6 Vocabulary Choose the Correct Word

इस प्रकार के प्रश्न में प्रायः एक वाक्य दिया होता है। इस वाक्य में एक रिक्त स्थान होता है। वाक्य के आगे कोष्ठक  में दो शब्द दिये होते हैं। इन शब्दों में से सही शब्द को रिक्त स्थान में भरना होता है। कभी-कभी यह प्रश्न बहुचयनात्मक प्रश्न के रूप में भी पूछा जा सकता है।

Practice Exercise 1.

Select the correct answer :

Question 1.
……………. We had got over the surprise.
(a) What 
(b) When
(c) Many 
(d) Most 
(b) When

Question 2.
…………of the Germans was waving a bottle above his head
(a) One
(b) Two 
(c) Long 
(d) Many 
(a) One

Question 3. 
The old lady was sitting in a wheel chair,her hands………….., in her lap..
(a) fold 
(b) folded 
(c) putting 
(d) like 
(b) folded 

Question 4. 
She was gazing out at the……… 
(a) garden
(b) window 
(c) long
(d) these 
(a) garden

Question 5. 
These stories are……………. from the Andaman.” 
(a) easy
(b) all 
(c) completed 
(d) dinner 
(b) all 

Question 6. 
They can sense an……………. disaster.
(a) approach 
(b) approaching
(c) approached 
(d) approaches 
(b) approaching

Question 7.
Sixty visitors were……………. from the Patangala beach 
(a) flow
(b) washed away 
(c) washes
(d) wash 
(b) washed away 

Question 8. 
Now we have become………….of foreigners.
(a) slavery 
(b) slave 
(c) slaves
(d) slave 
(c) slaves

Question 9. 
Mother Ganga! This is my last……………to you. 
(a) offer
(b) offered 
(c) offering 
(d) offers 
(c) offering 

Question 10. 
At last they decided to test each other’s. 
(a) strange 
(b) strength 
(c) strong
(d) straight 
(b) strength 

Practice Exercise 2.

Fill in the blanks with the correct word given in the brackets : 

1. This restaurant has a ……. for good food. (reputed/reputation) 
2. A lamp was ……….. in the house. (shine/shining) 
3. He stopped under a cool and ……….. tree. (shady/shaded)
4. If they find me ……….. asleep, they throw stones at me. (peace/peacefully) 
5. There was a big ……….. at the zoo. (rushed/rush) 
6. Indians are proud of their ………… (civilized/civilization) 
7. The telephone is a wonderful ……….. (invention/invent) 
8. The king thought of a ……….. to make them do their work themselves. (planning/plan) 
9. Everybody ……. passed by the huge stone. (careful/carefully) 
10. Chittorgarh is famous for its ………. fort (history/historical) 
11. I have taken ………. to class VIII. (admitted/admission) 
12. The watch was …. with tiny diamonds. (decoration/decorated) 
13. They ……….. tea according to its quality. (classification/classify) 
14. She is receiving ………… from a very good doctor. (treated/treatment) 
15. Kaushlaya has a deep …. for her son, (affectionate/affection) 
Answers : 
1. reputation 
2. shining 
3. shady 
4. peacefully 
5. rush 
6. civilization 
7. invention 
8. plan 
9. carefully 
10. historical 
11. admission 
12. decorated 
13. classify 
14. treatment 
15. affection

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