4 Grammar Preposition

Preposition – एक वह शब्द होता है जो एक संज्ञा या एकं सर्वनाम के पूर्व प्रयोग किया जाता है तथा यह preposition इस संज्ञा या सर्वनाम का सम्बन्ध, वाक्य के किसी अन्य शब्द से दर्शाता है।
[नोट-आपकी पाठ्यपुस्तक में आये प्रमुख Prepositions को ही दिया जा रहा है।] प्रमुख Prepositions के प्रयोग

1. In-(i) अन्दर, में के अर्थ में; (स्थिरता के भाव के साथ)My book is in the bag. 
(ii) मौसम, सप्ताह, प्रातः, सायं, महीने व सन के पहले
Mahatma Gandhi was born in 1869. 

(ii) बड़े स्थानों से पहले
He lives at Sanganer in Jaipur district. 

2. Into अन्दर, में के अर्थ में [(i) जब गति हो (ii) स्थान परिवर्तन अथवा रूप परिवर्तन हो।]
He jumped into the water.
He put the book into the bag. 

3.On – (i) पर, ऊपर के अर्थ में (स्थिर अवस्था में, जब दोनों की सतह स्पर्श होती हो।)
My book is on the table 

(ii) दिनों के नाम के पहले तथा पैदल चलने के लिए
He came here on Monday.
He came on foot. 

4. Above – ऊपर, से ऊँचा, से अधिक आदि के अर्थ में
1. The sky is above our head. 
2. It weighs above ten tons. 

5. Over – (i) से अधिक, सीधे ऊपर किन्तु वस्तु एक-दूसरे को छूती न हो; 
(ii) स्पर्श होने पर गति हो अथवा ढकने का अर्थ होने पर
1. There was a lamp hanging over the table. 
2. Spread this cloth over the table. 

6. Under – नीचे के अर्थ में
The water is flowing under the bridge.
The cat is sitting under the table. 

7. Between-दो व्यक्तियों अथवा वस्तुओं में अथवा उनके बीच में 
Distribute the pens between Sita and Vimla. 

8. Among-दो से अधिक व्यक्तियों अथवा वस्तुओं के बीच में
She came and distributed apples among ten students.

Exercise – 1.

(Based on the Textbook)

Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions from those in the brackets – 
कोष्ठकों में दिए गए prepositions में से सही को रिक्त स्थानों में भरें

1. He saw no one but simple people, and so the king put ……………… ordinary clothes. (on/in) 
2. Let me take the spade and work ……………… your place. (in/on) 
3. The king with the hermit’s help carried the wounded man ……………… the hut and laid him on the bed. (into/on) 
4. Trying to hide it, he tipped a few chillies ……… himself. (over/above) 
5. He had spread his upper cloth ….. the neem tree. (under/above) 
6. Ravi, tell him there’s nothing left …………… the kitchen. (in/on) 
7. He stretched out his feet to show large, pink, peeling blisters ……. the soles of his bare feet. (on/over)
8. He pushed Mridu and Meena…………….. the house. (into/in) 
9. “Here!” said Ravi to the beggar, dropping the slippers …………….. front of the old man.(on/in) 
10. He scurried around, looking over therailing and crowling near the flower pots to look …………….. them. (among/between) 
1. on 
2. in 
3. into
4. over 
5. under
6. in 
7. on 
8. into 
9. in 
10. between 

Exercise – 2.

(Based on the Textbook) 

Question 1. 
What is the oldest living thing ……………… the world. 
(a) on 
(b) in 
(c) into
(d) under 
(b) in 

Question 2. 
It was no more than an ounce or two of the jam scrapped from …………. toes while it was sleeping. 
(a) between 
(b) under 
(c) into
(d) on 
(a) between 

Question 3. 
He began wrinkling and shrivelling up all ……………… and his hair started dropping off and his teeth started falling out. 
(a) under
(b) into 
(c) over
(d) in 
(c) over

Question 4. 
That is why, when you blow on shouldering paper, it often bursts ……………… flame. 
(a) in
(b) into 
(c) between 
(d) under 
(b) into

Question 5. 
It only means that fire is very useful as long as it is kept …………….. control.
(a) over
(b) into 
(c) under
(d) on 
(c) under

Question 6. 
When I came back he was sitting on the ground with the front wheel ……………… his legs. 
(a) under 
(b) into
(c) between 
(d) in 
(c) between 

Question 7. 
Before I could stop him he had unscrewed something somewhere, and out rolled all……………. the path same dozen or so little balls.” 
(a) in
(b) over 
(c) under
(d) on 
(b) over 

Question 8.
At length, we did get the thing ……………… position.
(a) in
(b) on 
(c) under
(d) into 
(d) into 

Question 9.
The subsequent proceedings degenerated into little else than a rough and tumble fight …………….. him and the machine. 
(a) in
(b) between 
(c) into
(d) to 
(b) between

Question 10. 
I took him …………….. the back kitchen where, so far as was possible he cleaned himself. 
(a) in
(b) to 
(c) into
(d) on
(c) into

Exercise – 3.  

1. He works…………a factory. (on/in) 
2. She goes to school………………….her (between/in) 
3. She generally writes ……… environmental issues.(among/on) 
4. Nowadays he is………………….. his mission. (under/on) 
5. The noble people are…… pettiness. (above/into) 
6. She went….. …………..the road to meet her friend. (over/among) 
7. The house is……………..construction. (into/under) 
8. Change the following …………. passive voice. (between/into) 
9. Our school is……..the road, the fields and the village. (between/among) 
10. She is standing……………the students. (among/between) 
1. in 
2. in 
3. on 
4. on 
5. above 
6. over 
7. under 
8. into 
9. between 
10. among

Exercise – 4.

Question 1. 
She is………………..the auditorium.
(a) among
(b) between 
(c) into
(d) in 
(d) in 

Question 2. 
The antenna is…. …………the roof. 
(a) on
(b) in 
(c) into
(d) between 
(a) on

Question 3. 
The apples are……..five kilos. 
(a) on
(b) into 
(c) in
(d) above 
(d) above 

Question 4. 
The aeroplane is flying …………… mountains at this moment.
(a) in
(b) over 
(c) between 
(d) under 
(b) over 

Question 5. 
He was sitting………………….the fan. 
(a) into
(b) between 
(c) under 
(d) among
(c) under 

Question 6. 
On cooling, water changes……….. ice. 
(a) into
(b) in 
(c) on
(d) above
(a) into

Question 7. 
There is a film hall…………..my home and my school. 
(a) among
(b) above 
(c) under
(d) between 
(d) between 

Question 8. 
There was a notebook…………….the textbooks. 
(a) between 
(b) among
(c) into
(d) above 
(b) among

Question 9.
There is hot milk………….the tumbler.
(a) on
(b) in 
(c) under
(d) between 
(c) under

Question 10. 
The birds are sitting………….the roof. 
(a) between 
(b) into 
(c) in
(d) on 
(d) on 

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