8 Grammar Framing Questions

अंग्रेजी में तीन प्रकार से प्रश्न बना सकते हैं

(1) Helping Verb से शुरू होने वाले प्रश्न 
(2) Modals से शुरू होने वाले प्रश्न 
(3) Question Words (Wh- words) से शुरू होने वाले प्रश्न। 

आपकी पाठ्यपुस्तक में Question words (Whwords) से शुरू होने वाले प्रश्न बनाना पूछा गया है। अतः यहाँ उन्हें ही समझाया जा रहा है। Question Words (wh- शब्द) से प्रश्न बनाना

Structure : ‘Wh’ + HV + Sub. + Verb + Obj./Adv./Complement ? विधि
1. सबसे पहले ‘Wh’ word को लिखें। यह उत्तर की sense के आधार पर प्रयोग करना है। 
2. जिस tense में उत्तर है उस ही tense की सहायक क्रिया (Helping Verb) का प्रयोग करना है। 
3. उत्तर में दिये गए subject को ही प्रश्न में नियमानुसार प्रयोग करना है। 
4. जिस tense में उत्तर की क्रिया (Verb) है उस ही tense में प्रश्न की क्रिया (Verb) रखनी है। 
5. उत्तर की उस सूचना को प्रश्न में शामिल न करें जो ‘Wh’ word का उत्तर बनती है।

Exercise – 1.

(Based on the Textbook) 

Frame questions based on the following answers

निम्न उत्तरों के आधार पर प्रश्न बनाइए

1. Who……………? 
Many wise men came to the king.

2. Where…………….?
Answer: The hermit lived in a wood. 

3. What…………….?
Answer: The king brought fresh water. 

4. Where…………….?
Answer: We found him outside the game this morning. 

5. What……………..?
Answer: People are always telling us to be kind to animals. 

6. What ………….? 
Answer: His full name is Mahendra Varma Pallava Poonai. 

7. Why…………? 
Answer: I knew him because he made my father’s boots. 

8. When……..? 
Answer: I received these boots from him last Wednesday week. 

9. Where ……………?
Answer: Ramesh brings his meals from the restaurant downstairs. 

10. When………. ?
Answer: The monsoon broke the next day. 

11. How many ……. ?
Answer: Three things are needed to make fire.

12. How …………….?
Answer: Small fires can be put out with a damp blanket or a sack. 

13. Why……………? 
Answer: I went to the tool shed to see what I could find. 

14. What ……………..?. 
Answer: I looked for my hat. 

15. How …………….?. 
Answer: Fire was powerful and dangerous.
1. Who came to the king? 
2. Where did the hermit live? 
3. What did the king bring? 
4. Where did we find him? 
5. What are the people telling us? 
6. What is his full name?
7. Why did you know him? 
8. When did you receive these boots from him? 
9. Where does Ramesh bring his meal from? 
10. When did the monsoon break? 
11. How many things are needed to make fire? 
12. How can small fires be put out? 
13. Why did you go to the tool shed? 
14. What did you look for? 
15. How was fire? 

Exercise – 2.

Frame questions using ‘wh’ words to get the following answers for ‘wh’ words प्रयोग करते हुए प्रश्न बनाइए
1. Plastic bags are dangerous to animals because they may die by eating them.
2. Surgery was needed to remove the bags. 
3. We pollute our environment by throwing the waste carelessly. 
4. The food item, curd, will cost extra. 
5. Malini writes a letter to Mohini. 
6. Hadoti region is popular for fairs. 
7. The people of Khejarli showed a great courage. 
8. Thousands of rats entered Abhay’s room. 
9. Vikram’s flower pot was without flowers. 
10. Malini wrote the letter on 27 Oct. 2015.
1. Why are plastic bags dangerous to animals? 
2. What was needed to remove the bags? 
3. How do we pollute our environment? 
4. Which food item will cost extra? 
5. Whom does Malini write a letter to? 
6. Which region is popular for fairs? 
7. How much courage did the people of Khejarli show? 
8. How many rats entered Abhay’s room? 
9. Whose flower pot was without flowers? 
10. When did Malini write the letter? 

Exercise – 3.

Write the appropriate question words in the blanks in the following dialogues. 

1. Neha : ……………… did you get this book? (When/What) 
Sheela : Yesterday morning. 

2. Neha : ……………… is your sister crying? (Why/What) 
Sheela : Because she has lost her doll. 

3. Neha : ……………… room is this, yours or hers? (Whose/Which) 
Sheela : It’s ours.

4. Neha : …………….. do you go to school? (How/Who) 
Sheela : We walk to school. It is nearly. 

5. Neha : …………….. are you doing? (What/When) 
Sheela : I am reading a book. 

6. Neha : …………….. wrote it? (Who/How) 
Sheela : Ruskin Bond. 

7. Neha : …………. did you find it? (Where/What) 
Sheela : In the library 
1. When 
2. Why 
3. Whose 
4. How 
5. What 
6. Who 
7. Where.

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