Phrasal Verbs 8

Phrasal Verbs 8 Prepositions may combine with verbs to form a type of compound verb. This verb + preposition is called phrasal verb. The meaning of a phrasal verb is quite different from the meaning of the verb without that preposition. Look at some examples. Verb Phrasal Verbs 1. Break break down ; break in […]

Participle 8

Participle 8 Read the sentence : Going on the road, the boy met with an accident. The word ‘going’ qualifies the noun ‘boy’ as an adjective does. It is formed from the word ‘go’. The word ‘going’ therefore has something of an adjective and something of a verb too. Such words are called Participle. It […]

Nouns 8

Nouns 8 Definition. Noun is the name given to a thing, person, object (animate or inani¬mate) or feeling : e.g., Ram, man, dog, book, tree, light, love etc. Kinds of Noun : Noun can be of two kinds : A. Countable nouns like book, man etc. B. Uncountable nouns like light, bread etc. (a) An […]

Nominalisation 8

Nominalisation 8 What is nominalisation ? Forming a noun from a verb or adjective is called nominalisation. Formation of Nouns From Verbs Most nouns are formed from verbs by using suffixes. Here are some examples. 1. -ment Verb Noun Achieve advertise allot amuse appoint argue attach develop employ equip excite fulfil govern improve invest judge […]

Modals 8

Modals 8 Some Important Modals Use of ‘Can’ ‘Can’ is the most commonly used modal verb in English. The modal ‘can’ is used to express ability or opportunity, to request or offer permission and to show possibility or impossibility. e.g. I can dance very well. (Ability) We can stay with my mother when we are in […]

Interjection 8

Interjection 8 Usage of Some Important Interjections in Sentences Wow! That’s an amazing news. Hush! Please be quite. Yeah! I’d love to have some apple juice. Aah! Now I understand what you meant. Hark! I hear a drum. Chapter Practice Question 1: Identify the interjection and underline it. Hmm, I’m not sure this colour is […]

Integrated Exercises 8

Integrated Exercises 8 Type I Fill in the Blanks 1. Fill in the blanks using a word. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Passenger airplanes mostly fly (a) _______ speeds less than that (b) _______ sound. Airplanes (c) _______ can fly (d) _______ greater speeds have been built. This […]

Determiners 8

Determiners 8 Note : Articles and possessive adjectives together are called determiners. Here, in this first chapter, we are dealing with articles only. The possessive adjective can be studied in chapter number 3. Three words—a, an and the are called articles. They are divided in two groups. A. The Definite Article (The) 1. Use of […]

Conjunctions 8

Conjunctions 8 Types of Conjunction There are five types of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, compound conjunctions and linking adverbs and transition words. Coordinating Conjunctions The coordinating conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases and clauses of equal ranks. The coordinating conjunctions include: (and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so). And                                                                                                                    ‘ It […]

Articles 8

Articles 8 Types of Articles . The following types of articles are given below Indefinite Article The indefinite article (a / an) is used when we don’t specify the things or people we are talking about. e.g. I met a beggar. I study in a college in London. I borrowed an item from a passenger […]
