The Great Stone Face 1 

Textbook Questions and Answers

Working with the Text : 

Answer the following questions. 

निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें।

Question 1. 
(i) What was the Great Stone Face? 
विशाल प्रस्तर चेहरा क्या था? 

(ii) What did young Ernest wish when he gazed at it? 
युवा अर्नेस्ट ने क्या इच्छा की जब उसने इसे एकटक निहारा? 
(i) The Great Stone Face was a work of nature. It was a heap of gigantic rocks, piled one upon another in a manner that when viewed at a proper distance, they resembled the features of a human face. 
विशाल प्रस्तर चेहरा प्रकृति की एक कृति था। यह विराट चट्टानों का एक ढेर था जो एक के ऊपर दूसरा इस तरह से था कि जब इन्हें एक उचित दूरी से देखा जाता था तो ये एक मानवीय चेहरे की आकृति से मेल खाते थे। 

(ii) When he gazed at it the young Ernest wished it could speak; its voice would be pleasant; he would love a man with such a face. 
जब उसने इसकी ओर एकटक देखा, तो छोटे अर्नेस्ट ने इच्छा की काश! यह बोल सकता; इसकी आवाज मधुर होगी; वह ऐसे चेहरे वाले व्यक्ति से प्रेम करेगा।

Question 2. 
What was the story attributed to the Stone Face? 
प्रस्तर चेहरे के साथ कौनसी कहानी जुड़ी थी? 
The story attributed with the Stone Face was that in future a child would be born in the valley who would become the greatest and the noblest person of his time. His face would resemble the Stone Face. 

जो कहानी प्रस्तर चेहरे से जुड़ी थी वह यह थी कि भविष्य में घाटी में एक बालक जन्म लेगा जो अपने युग का महानतम व सज्जनतम व्यक्ति होगा। उसका चेहरा प्रस्तर चेहरे से मेल खायेगा। 

Question 3. 
What gave the people of the valley the idea that the prophecy was about to come true for the first time? 
घाटी के लोगों को यह विचार किसने दिया कि वह भविष्यवाणी प्रथम बार सच साबित होने वाली थी? 
A rumour that highly wealthy old shopkeeper, Gathergold, is returning the valley, his birth place. And he resembles the Stone Face. That was that. 

एक अफवाह कि अत्यधिक धनी, वृद्ध दुकानदार, गैदरगोल्ड,अपने जन्म-स्थान घाटी में लौट रहा है। और वह प्रस्तर चेहरे से मेल खाता है। यह वह विचार था।

Question 4. 
(i) Did Ernest see in Gathergold the likeness of the Stone Face: 
क्या अर्नेस्ट, गैदरगोल्ड में प्रस्तर चेहरे जैसी समानता देखता है?
(ii) Who did he confide in and how was he proved right? 
उसने किसे यह बताया और वह कैसे ठीक सिद्ध हुआ? 
(i) No, Ernest didn’t see in Gathergold the likeness of the Stone Face. 
नहीं, अर्नेस्ट, गैदरगोल्ड में प्रस्तर चेहरे जैसी समानता नहीं देखता है। 

(ii) He confided in to the Stone Face. He was proved right. Gathergold’s wealth disappeared before his death. He was dead and buried. People agreed that his face didn’t match with the Stone Face.

उसने यह बात प्रस्तर चेहरे को बताई। वह सही साबित हुआ। गैदरगोल्ड की सम्पदा उसके मरने से पूर्व ही लुप्त हो गई। वह मर गया था व दफना दिया गया था। लोग सहमत थे कि उसका चेहरा, प्रस्तर चेहरे से मेल नहीं खाता

Question 5.
(i) What made people believe General Blood-and-Thunder was their man?
किस बात से लोगों को विश्वास हुआ कि जनरल ब्लड व | थंडर उनका वह व्यक्ति था? 
(ii) Ernest compared the man’s face with the Stone Face. What did he conclude?
अर्नेस्ट ने उस व्यक्ति के चेहरे की प्रस्तर चेहरे से तुलना | की। उसने क्या निष्कर्ष निकाला? 
(i) The statements of the inhabitants, his old neighbours and of their grown-up children made people believe that General Blood-andThunder was their man.

निवासियों, उसके पुराने पड़ौसियों व उनके बड़े बच्चों के कथनों ने लोगों को यह विश्वास कराया कि जनरल ब्लडएण्ड-थंडर उनका वह आदमी था। 

(ii) When Emest compared the man’s face with the Stone Face, he concluded that he can’t recognise the people’s idea. 

जब अर्नेस्ट ने उस आदमी के चेहरे की तुलना प्रस्तर चेहरे से की तो उसने निष्कर्ष निकाला कि वह लोगों के इस विचार को मान्यता नहीं दे सकता है। 

Comprehension Check (Page 125)

Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following statements.

निम्न प्रत्येक कथन के सामने सत्य या असत्य लिखें। 

1. The Great Stone Face stood near where Ernest and his mother lived 
2. One would clearly distinguish the features of the Stone Face only from a distance. …… 
3. Ernest loved his mother and helped her in her work.
4. Though not very rich, Gathergold was a skilful merchant 
5. Gathergold died in poverty and neglect.
6. The Great Stone Face seemed to suggest that Emest should not fear the general..
1. False 
2. True 
3. True 
4. False
5. True 
6. True. 

Working with Language: 

Question 1.
Write the noun forms of the following words by adding -ness or -ity to them appropriately. Check the spelling of the new words. 
निम्न शब्दों में -ness या -ity जोड़कर इनके संज्ञा रूप बनाइए। नये शब्द की वर्तनी अवश्य जाँचें। 
(i) lofty…………….. 
(ii) able…………….
(iii) happy…………… 
(iv) near…….
(v) noble…….. 
(vi) enormous……….. 
(vii) pleasant ………. 
(viii) dense…….. 
(ix) great …….. 
(x) stable……….
(i) loftiness 
(ii) ability
(iii) happiness 
(iv) nearness  
(v) nobility
(vi) enormity 
(vii) pleasantness 
(viii) density
(ix) greatness 
(x) stability 

Question 2. 
Add’-Ig to each of the following adjectives, then use them to fill in the blanks. 
निम्न विशेषणों के पीछे -ly को जोड़ें, फिर उन्हें रिक्त स्थान की पूर्ति के लिए प्रयोग करें। 
perfect ,neat ,kind ,pleasant ,eager

(i) Why didn’t you turn up at the meeting? We all were………..waiting for you.
(ii)……..write your name and address in capital letters.
(iii) I was………….surprised to see him at the railway station. I thought he was not coming.
(iv) It is………..believable that I am not resposible for this mess. 
(v) He fell over the step and………..broke his arm. 
(i) eagerly 
(ii) kindly 
(iii) pleasantly 
(iv) perfectly 
(v) nearly 

Question 3. 
Complete each sentence below using the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.
नीचे के प्रत्येक वाक्य को कोष्ठक में दी गई क्रियाओं की उचित form का प्रयोग कर पूर्ण करें।
(i) …………(phone) you when ………….(get) home from school.
(ii) Hurry up! Madam………..(be) annoyed if we………….(be) late. 
(iii) If it………….(rain) today, we…………(not) go to the play. 
(iv) When you…………(see) Mandal again, you………….(not/recognise) him. He is growing a beard 
(v) We are off today. We………….(write) to you after we………… (be) back. 
(i) phoned, got 
(ii) will be, are 
(iii) rains, shall not 
(iv) see, will not recognise 
(v) shall write, are.

Seen Passages For


Read the given passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Passage 1.

The Great Stone Face was a work of nature, formed on the perpendicular side of a mountain by some immense rocks, which had been thrown together so that, when viewed at a proper distance, they resembled the features of a human face. If the spectator approached too near, he lost the outline of the enormous face and could see only a heap of gigantic rocks, piled one upon another.

But seen from a distance, the clouds clustering about it, the Great Stone Face seemed positively to be alive. It was the belief of many his native valley. The inhabitants, his old neighbours and their grown up children, prepared to welcome the renowned commander.

It was being said that at last the likeness of the Great Stone Face had actually appeared. Great, therefore, was the excitement throughout the valley, and many people who had never once thought of glancing at the Great Stone Face now spent much time in gazing at it, for the sake of knowing exactly how General Blood-and-Thunder looked. 

1. Who had become a soldier?
कौन एक सैनिक बन गया था? 

2. What was he now? 
वह अब क्या था? 

3. How was the soldier now? 
यह सैनिक अब कैसा था? 

4. What was his lately expressed desire? 
उसकी हाल ही में व्यक्त इच्छा क्या थी?

5. Find the one word from the passage which means, “person or animal living in a place”.

6. Find the opposites of the following |from the passage:
(i) unknown
(ii) soft 
1. An another son of the valley had become a soldier. 
घाटी का एक दूसरा पुत्र एक सैनिक बन चुका था। 

2. He was now a famous commander. 
वह अब एक प्रसिद्ध कमाण्डर था।

3. This soldier was now old and tired. 
यह सैनिक अब वृद्ध व थका हुआ था। 

4. His lately expressed desire was to return to his native valley 
उसकी हाल की इच्छा थी कि वह अपनी जन्म घाटी में वापिस जाए। 

5. inhabitant 

6. (i) known
(ii) hard

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