2 Grammar Adjective – Degrees of Comparison
परिभाषा – Adjective (विशेषण) वह शब्द होता है जो किसी संज्ञा (Noun) के बारे में अतिरिक्त सूचना देता है।
Comparison by Adjectives (विशेषणों द्वारा तुलना) Degrees के प्रकार Adjectives तथा Adverbs की Degrees होती हैं। Degrees तीन होती हैं
1. Positive Degree (पॉजिटिव डिग्री) Positive Degree साधारण कथन में प्रयोग की जाती है। इस Degree में किसी से तुलना नहीं की जाती है। यह अपने मूल रूप में ही रहती है। इसमें केवल गुण के सामान्य स्तर की चर्चा की जाती है।
2. Comparative Degree (कम्पेरेटिव डिग्री) जब दो व्यक्तियों अथवा दो वस्तुओं की तुलना की जाती है, तो Comparative Degree का प्रयोग किया जाता है। Comparative Degree के पश्चात् प्रायः than का प्रयोग करते हैं, किन्तु कुछ शब्दों (junior, senior, inferior, superior, prefer………आदि) के साथ to का प्रयोग करते हैं।
Rule : Positive Degree के अन्त में आवश्यकतानुसार
(i) – er जोड़ देने से अथवा
(ii) Positive Degree के पहले more शब्द लगा देने से Comparative Degree बन जाती है। जैसे
big – bigger
small – smaller
beautiful – more beautiful
fast – faster.
3. Superlative Degree (सुपरलेटिव डिग्री) जब एक व्यक्ति अथवा एक वस्तु की तुलना दो से अधिक अथवा सब व्यक्तियों अथवा वस्तुओं से की जाए, तो इसका प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Rule : Positive Degree के अन्त में आवश्यकतानुसार
(i) – est जोड़ देने से, अथवा
(ii) Positive – Degree के पहले most लगा देने से Superlative Degree बन जाती है। जैसे
big – biggest
small – smallest
beautiful – most beautiful
fast – fastest
ध्यातव्य – Superlative Degree के पहले हमेशा the का प्रयोग होता है, जैसे – the biggest house, the most beautiful girl.
Positive Degree Comparative Degree
तथा Superlative Degree बनाने के नियम
Golden Rule 1. जिन शब्दों के अन्त में दो consonants होते हैं, उनके अंत में प्रायः – er लगा देने से Comparative Degree बन जाती है तथा – est लगा देने से Superlative Degree बन जाती है। कुछ उदाहरण देखिये –

Golden Rule 2. जिस शब्द के अन्त में -e होता है, उसके अन्त में केवल – तथा –st जोड़ देने से प्रायः Comparative तथा Superlative Degree बन जाती है।
Golden Rule 3. जिस शब्द के अंत में – y हो consonant – elhe -ier तथा -iest लगा देने से Comparative Superlative Degree Gift बन जाती है।

Golden Rule 4.
जिस शब्द के अन्त में एक vowel और एक consonant हो तो consonant को double करके -er तथा -est लगा देने से Comparative व Superlative Degree बन जाती है।

Golden Rule 5:
तीन सिलेबिल और प्रयः दो सिलेबिल वाले शब्दों के पहले more तथा most लगा देने से Comparative तथा Superlative Degree in बन जाती है।
Irregular Comparison
(जिनके नियम नहीं हैं)
Exercise 1 :
Fill in the blanks using superlative forms of the words given in brackets :
1. Atom is the ………..particle. (tiny)
2. My grandfather is the…………… member in the family (old)
3. Milk is the……….. drink for the weak persons. (useful)
4. Atalji is one of the…………..leaders of India. (great)
5. Mr. Gupta is the………..man in our locality (wise)
6. Rampuria is the……… man in Bikaner (wealthy)
7. Raju is the. …..boy in the class. (careless)
8. Topaz is perhaps the………… metal (hard) (old)
9. Even the………….student can pass, if he work hard. (lazy)
10. Even the………….leader cannot remove poverty from India. (intelligent)
11. Elephant is the ….. …… animal. (big)
12. He bought the …………. box. (small)
13. June is the ………… month in Bikaner. (hot)
14. The Toofan Mail is the ……….. train. (fast)
15. Water is the ………… drink. (cheap)
Answers :
1. tiniest
2. oldest
3. most useful
4. greatest
5. wisest
6. wealthiest
7. most careless
8. hardest
9. laziest
10. most intelligent
11. biggest
12. smallest
13. hottest
14. fastest
15. cheapest.
Practice Exercise 2.
Choose the correct answer :
Question 1.
The…………..lady was sitting in a wheelchair.
(a) old
(b) much
(c) less
(d) better
(a) old
Question 2.
Sleep is essential or the symptoms will get…………….pronounced.
(a) more
(b) best
(c) none
(d) so
(a) more
Question 3.
He must climb it to reach to a………..knowledge of himself.
(a) full
(b) fuller
(c) useful
(d) far
(b) fuller
Question 4.
internal summits are, perhaps……………..than Everest.
(a) higher
(b) high
(c) highest
(d) huge
(a) higher
Question 5.
………….to rise in a summer morning.
(a) feel
(b) love
(c) do
(d) don’t
(b) love
Question 6.
You are………….than boys of your age.
(a) smarter
(b) smart
(c) most smart
(d) good
(a) smarter
Question 7.
It seemed to Penny that the boys eyes were as…………..as the fawn’s.
(a) love
(b) feel
(c) bright
(d) least
(c) bright
Question 8.
It stamped its small hoofs impatiently, as………….as he held his fingers below the lend of milk, the fawn was content
(a) better
(b) long
(c) hottest
(d) best
(b) long
Question 9.
That I was looking at one of the…………. handsome men in the world.
(a) big
(b) beautiful
(c) happy
(d) most
(d) most
Question 10.
What do you think is the………….. thing about being disabled?
(a) tall
(b) near
(c) best
(d) early
(c) best
Practice Exercise 3.
Fill in the blanks with comparative or superlative degree from the options.
Question 1.
I write to you in a much……….frame of mind.
(a) happy
(b) happiest
(c) happier
(d) most happiest
(c) happier
Question 2.
Come……….. Jim dear, sit down.
(a) closer
(b) closest
(c) more closest
(d) most closest
(a) closer
Question 3.
H.P.S. Ahluwalia stood on the………..point in the world.
(a) high
(b) higher
(c) highest
(d) most highest
(c) highest
Question 4.
The summit of the mind is no………..formidable.
(a) little
(b) less
(c) a little
(d) most little
(b) less
Question 5.
The internal summits are………..than Everest.
(a) high
(b) higher
(c) highest
(d) most highest
(b) higher
Question 6.
you are ……….than boys of your age.
(a) smart
(b) smarter
(c) smartest
(d) much smart
(b) smarter
Question 7.
Stephen Hawking is one of the ………. scientists of our time.
(a) more great
(b) greater
(c) great
(d) greatest
(d) greatest
Question 8.
The………..cloud I have ever seen.
(a) black
(b) blacker
(c) blackest
(d) more blacker
(c) blackest
Question 9.
The Great Stone Face was……….. than any other face.
(a) benign
(b) more benign
(c) most benign
(d) much benign
(b) more benign
Question 10.
Erest was the………..of all.
(a) industrious
(b) more industrious
(c) most industrious
(d) much industrious
Answers :
(c) most industrious
Positive Degree an वाले वाक्यों के
Superlative Degree वाले
वाक्यों में बदलना
Positive Degree वाले वाक्य की पहचान
(i) वाक्य प्राय: No other से प्रारम्भ होता है।
(ii) वाक्य के बीच में as + Positive Degree + as होता है। अर्थात वाक्य के बीच में as………..as होता है।
Example :
1. Positive : No other animal is as dangerous as the lion.
Super : The lion is the most dangerous animal.
Example : 1. Positive: No other animal is as dangerous as the lion.
Super : The lion is the most dangerous animal.
Golden Rules:
(1) अन्तिम Subject से वाक्य प्रारम्भ करो|
The lion …..
(2) Subject के अनुसार Helping Verb लगाओ-
The lion is …… I
(3) दी गई positive degree के स्थान पर the + superlative degree लगाओ। as-as को हटा दो|
The lion is the most dangerous ………..
(4) वाक्य में दिये हुए No other को हटाकर शेष वाक्यांश उतार दो
The lion is the most dangerous animal.
2. Positive: No other question is as difficult to solve as this question.
Super : This question is the most difficult to solve.
3. Positive : Very few animals are as cunning as the fox.
Super : The fox is one of the most cunning animals.
[Note : वाक्य very few से आरम्भ होने पर helping verb & one of का प्रयोग होगा ]
Practice Exercise 4.
Rewrite the following sentences using the superlative degree :
1. No other girl in the college is as beautiful as
2. Deepika No other boy in the class is as tall as Abhishek.
3. No other state in India is as big as Rajasthan.
4. No other man in the village is as wise as our Sarpanch.
5. No other leader in India is as famous as Mahatma Gandhi.
6. No other city in Rajasthan is as hot as Bikaner.
7. No other boy in the class is as intelligent as Tarun.
8. No other boy in the class is as fat as Golu.
9. No other boy in the locality is as strong as Salman
10. No other story is as interesting as this.
Answers :
1. Deepika is the most beautiful girl in the college.
2. Abhishek is the tallest boy in the class.
3. Rajasthan is the biggest state in India.
4. Our Sarpanch is the wisest man in the village.
5. Mahatma Gandhi is the most famous leader in India.
6. Bikaner is the hottest city in Rajasthan.
7. Tarun is the most intelligent boy in the class.
8. Golu is the fattest boy in the class.
9. Salman is the strongest boy in the locality.
10. This is the most interesting story.
Comparative Degree वाले वाक्यों को |
Superlative Degree वाले वाक्यों में बदलना
ध्यान दो – जब Comparative Degree के वाक्य को Superlative Degree के वाक्य में बदलना होता है तो दिए गये वाक्य में Comparative Degree के बाद than any other अवश्य दिया होता है।
1. Comp. : America is richer than any other country in the world.
Super. : America is the richest country in the world.
Golden Rules :
(1) H.V. तक का वाक्यांश उतार दो
America is …………..
(2) वाक्य में दी हुई Comparative Degree को हटा
दो और उसी स्थान पर the+ Super. Degree लगा दो
America is the richest
(3) दिए हुए वाक्य में से ‘than any other’ शब्दों को हटा दो
America is the richest ……………
(4) अब शेष वाक्यांश उतार दो
America is the richest country in the world.
2. Comp. : Gold is more precious than any other metal
Sup. : Gold is the most precious metal.
Practice Exercise 5.
Rewrite the following sentences changing them using Superlative Degree :
1. Mount Everest is higher than any other peak in the world.
2 Iron is more useful than any other metal.
3. Reshma is fatter than any other girl in the house
4. My father is wiser than any other person in the family
5. Vimla is better than any other girl.
6. Kirori Lal is richer than any other person in this village.
7. This house is bigger than any other house in Nokha.
8. This question is easier than any other question in the book.
Answers :
1. Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world
2. Iron is the most useful metal.
3. Reshma is the fattest girl in the house.
4. My father is the wisest person in the family
5. Vimla is the best girl.
6. Kirori Lal is the richest person in this village.
7. This house is the biggest house in Nokha.
8. This question is the easiest question in the book.