Phrasal Verbs 8

Prepositions may combine with verbs to form a type of compound verb. This verb + preposition is called phrasal verb. The meaning of a phrasal verb is quite different from the meaning of the verb without that preposition. Look at some examples.


Phrasal Verbs

1. Break

break down ; break in ; break into ; break loose ; break out ; break up.

2. Bring

bring about ; bring out ; bring round ; bring to book ; bring up

Use of Phrasal Verb

1. Phrasal verb may be transitive or intransitive. In other words, it may or may not have an object.
The plane took off at 4 O’clock.
He took off his hat. or He took his hat off.

2. As you might have noticed in the above example, if the phrasal verb has no object, the particle or the preposition follows it.
He set off for London.
The car broke down on the freeway.

3. If the phrasal verb has an object, the particle i.e., the prepositional part of the phrasal verb, follows the object.
He gave it away.
Break your expenditure down into bills, food and other.
Note : In some cases, the phrasal verb is non-separable :
My parents look after me well.
He called on the doctor.

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition :
1. My friend asked me …….. information.
2. Your father asked ……….. you.
3. We have to fight ………… a principle.
4. We must fight ………. poverty.
5. Have you heard ………… Gandhiji ?
6. I haven’t heard ……….. you since long, though you had promised to write.
7. He quarrels ………… everybody.
S. Do not quarrel ………. trifles.
9. She comes ………. well in interviews.
10. How did you come ……… that scratch on your cheek ?
1. for
2. about
3. for
4. against
5. of
6. from
7. with
8. over
9. off
10. by

Exercise 2

Match the following groups :

(i) The school

broke into laughter.

(ii) The richman’s house

brought in a bill to limit corruption.

(iii) The boys

broke down a mile from home.

(iv) The sun

broke out in 1990.

(v) My car

broke through the clouds.

(vi) An epidemic

breaks up for winter holidays.

(vii) Bhajan Lai

broke relations.

(viii) The brothers

broke away from Congress Party.

(ix) The heckler

was broken into last night.

(x) The Parliament

broke in several times during the speech

Multiple Choice Questions

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences choosing the correct option from those given in the brackets.
1. He will bear ………. (in/out/with/as) the truth of my statement.
2. The storm has blown ………. (away/out/over/in).
3. The war broke ……… (down/into/up/out) In China.
4. I tried to bring him ……… (about/out/round/up).
5. The strike was called ……… (off/at/on/in) by his speech.
6. The audience were carried ………. (away/off/on/out).
7. How did you come ……… (about/by/across/off) this pen ?
8. He cut his son ……….. (down/short/off/up) without a penny.
9. My advice fell ………… (through/in/off/flat) on him.
10. He got ………. (on/about/over/up) all his difficulties.
11. The President gave ………. (away/back/in/to) the prizes.
12. Do not go ………… (about/back/out/off) on your words.
1. out
2. over
3. out
4. round
5. off
6. away
7. by
8. off
9. flat
10. over
11. away
12. back.

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