Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Summary and Translation in Hindi
Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Summary and Translation in HindiSummary Of The Poem Adrienne Rich’s ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ depicts a woman trapped within the cultural pressure and responsibilities of married life. She has knitted tigers on the tapestry in knitted wool. They seem to prance and jump over a screen. They are not afraid of men standing […]
A Roadside Stand Summary and Translation in Hindi
A Roadside Stand Summary and Translation in HindiSummary of the Poem. Through this poem, the poet, Robert Frost expresses his anger at the indifferent behaviour of the rich towards the poor. A poor farmer builds a vegetable stand along the highway outside his house. He builds this stand in the hope that people of passing […]
A Thing of Beauty Summary and Translation in Hindi
A Thing of Beauty Summary and Translation in HindiSummary of the Poem. According to John Keats, a thing of beauty provides endless joy. Its loveliness keeps on increasing. Its beauty never ceases. Today everyone’s life is filled with sadness, gloom, and dejection. But the things of beauty dispel sadness from our lives. Beautiful things make […]
Keeping Quiet Summary and Translation in Hindi
Keeping Quiet Summary and Translation in HindiSummary Of The Poem In this poem, the poet emphasises on silence and stillness. He wants people to keep quiet, machines to rest and the wars to end. He appeals people to enjoy life and to work as silently as the earth does. कविता का सारांश इस कविता में […]
An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum Hindi Translation
An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum [गन्दी बस्ती में एक प्राथमिक स्कूल की कक्षा] ___Stephen Spender कठिन शब्दार्थ एवं हिन्दी अनुवाद Far far from gusty waves these children’s faces.Like rootless weeds, the hair was torn round their pallor:The tall girl with her weighed-down head. The paper seemingBoy, with rat’s eyes. The stunted, unlucky heirOf […]
My Mother at Sixty Hindi Translation
My Mother at Sixty Kamala Das Driving from my parent’s Home, to Cochin last Friday morning, I saw my mother, beside me, doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like, that of a corpse, and realized with pain, that she was as old, as she looked, but soon put that thought away, and looked out at […]
Chapter 8 Going Places Hindi Translation
लेखक परिचय A. R. Barton एक आधुनिक लेखक हैं जो Zurich में रहते हैं और अंग्रेजी में लिखते हैं । ‘Going Places’ कहानी में Barton किशोर-कल्पना और नायक-पूजा के विषय को खोजते हैं । Summary of the Lesson Sophie and Jansie were classmates and friends. While returning from school they were thinking to find some […]
Chapter 7 The Interview Hindi Translation
लेखक परिचय Christopher Silvester (1959) Peterhouse, Cambridge में इतिहास के विद्यार्थी थे । उन्होंने दस वर्ष तक Private Eye के लिए एक रिपोर्टर का कार्य किया और Vanity Fair के लिए लेख लिखे हैं । आगे दिया गया पाठ Penguin Book of Interviews, An Anthology from 1859 to the Present Day को दिये उनके | […]
Chapter 6 Poets and Pancakes Hindi Translation
Chapter 6 Poets and Pancakes लेखक परिचय : एक तमिल लेखक, अशोकामित्रन (1931) अपनी पुस्तक My Years with Boss में जैमिनी स्टूडियोज़ में गुजारे अपने वर्षों को याद करते हैं जिससे भारत में जीवन के प्रत्येक पक्ष पर फिल्मों के प्रभाव का पता चलता है । चेन्नई स्थित जैमिनी स्टूडियोज़ 1940 में स्थापित हुआ था […]
Chapter 5 Indigo Hindi Translation
Chapter 4 The Rattrap Hindi Translation लेखक परिचय Louis Fischer (1896-1970) फिलाडेल्फिया में पैदा हुए थे । 1918 से 1920 तक उन्होंने ब्रिटिश सेना में एक स्वयंसेवक के रूप में कार्य किया। फिशर ने एक पत्रकार के रूप में कार्य किया और The New York Times, The Saturday Review, European और Asian publications के लिए […]