5 Grammar Modal Auxiliaries

Modals का प्रयोग विभिन्न मनोभावों को प्रकट करने के लिए होता है। मुख्य Modals ये हैं — 
can – may 
shall – will 
must – ought to 
could – might 
should – would 
need not – used to 

[नोट – यहाँ आपकी पाठ्यपुस्तक में पूछे गये Modals को ही समझाया जा रहा है।] ‘Should’ का प्रयोग’Should’ का अर्थ है – ‘चाहिए’। सलाह (Advice), परामर्श (Suggestion), प्रस्ताव (Proposal) तथा नैतिक कर्त्तव्य (Moral Duty) का भाव प्रकट करने के लिए ‘should’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है। ‘should’ में बाध्यता अथवा अनिवार्यता का भाव नहीं होता है। 

(i) You should respect your teachers. (Moral Duty) 
(ii) Sita should not go there at night. (Advice) 
(iii) She should get up early in the morning. (Suggestion)

‘Ought to’ का प्रयोग

‘Ought to’ का अर्थ है – अवश्य, अवश्य चाहिए। इसके प्रयोग में वक्ता द्वारा, कर्ता (Subject) को उसके नैतिक कर्तव्य (Moral duty), नैतिक बाध्यता (Moral obligation) का बोध कराया जाता है। ध्यान रहे, ought ही एकमात्र ऐसा modal है, जिसके तुरन्त बाद ‘to’ अवश्य आता है; अन्य modals के बाद ‘to’ कभी नहीं आता है। जैसे You ought to serve your old parents.(Moral duty) आपको अपने वृद्ध माता-पिता की सेवा करनी चाहिए। 

‘Must’ का प्रयोग’ 

Must’ का अर्थ होता है – ‘अवश्य चाहिए।’ इसमें ‘बाध्यता’ का भाव होता है। ‘must’ का प्रयोग
बाध्यता (Compulsion/obligation), अनिवार्यता (Necessity), कर्तव्य (Duty), पक्की धारणा (Certainty), free (Firm determination), निषेध (Prohibition) आदि का भाव देता है| जैसे

(i) You must sleep at night. (Compulsion) 
(ii) She must cook food for her family. (Necessity) 
(iii) They must respect their parents. (Duty) 
(iv) You must not drive fast on crowded roads. (Prohibition)
(v) must का प्रयोग a strong probability (possibility) बताने के लिए होता है। 
The lights are on so someone must be in the room. 
(vi) The last bus has gone. She must stay here only. 
(अंतिम बस जा चुकी है। उसे यहीं रुकने की बाध्यता हो गई है।)

Exercise – 1.

(Based on the Textbook) 

Fill in the blanks of these sentences choosing suitable modals from the bracket. 
(should, ought to, must, mustn’t) 

1. The king ……………… notice all that was going on 
2. I escaped from him but I ….. have died if you had not dressed my wounds. 
3. Patti, Patti, I’ll wash it myself, why ……….. I put you to trouble. 
4. Your Majesty, you ……………. have seen the huge Hilsa I caught. 
5. He ……………… be a madman. 
6. You …………… be thankful that our neighbours did not grow coconuts.
7. The boots ……………… be cracked as it is very cold outside. 
8. This time the old man his elder brother. 
9. He ……………. have lots of money hidden somewhere, may be in that trunk in his room. 
10. Perhaps people ……………… set his house on fire to force him out.
1. should 
2. should 
3. should 
4. should 
5. must 
6. should 
7. must not 
8. must 
9. must 
10. should not

Exercise – 2.

(Based on the Textbook) 

Question 1. 
Early man didn’t know what fire was, but he ………. have seen the damage it could cause. 
(a) should 
(b) ought to
(c) mustn’t 
(d) must 
(d) must 

Question 2. 
He ………….. have watched lightning and volcanoes long before he began to use fire himself. 
(a) shouldn’t 
(b) must
(c) mustn’t 
(d) should 
(b) must

Question 3. 
To prevent accident we mobile phones at petrol pump. 
(a) mustn’t 
(b) should
(c) ought to 
(d) must 
(a) mustn’t

Question 4. 
Water …………….. be used on fires caused by electric appliances. 
(a) should 
(b) should not
(c) must 
(d) ought to 
(b) should not

Question 5. 
I felt much as I ……………. had he started whalking my dog. 
(a) must 
(b) should
(c) ought to 
(d) mustn’t 
(b) should

Question 6. 
I ………….. have been firm, but I thought that perhaps he really did know something about the business.
(a) should 
(b) must
(c) ought to 
(d) mustn’t 
(c) ought to 

Question 7. 
At the end of ten minutes I suggested he……………… hold the fork.
(a) must
(b) should 
(c) mustn’t 
(d) ought to 
(b) should

Question 8. 
We ………….. put back all we can find, and trust to providence. 
(a) must
(b) should
(c) ought to 
(d) mustn’t 
(a) must

Question 9. 
The stumps…………….. be 22 inches high and the call across them six inches. 
(a) ought to 
(b) must
(c) should 
(d) shouldn’t 
(b) must

Question 10. 
The ball ……………. be between five and six ounces, and the two sets of stumps 22 yards apart. 
(a) ought to 
(b) must 
(c) shouldn’t 
(d) should
(b) must 

Exercise – 3. 

Fill in the blanks of these sentences choosing suitable modals from the brackets. 

(कोष्ठकों से उपयुक्त modal चुनकर निम्न वाक्यों के रिक्त स्थान भरें।)

(must, should) 

1. What measures……………… be taken to make our environment clean and safe? (compulsion) 
2. We ……………… never throw the garbage carelessly. (suggestion) 
3. The forest ………..be left to grow back. (necessary) 
4. I ………………look out for a person to succeed me. (advice) 
5. The sky is black with nimbus. It…………….rain any moment. (strong possibility) 
6. We………………love our country. (moral duty) 
7. Political leaders……………..serve the people of their constituency. (duty) 
8. We. ……………. keep this treat a contributory one. (proposal) 
9. He has no saving. He…………. borrow loan. (obligation)
1. must 
2. should 
3. must 
4. should 
5. must
6. should 
7. must 
8. should 
9. must

Exercise – 4.

Write (a), (b), (c) or (d) of the correct answer : 

Question 1. 
Anybody …………….. make mistakes in his life. 
(a) can
(b) may 
(c) might
(d) must 
(a) can

Question 2. 
She …………… read with glasses a few years back.
(a) could 
(b) can 
(c) may
(d) might 
(a) could 

Question 3.
Let us meet at the theatre, we? 
(a) will 
(b) shall 
(c) can
(d) should 
(b) shall 

Question 4. 
Every citizen …………….. have right to live. 
(a) will
(b) shall 
(c) may
(d) ought to 
(c) may

Question 5. 
You to welcome the guests at your home. 
(a) should 
(b) must
(c) ought 
(d) may 
(c) ought 

Question 6. 
Pakistan …………….. attack Afganistan.
(a) mustn’t 
(b) mayn’t
(c) mightn’t 
(d) shouldn’t 
(d) shouldn’t 

Question 7.
…………….. you live long! 
(a) May
(b) Might 
(c) Can
(d) Must 
(a) May

Question 8. 
The last bus has gone. He go by taxi. 
(a) may
(b) might 
(c) can
(d) should 
(b) might 

Question 9. 
The lights are on. Somebody …………….. be in the room. 
(a) may
(b) will 
(c) must 
(d) may 
(c) must

Question 10. 
It is bright sunlight so you light a lamp.
(a) must 
(b) mustn’t
(c) would. 
(d) should 
(b) mustn’t

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