11 Unseen Passages

Unseen Passages हल करते समय ध्यान देने योग्य बातें: Unseen Passages को हल करने के कोई विशेष नियम नहीं हैं किन्तु कुछ बातों का ध्यान रखकर इन्हें सर्वश्रेष्ठ तरीके से हल किया जा सकता है। मुख्य बातें निम्न प्रकार हैं
1. सर्वप्रथम दिये गये Unseen Passage को कम-से-कम दो बार ध्यान से अवश्य पढ़ना चाहिए। 
2. Passage को पढ़ने के बाद उसके केन्द्रीय भाव (central idea) को भी समझना चाहिए। केन्द्रीय भाव समझने से हमें उसमें आये कठिन शब्दों का भी अर्थ समझ में आ जायेगा। 
3. यदि अब भी किसी शब्द का अर्थ समझ में नहीं आये तो उसे समझने के लिए अथवा अनुमान करने के लिए अधिक समय नहीं लगाना चाहिए। 
4. अब हमें Passage में दिये प्रश्नों को पढ़ना और समझना चाहिए।
5. प्रश्न में दिये गये Tense के अनुसार ही Answer में Tense का प्रयोग करना चाहिए। 
6. प्रश्नों के उत्तर दिये गये Passage में से ही निकालने चाहिए। 
7. उत्तर पूर्ण वाक्यों में देने चाहिए, केवल Yes’ या ‘No’ में नहीं। 
8. Unseen Passage को हल करते समय परीक्षा की समय-सीमा का भी ध्यान अवश्य रखना चाहिए।
यहाँ छात्रों के अभ्यास के लिए अनेक Passage दिए जा रहे हैं। इनका अभ्यास अवश्य करें। 
अभ्यास : से ही निपुणता प्राप्त की जा सकती है।

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below :

निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को ध्यान से पढ़ो तथा नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर देवें :

Passage 1. 

Helen’s parents were very sad but they didn’t lose heart. They saw that Helen was an intelligent girl. She was always eager to learn. She tried to talk by signs. To say “No” she would shake her head and to say
“Yes” she would give a nod. Some doctors suggested her parents to appoint a teacher for her.

Luckily they got the services of a very good teacher, Miss Anne Sullivan. She came to live with the Keller family. She was Helen’s constant companion. For Helen she came as a light in the dark. She taught her letters and words by writing on her hand. 

1. How did Helen’s parents feel ? 
2. How did Helen try to talk ? 
3. What did she do to say ‘No’ ? 
4. What did the doctors suggest ? 
5. How did her teacher teach her writing? 
6. Write words from the passage which mean: 
(i) father and mother 
(ii) unhappy
1. They felt very sad. 
2. She tried to talk by signs. 
3. She would shake her head to say ‘No’. 
4. The doctors suggested to appoint a teacher for her. 
5. She taught her letters and words by writing on her hand. 
6. (i) parents 
(ii) sad

Passage 2.

Many years ago India was ruled by the wise king Akbar. He liked intelligent and clever persons. Birbal was one of the nine cleverest men whom Akbar liked the most. One day Akbar and Birbal were sitting in the royal garden. It was winter.

They were talking about man’s needs like food and shelter etc. Birbal said, “A man can do anything to fulfil his basic needs like food and clothes.” Akbar did not agree with him. He said “Can a man stand in the lake for a whole night for money?” 

1. Who liked intelligent persons ? 
2. Where were Akbar and Birbal sitting one day? 
3. What were they talking about ? 
4. What can a man do to fulfil his basic needs? 
5. Did Akbar agree with Birbal ? 
6. Find out from the passage the words which mean : 
(i) clever 
(ii) park
1. Akbar liked intelligent persons.
2. One day they were sitting in the royal garden. 
3. They were talking about man’s needs. 
4. A man can do anything to fulfil his basic needs. 
5. No, Akbar did not agree with Birbal.
6. (i) wise 
(ii) garden. 

Passage 3.

Education in our country today has become entirely meaningless. During all these years of our Independence we have been planning only. Those plans are borrowed from the west. We have not been able to bring a proper reform in the sphere of education.

A lifeless mechanical system of teaching in overcrowded schools and colleges imposed by far from competent teachers on students whose only interest is to get through the examinations. We have completely forgotten the truth that the aim of education is first to build up character in the widest sense and then to impart knowledge.

1. Where have we borrowed our education system from? 
2. What is the main interest of students in getting education ? 
3. What have we been doing for education since Independence ? 
4. What is the real aim of education ? 
5. How has the teaching in our schools and colleges been defined in the passage? 
6. Write words from the passage which mean : 
(i) completely ………… 
(ii) object ………… 
1. We have borrowed it from the west. 
2. Their main interest is to get through the examination. 
3. We have been planning only. 
4. The real aim of education is to build character. 
5. Teaching is a lifeless mechanical system. 
6. (i) entirely 
(ii) aim. 

Passage 4.

An old man was walking slowly along a street. He saw a little boy who was trying to reach a doorbell which was too high for him. He was a kind-hearted old-man, so he stopped and said, “I will ring the bell for you.” Then he pushed the button of the bell so hard that it could be heard all over the house.

The little boy looked up at him and said, “Now we will run away. Come on or we shall be caught.” Before the old gentleman knew what was happening the naughty little boy had run away round the corner of the street, leaving the old man to explain to the angry owner of the house,”Why you had rung the bell ?”

1. What did the old man see the boy doing? 
2. Who might have been seen at the door by the owner of the house? 
3. Who did the little boy want to make fun of ? 
4.”……….so he stopped and said……..” Who does the word ‘he’ here refer to ? 
5. “…….I will ring the bell for you.’ Who does the word ‘you’ here refer to ? 
6. Why did the boy ask the old man to run away with him ?
1. The old man saw the boy trying to reach a doorbell. 
2. The old man might have been seen at the door by the owner of the house. 
3. He wanted to make fun of the owner,of the house. 
4. “he’ here refers to the old man’. 
5. ‘you’ here refers to the little boy’. 
6. He knew that the owner of the house would be angry.

Passage 5.

We are all familiar with the name of Vikramaditya. His reign has been a landmark in the history of our country. The “Vikram Samvat’ owes its origin to him. Although his name is so famous, it is strange that we hardly know anything definite about his life.

There is one thing certain about him, however; he loved justice and learning. He gave perfect justice to his people and gathered learned men about him in his court. It is said that he was the greatest judge in history. He was never deceived: Nor did he ever punish the wrong man. The guilty trembled when they came before him for they knew that his eyes would look straight into their guilt. 

1. What is said about Vikramaditya ? 
2. What is the greatest contribution of Vikramaditya ? 
3. Why were the guilty afraid of him? 
4. What do we not know definitely about him? 
5. “…….eyes would look straight into their guilt.” About whom are we talking? 
6. Find the word in the passage that means — well-known
1. It is said that he was the greatest judge in history. 
2. The ‘Vikram Samvat’ owes its origin to him. 
3. They knew that his eyes would look straight into their guilt. 
4. We do not know definitely about his life. 
5. We are talking about Vikramaditya and the guilty who came before him. 
6. famous. 

Passage 6.

My big brother was five years older than I, but only three classes ahead. He had begun his studies at the same age as I had, but he did not like the idea of moving hastily in an important matter like education. He wanted to lay a firm foundation. So he took two years to do one year’s work, sometimes he even took three. If the foundation was not strong, how would the building be strong.

I was the younger, he the elder. I was nine, he was fourteen. He had full right by seniority to supervise and instruct me. I was expected to accept every order of his as a law. By nature he was very studious. He was always sitting with a book open. And perhaps to rest his brain he would sometimes draw pictures of birds, dogs and cats in the margin of his note-book. 

1. What idea did the big brother not like? 
2. Why did the big brother take two years to do one year’s work? 
3. What did the big brother do to rest his mind ? 
4. ‘I was nine but he was fourteen.” What does the word ‘I’ here refer to? 
5. And I was expected to accept every order of his. Who does the word ‘his’ here refer to? 
6. Find the word in the passage which means — तेजी से
1. He did not like the idea of moving hastily in an important matter like education would Mely.
2. He wanted to lay a firm foundation. 
3. He would sometimes draw pictures of birds, dogs and cats in the margin of his note-book. 
4. ‘I’ here refers to the writer (or the narrator). 
5. The word ‘his’ here refers to writer’s big brother. 
6. hastily 

Passage 7. 

A young lady was waiting at the bus stop with her small suitcase beside her on the footpath. She kept looking at her watch anxiously. Her train left at half past two and it was already two o’clock. She didn’t want to miss the train. As there was no bus in sight, she decided to telephone for a taxi. She had already walked some distance in the direction of a friend’s house, where there was a telephone, when a bus came into sight. She ran back at once to catch it and reached the station in time.

1. What was the lady waiting for? 
2. How much time did she have to catch the train ? 
3. From where did she decide to telephone for a taxi? 
4. “………ran back at once to catch it……” What does the word ‘it’ here refer to?
5. Why was the young lady worried ? 
6. What luggage did she have with her ?
1. The lady was waiting for the bus. 
2. She had thirty minutes to catch the train. 
3. She decided to telephone from her friend’s house. 
4. ‘it’ here refers to the ‘bus’. 
5. She did not find the bus to reach station in time. 
6. She had a small suitcase. 

Passage 8.

A man moved into a new house and found that he had two blacksmiths for neighbours. One lived in a hut on his left and the other in a hut on his right. They were a source of great annoyance to him as of blows of their hammers hardly ever stopped during the day. Finally he could bear it no longer and calling in Kengu, the blacksmith on his left, he offered him fifty rupees if he would move to another hut.

Kengu agreed to do so and took the money. When Pengu, the other blacksmith was offered a similar suin, he too agreed to move. The man was quite pleased with himself, a hundred rupees was not too much for some peace and quiet. The next morning he woke up to the sound of hammer blows like thunder. He rushed out of the house to ask the blacksmiths why they had not kept their word. But he found that Kengu had moved into Pengu’s hut and Pengu into Kengu’s. 

1. Why were the blacksmiths a source of great annoyance to the man ? 
2. What did the man do to stop hammer’s blows in his neighbour ? 
3. Why was the man happy when the blacksmiths took the money ? 
4. What did the man find next moming? 
5. How did Kengu and Pengu keep their word ? 
6. “They were a source of great annoyance to him…….” Who does the word “They’ here refer to ?
1. The blows of the blacksmiths hammers annoyed the man. 
2. The man paid fifty rupees to each blacksmith to go to some other hut.The blacksmiths agreed to it. 
3. The man was happy because he thought that he had purchased peace for one hundred rupees only. 
4. The next morning the man again heard the hammer blows. 
5. Kengu and Pengu had moved from their previous huts. They exchanged their huts. 
6. The two blacksmiths-Kengu and Pengu. 

Passage 9.

A doctor was called in to treat a rich man’s wife. Before entering his house, the doctor paused and said that he might not pay him when he had cured the woman. The man said, “Sir, here I have a thousand rupees. Whether you cure my wife or kill her, I will give you all this.” The doctor tried his best to save the woman but she soon died. The doctor expressed sorrow and asked for the money which he had been promised “Did you kill my wife ?” asked the man “Certainly not,” said the doctor. “Did you cure my wife ?” asked the man. “But that was impossible,” replied the doctor. “Since you have neither killed her nor cured her, I have nothing to pay you.” 

1. Why did the doctor stop out of the house? 
2. What did the man promise to give the doctor? 
3. How much money did the doctor get? 
4. Why did the doctor feel sorry? 
5. Did the doctor cure the woman ? 
6. What did the doctor try?
1. The doctor stopped out of the house because he was not sure of getting the money. 
2. The man promised the doctor to give one thousand rupees. 
3. The doctor got no money. 
4. The doctor felt sorry because the woman soon died.
5. No, the doctor did not cure the woman. 
6. The doctor tried his best to save the woman. 

Passage 10.

Many years ago there was a miser (1) named Maniram in Kota. He had a lot of money but he never spent of it. He never ate good food and he never bought new clothes. He had only one pair of shoes. On wet grounds he always took them off and put them into his pockets. He was very rich but he was not happy. He wanted more money. One day a man came to him and said, “There is a rich man named Dhaniram in Bundi. He spends less and saves more than you every day. Go to him and be his pupil.” Maniram thanked the man and the next day he went to Bundi.

1. Where did Maniram live? 
2. How many pairs of shoes did Maniram have ? 
3. What did Dhaniram do everyday ? 
4. What did Maniram want? 
5. What did Maniram do with his shoes on wet grounds ? 
6. Find from the passage the word which means : purchased.
1. Maniram lived in Kota. 
2. Maniram had only one pair of shoes. 
3. Dhaniram spent less and save more than Maniram everyday. 
4. He wanted more money. 
5. On wet grounds he took them off and put them into his pockets. 
6. bought.

Passage 11.

One night the little prince was fast asleep in his bed, while Panna’s own child was on her lap. She was singing softly to him to put him to sleep. At once there was a great noise in the palace. Then a servant came running to say that Banbir had killed Rana Vikramajit and was coming to kill the prince. Panna wanted to save the prince. So she took up the little child, hid him in a fruit basket, covered it with leaves, and told the servant to take it outside and hide it among the trees. Banbir, the wicked man, burst into the room. His eyes were red, his face was furious. He roared and asked Panna where the prince was. 

1. Who has been called the wicked man in this passage ? 
2. What did Banbir ask Panna when he came into the room ? 
3. Where was the little prince asleep? 
4. Who was there on Panna’s lap ? 
5. What was Panna doing when the servant came in ? 
6. Find from the passage the word which means : baby.
1. Banbir has been called the wicked man in this passage. 
2. He asked Panna where the prince was. 
3. The little prince was asleep in his bed.. 
4. Panna’s own child was on her lap. 
5. Panna was singing softly to her child to put him to sleep when the servant came in. 
6. little child.

Passage 12.

Ramu was returning from school. It was a very cold day. He saw an old beggar sitting by the side of the road. The man was shivering with cold. Ramu felt pity for him. He took off his woollen coat and gave it to the beggar. The beggar put it on. His joy knew no bounds. There were tears of joy in his eyes. He heartily blessed Ramnu. Ramu returned to his house. He was shivering. He told his mother everything. His mother embraced him. She said that she was proud of her son. Ramu was afraid that his mother would rebuke him. Ramu’s father was also pleased with him. 

1. How was the weather that day? 
2. Whom did Ramu see on the way ? 
3. Who blessed Ramu ? 
4. Why was Ramu shivering ?
5. What did Ramu’s mother tell him ? 
6. Find from the passage the word which means : प्रसन्न।
1. It was very cold that day. 
2. Ramu saw an old beggar on the way. 
3. The beggar blessed Ramu. 
4. Ramu was shivering with cold. 
5. Ramu’s mother told him that she was proud of him.
6. pleased. 

Passage 13.

Once there lived a lame man in a village. In the same village there was a blind man. One day the village caught fire. The fire could not be put out. The villagers began to run. These two men were helpless. How could they run from the village ? The blind man asked the lame man to sit on his shoulders and show him the way. The lame man did so. Thus, they were able to save their lives.

1. Where did the lame man live ? 
2. What happened in the village one day ? 
3. What did the villagers do ? 
4. Who were helpless ? 
5. What did the blind man ask the lame man to do? 
6. Find from the passage the word which means : one who cannot see.
1. The lame man lived in a village 
2. One day the village caught fire. 
3. The villagers began to run. 
4. Two men-the lame man and the blind man-were helpless. 
5. The blind man asked the lame man to sit on his shoulders and show him the way. 
6. blind.

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