5 Vocabulary One Word Substitution

अर्थ – One Word Substitution वह शब्द होता है जो किसी एक वाक्यांश या शब्द-समूह के स्थान पर या के

Write One Word की व्याख्या ही होता है। Write one-word for the groups of words given below :

Practice Exercise 1.

1. a hundred years c …………….
2 early part of the day between dawn and noon m …………….
3. person whose parents are dead o …………….
4. women whose husband has died w ………… 
5. woman incharge of the nurses in a hospital m …………
6. the first season of the year coming between winter and summer s …………
7. extreme scarcity of food in a region s …………
8. one who manages m ………..
9. group consisting of parents and their children f …………
10. piece of land surrounded by water i …………
1. century 
2. morning 
3. orphan 
4. widow 
5. matron 
6. spring 
7. famine 
8. manager 
9. family 
10. island 

Practice Exercise 2.

1. person who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure t ………….
2. mass of salt water that covers most of earth’s surface o ………….
3. stretch of land between hills and mountains v ………….
4. offence for which one may be punished by law c ………….
5. spirit of a dead person appearing to somebody who is still g ………….
6. a place where sick people are treated h ……………
7. person who works in somebody else’s household for wages s ……………
8. person who picnics p ……………
9. not to be made known to others c …………… 
10. highest point of a mountains s ……………
1. tourist 
2. ocean 
3. valley 
4. crime 
5. ghost 
6. hospital 
7. servant 
8. picnicker 
9. confidential 
10. summit

Practice Exercise 3. 

Give one word for

Question 1. 
A place where wild animals and birds are kept for public to see 
(a) museum
(b) sanctuary 
(c) zoo
(d) circus 
(c) zoo

Question 2. 
A long straight passage in the ground for carrying water to the fields
(a) drain
(b) river 
(c) pipe
(d) canal 
(d) canal 

Question 3. 
A place where planes land and take off for passengers
(a) bus stand
(b) aerodrome
(c) space station 
(d) station 
(b) aerodrome

Question 4. 
A deep hole in the ground from which people obtain water
(a) lake 
(b) river
(c) well
(d) pond 
(c) well

Question 5. 
A natural flow of water that continues in a long line across land to the sea/ocean. 
(a) drain
(b) river 
(c) canal
(d) stream
(a) drain

Question 6. 
A piece of land where crops are grown.
(a) farmer
(b) peasant 
(c) field
(d) harvest 
(c) field

Question 7. 
A period of about thirty days. 
(a) year
(b) month 
(c) quarter 
(d) week 
(b) month 

Question 8. 
Light food or drink taken in the morning
(a) food
(b) breakfast 
(c) lunch
(d) snack 
(b) breakfast 

Question 9. 
The husband of a queen
(a) queen
(b) prince 
(c) princess
(d) king 
(d) king 

Practice Exercise 4.

Give one word for 

Question 1. 
Last meal taken at night………
(a) food
(b) lunch
(c) supper
(d) dinner 
(c) supper

Question 2. 
A person who lives in a village ………
(a) village
(b) villager 
(c) poor
(d) farmer
(b) villager 

Question 3. 
A person who lives in a city ………
(a) man
(b) woman 
(c) human
(d) citizen
(d) citizen

Question 4. 
A boy or girl who studies in a school. 
(a) learner
(b) teacher 
(c) student. 
(d) wards 
(c) student. 

Question 5. 
A person of very much ability
(a) genius 
(b) gentle
(c) student 
(d) intelligent 
(a) genius 

Question 6. 
A person who is unfamiliar to us
(a) strange 
(b) unknown
(c) stranger 
(d) known 
(c) stranger 

Question 7. 
A person who robs someone else’s property- 
(a) rob
(b) robber 
(c) robbery 
(d) robbing 
(b) robber 

Question 8. 
A period of sixty minutes
(a) hour
(b) minute 
(c) second 
(d) day 
(a) hour

Question 9. 
A place where dead persons are burried 
(a) grave
(b) graveyard 
(c) funeral 
(d) rites 
(b) graveyard 

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