालों को देखकर मृदु यह निष्कर्ष निकालती है कि भिखारी के पास चप्पल खरीदने के लिए पैसे नहीं हैं।
(ii) What does she suggest to show her concern?
अपनी चिन्ता व्यक्त करने के लिए वह क्या सुझाव देती है?
To show her concern, she suggests Ravi and Meena that they should give the beggar an old pair of chappals, if there is one in the house somewhere.
अपनी चिन्ता दिखाने के लिए वह मीना और रवि को यह सुझाव देती है कि वे भिखारी को पुराने चप्पल का जोड़ा दे दें, यदि उनके घर में इस प्रकार का कोई एक जोड़ा कहीं पर है तो।
Question 4.
“Have you children ………… ” she began, and then, seeing they were curiously quiet, went on more slowly, “seen anyone lurking around the verandah?”
(i) What do you think Rukku Manni really wanted to ask.
आप क्या सोचते हैं कि रुक्कु मन्नी वास्तव में क्या पूछना चाहती थी?
I think Rukku Manni really wanted to ask whether the children had hidden the chappals.
मैं सोचता हूँ कि रुक्क मन्नी वास्तव में यह पूछना चाहती थी कि बच्चों ने उन चप्पलों को कहीं पर छिपाया था।
(ii) Why did she change her question?
उसने अपना प्रश्न क्यों बदला था?
She changed her question when she noticed that the children were curiously quiet. She had realized that the children were already scared and a direct accusation would only make them tell a lie.
उसने प्रश्न बदला था जब उसने इस बात पर गौर किया कि बच्चे उत्सुकता से शान्त थे। उसने यह महसूस किया था कि बच्चे पहले से ही डरे हुए थे और उन पर सीधा आरोप लगाना उनको झूठ बोलने पर आमादा कर देता।
(iii) What did she think had happened?
उसने क्या सोचा कि क्या हो गया था?
She thought either the children had hidden or someone had stolen the chappals.
उसने सोचा कि या तो बच्चों ने चप्पलों को छुपा दिया था या किसी अन्य ने चप्पलों को चुराया था।
Question 5.
On getting Gopu Mama’s chappals, the music-teacher tried not to look too happy. Why?
गोपू मामा की चप्पलें पाकर संगीत शिक्षक ने अपेक्षा से अधिक प्रसन्न दिखने का प्रयास नहीं किया। क्यों?
The music-master tried not to look too happy as he did not want to show his greed. Although he was happy at heart.
संगीत शिक्षक ने अपेक्षा से अधिक प्रसन्न दिखने का प्रयास नहीं किया क्योंकि वह अपना लालच नहीं दिखाना चाहता था। यद्यपि वह हृदय से प्रसन्न था।
Question 6.
On getting a gift.of chappals, the beggar vanished in a minute. Why was he in such a hurry to leave?
चप्पलों का उपहार पाकर भिखारी एक क्षण में गायब हो गया था। वह जाने की इस प्रकार की जल्दी में क्यों था?
The begger knew that the children had not sought the permission of their elders. They had given him chappals on their own. He had the fear that the elders could take the chappals back. So, he vanished in a minute.
भिखारी जानता था कि बच्चों ने अपने से बड़ों की आज्ञा नहीं ली थी। उन्होंने स्वयं अपने स्तर पर चप्पलें उसे दी थीं। उसे यह भय था कि बड़े उससे चप्पलें वापस ले सकते थे इसलिए वह एक क्षण में गायब हो गया था।
Question 7.
Walking towards the kitchen with Mridu and Meena, Rukku Manni began to laugh. What made her laugh?
मृदु और मीना के साथ रसोई की ओर जाते हुए रुक्क मन्नी ने हँसना शुरू कर दिया। उसको किस बात से हंसी आई थी?
Rukku Manni began to laugh because she was imagining the scene how Gopu Mama, after coming home in the evening, habitually would throw his shoes and socks and want to get into his slippers as soon as possible. She wondered what would he say after knowing that his chappals had been given to the music master.
रुक्कु मन्नी ने हँसना प्रारम्भ किया था क्योंकि वह इस बात की कल्पना कर रही थी कि किस तरह से गोपू मामा, शाम को घर आने के बाद, आदतन रूप में किस तरह से अपने जूते और चप्पलें फेंक कर अपनी चप्पलों में जितना संभव हो उतना जल्दी आना चाहते थे। वह आश्चर्यचकित थी कि वह क्या कहेंगे यह जानकर कि उसकी चप्पलें संगीत शिक्षक को दे दी गई थीं।
Seen Passages
Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Passage -1.
A smiling Rukku Manni threw open the door. Ravi and Meena rushed out, and Ravi pulled Mridu into the house. “Wait, let me take off my slippers,” protested Mridu. She set them out neatly near a pair of large black ones. Those were grey, actually, with dust. You could see the clear mark of every toe on the front part of each slipper. The marks for the two big toes were long and scrawny.
Mridu didn’t have much time to wonder about whose slippers they were, because Ravi dragged her to the backyard, behind a thick bitter-berry bush. There, inside a torn football lined with sacking and filled with sand, lay a very small kitten, lapping up milk from a coconut half-shell. “We found him outside the gate this morning.”
1. What can be seen on the front part of the slippers?
2. Who opened the door?
3. Where did Ravi drag Mridu?
4. What was lying on the football?
5. What was the kitten doing?
6. What is the opposite of protesto”?
7. Give the meaning in Hindi –
(a) Found
(b) Coconut
Answers :
1. The clear mark of toe can be seen on the front part of the slippers.
2. Rukku Manni opened the door.
3. Ravi dragged Mridu to the backyard, behind a thick bitter-berry bush.
4. A very small kitten was lying on the football.
5. The kitten was lapping milk from a coconut half shell
6. Support.
7. (a) पाया (b) नारियल
Passage – 2
“People are always telling us to be kind to animals, but when we are, they scream. ‘Ooh, don’t bring that dirty creature here!” said Ravi. “Do you know how hard it is just to get a little milk from the kitchen? Paati saw me with a glass in my hand just now. I told her I’m very hungry, I want to drink it, but the way she looked at me! I had to drink most of it to throw her off the scent. Then she wanted the tumbler back. “Paati, Paati, I’ll wash it myself, why should I put you to trouble, I told her.
1. What do people tell us?
2. What was difficult for Ravi?
3. What did Ravi tell to Paati when she saw her taking milk?
4. What did Paati want back?
5. What did he tell Paati when she demanded tumbler back?
6. Write the Hindi meaning of the following words –
(a) Creature
(b) Scream
7. गद्यांश में से वह वाक्य लिखें जिसका अर्थ है, “मैं आपको परेशानी में क्यों डालूँ”
Answers :
1. People tell us to be kind to animals.
2. To get milk from the kitchen was difficult for Ravi.
3. Ravi told Paati that he was very hungry when she saw her taking milk.
4. Paati wanted the tumbler back
5. He told Paati that he would wash himself, when she demanded tumbler back.
6. (a) जीव (b) चीख
7. Why should I put you to trouble.
Passage – 3.
The music-master’s notes seemed to float up and settle perfectly into the invisible tracks of the melody. It was like the wheels of a train fitting smoothly into the rails and whizzing along, as Ravi said. Mridu stared at that huge, beringed hand moving effortlessly up the violin’s stem, making lovely music. Squawk! There was Lalli derailing again! “Amma!” came a wail from the gate. “Ammaoh!” “Ravi, send that beggar away!” cried his mother from the back verandah.
Questions :
1. What happened to the notes of the music master?
2. Where did a wail come from?
3. What did his mother cry for?
4. How was the hand of the music master?
5. How was the music master’s hand working on violin?
6. Write the Hindi meaning of “derailing”.
7. Write the opposite of ‘
(i) visible
(ii) imperfectly from the passage.
Answers :
1. The notes of the music master seemed to float up and settle prefectly into the invisible tracks of the melody.
2. A wail came from the gate.
3. His mother cried to send that beggar away.
4. The hand of the music master was beringed.
5. The music master’s hand was working effortlessly on violin.
6. पटरी से उतरना
(i) invisible
(ii) perfectly.
Passage – 4.
He stretched out his feet to show large, pink, peeling blisters on the soles of his bare feet. “I suppose he doesn’t have the money to buy chappals.” Mridu whispered to Meena-Ravi. “Have you got an old pair in the house somewhere?” “I don’t know,” said Ravi. “Mine are too small to fit his feet, or I’d have given them to him.” And his feet were larger than Mridu’s and Meena’s.
The beggar was shaking out his upper cloth and tightening his dhoti. He raised his eyes and looked fearfully at the road, gleaming in the afternoon heat. “He needs something on his feet!” Meena said, her big eyes filling. “It’s not fair!”
1. Why did he stretch out his feet?
2. What happened to the feet of the beggar?
3. How did the beggar look at the road?
4. Whose eyes were filled with tears?
5. What did Mridu ask Meena and Ravi?
6. Write the opposite of the word “lower”.
7. गद्यांश में से अंग्रेजी में यह वाक्य ढूंढ़कर लिखिए-“उसे अपने पैरों पर कुछ चाहिए।”
Answers :
1. He stretched out his feet to show blisters on the soles of his bone feet.
2. The beggar’s feet had pink, peeling blisters on his soles.
3. The beggar looked fearfully at the road.
4. Meena’s eyes were filled with tears.
5. Mridu asked Meena and Ravi if there was an old pair in the house.
6. upper.
7. He needs something on his feet.
Comprehension Check
Page 22.
Question 1.
What is the secret that Meena shares with Mridu in the backyard?
वह रहस्य क्या है जिसे मीना मृदु के साथ घर के पिछवाड़े में जाकर साझा करती है?
Meena shows Mridu a kitten she and Ravi found outside their gate in the morning. They had secretly kept him in their backyard as their paati (grandmother) didn’t like cats.
मीना मृदु को बिल्ली का एक बच्चा दिखाती है जिसे उसने और रवि ने आज सुबह घर के बाहर पाया था। उन्होंने उसे छिपाकर अपने पिछवाड़े में रखा हुआ था क्योंकि उनकी पाती (दादी) को। बिल्लियाँ रखना पसन्द नहीं था।
Question 2.
How does Ravi get milk for the kitten?
रवि बिल्ली के बच्चे के लिए दूध कैसे प्राप्त करता है?
Ravi gets milk from the kitchen and while he was taking milk, his grandmother caught him. He drinks half of the milk and saves some milk in a coconut shell. He washes the glass himself and puts it back in the kitchen.
रवि रसोई से दूध प्राप्त करता है और जब वह दूध ले रहा था। तो उसकी दादी ने उसे पकड़ लिया। वह आधा दूध पी लेता है और कुछ दूध नारियल के खोल में बचाकर रख लेता है।। वह स्वयं गिलास को धोता है और वापिस रसोई में रख देता
Question 3.
Who does he say the kitten’s ancestors are? Do you believe him?
वह किसे बिल्ली के बच्चों के पूर्वज बताता है? क्या आप उस पर विश्वास करते हैं?
According to Ravi, the kitten’s ancestors are Mahabalipuram Rishi-Cat and the Egyptian Cat-Goddess Bastet’. No, we don’t believe him.
रवि के अनुसार बिल्ली के पूर्वज महाबलीपुरम की ऋषि बिल्ली और मिस्र की बिल्ली देवी बैस्टेट हैं। नहीं, हमें उस पर विश्वास नहीं है।
Question 4.
Ravi has a lot to say about M.P. Poonai. This shows that
रवि एम.पी. पूनई के बारे में बहुत कुछ कहता है। यह प्रदर्शित करता है कि|
(i) he is merely trying to impress Mridu.
(ii) his knowledge of history is sound.
(iii) he has a rich imagination.
(iv) he is an intelligent child. Which of these statements do you agree/ disagree to?
आप इन वाक्यों में किससे सहमत/असहमत हैं?
We agree to
(i) he is merely trying to impress Mridu and
(iii) he has a rich imagination.
Question 5.
What was the noise that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran?
वह क्या शोर था जिसने मृदु को हैरान किया और महेन्द्रन को डराया था?
It was a kreeching sound that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran. It was actually Lalli learning to play violin.
यह किवाड़ों के क्रीच करने की आवाज थी जिसने मृदु को हैरान किया और महेन्द्रन को डराया। यह वास्तव में लल्ली का वायलिन बजाना सीखना था।
Page 28.
Question 1.
The music-master is making lovely music. Read aloud the sentences in the text that expresses this idea.
संगीत शिक्षक प्यारा संगीत बजा रहा है। पाठ में से उन वाक्यों को जोर से पढ़िए जो इस विचार को व्यक्त करता है।
“The music-master’s notes seemed to float up and settle perfectly into the invisible tracks of the melody. It was like the wheels of a train fitting smoothly into the rails and whizzing along.”
उसने कहना शुरू किया, “तुम बच्चों…………..” और तब यह देखकर कि वे उत्सुकता से शान्त थे, वह और धीरे से बोली, “क्या तुमने किसी को बरामदे के आसपास छुपकर बैठे देखा?” “संगीत शिक्षक की स्वर लहरियाँ हवा में तैरती हुई प्रतीत हो रही थीं और मधुरता के अदृश्य रास्ते पर जाकर पूर्णत: स्थायी हो रही थी। यह इस तरह से लग रहा था जैसे कि किसी गाड़ी के पहिए पटरियों पर आराम से व्यवस्थित हो गए और सनसनाती गाड़ी जा रही हो।”.
Question 2.
Had the beggar come to Rukku Manni’s house for the first time? Give reasons for your answer.
क्या भिखारी रुक्कु मन्नी के घर पर प्रथम बार आया था? अपने उत्तर के लिए तर्क दीजिए।
No, the beggar had not come to Rukku Manni’s house for the first time. We get to know this when Paati said to Tapi, “He has been coming here every day for the past week, and it is time he found another house to beg from!”
नहीं, भिखारी रुक्कु मन्नी के घर पर प्रथम बार नहीं आया था। हमें यह पता तब चलता है जब पाती ने तापी से कहा था, “यह पिछले सप्ताह से यहाँ पर रोज आ रहा है और अब यह अच्छा होगा कि वह भीख माँगने के लिए कोई और नया घर ढूँढ़ ले।”
Question 3.
“A sharp V-shaped line had formed between her eyebrows.” What does it suggest to you about Rukku Manni’s mood?
“एक तेज V के आकार की रेखा उसकी भौंहों पर बन गई थी।” यह आपको रुक्कु मन्नी की मनोदशा के बारे में क्या सुझाव देता है?
It suggests that Rukku Manni was angry.
यह व्यक्त करता है कि रुक्कु मन्नी को बहुत गुस्सा आ रहा था।