20 Writing Description of Pictures

आपके प्रश्न-पत्र में एक Picture (चित्र) देकर उस पर आधारित कुछ वाक्य लिखने को कहा जा सकता है। 

Picture Description (चित्र वर्णन) करते समय ध्यान रखने योग्य बिन्दु —

Question 1. 
Look at the following picture carefully. Give its description in 8 sentences. Use the information given below in the brackets:

RBSE Class 6 English Writing Description of Pictures 1
(a village fair, men, women, children, colourful dresses, stalls, merry-go-round, Ektara, sweets, wares, very good fair) 
1. This is the picture of a village fair. 
2. There are many men, women and children in colourful dresses. 
3. There are many stalls in it. 
4. There is a big merry-go-round in it. 
5. A moustached man is playing an Ektara. 
6. People are wandering here and there. 
7. Stall-keepers are selling their wares. 
8. It is a very attractive village fair. 

Question 2. 
Look at the following picture carefully. Give its description in 8 sentences. Use the information given below in the brackets. 
(picture of a family, small, two children, boy, girl, two parents, love children, good-looking children, happy family)
RBSE Class 6 English Writing Description of Pictures 2
1. This is the picture of a family.
2. It is a small family. 
3. There are two children in this family. 
4. One is boy and the other is girl. 
5. Their parents are teachers. 
6. The parents love both the children. 
7. Both the children are good-looking. 
8. It is a happy family. 

Question 3. 
Look at the following picture carefully. Give its description in 8 sentences. Use the information given below in the brackets.
(an Eco-village, Sarpanch, visitor Ram, windmills, rooftops, solar panels, green, neat and clean) 

1. This is the picture of an Eco-village.
2. The turbaned man is the Sarpanch. 
3. The another man is a visitor, Ram.
4. There are windmills for generating wind energy. 
5. House rooftops have solar panels for generating solar energy. 
6. It is quite green. 
7. It is neat and clean. 
8. Really, it is an Eco-village. 

Question 4. 
Look at the following picture carefully. Give its description in 8 sentences. Use the information given below in the bracket.
(a mobile phone, company, wide screen, coloured, keypad, make a call, many functions, device for communication) 

1. It is a mobile phone.
2. It is of a well-known company. 
3. Its screen is wide. 
4. It is a colour mobile.
5. It has a keypad. 
6. Its keys are pushed to make a call. 
7. Its keys have many functions. 
8. It is a modern, scientific device for communication. 

Question 5. 
Look at the following picture carefully. Give its description in 8 sentences. Use the information given below in the bracket. 
(about road safety, traffic policemen controlling traffic, important job, save accidents, smoothen traffic movement, drivers learn to follow traffic rules, lane system is implemented, road safety ensured)
RBSE Class 6 English Writing Description of Pictures 5
1. This picture is about road safety.
2. The policemen are controlling traffic.
3. They are doing an important job. 
4. They save a number of accidents. 
5. They smoothen traffic movements. 
6. Drivers of the vehicles learn how to follow traffic rules. 
7. Lane system in this way is implemented 
8. Road safety in this way is ensured. 

Question 6.
Look at the following picture carefully. Give its description in 8 sentences. Use the information given below. 
(picture of a bank, Gramin bank, two counters, payment, receipt or account, manager, talking, ensure money safety)
RBSE Class 6 English Writing Description of Pictures 6
1. This is the picture of a bank.
2. It is a Gramin Bank. 
3. There are two counters in it. 
4. The first counter is for making payments.
5. The second counter is for receiving money and opening a new account.
6. There is a cabin for the bank manager. 
7. The manager is talking to somebody on phone.
8. A bank ensures safety of money.

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