Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 5 One Centimetre

Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 5 One CentimetreTextbook Questions and AnswersUnderstanding the Text : Question 1.How did Tao Ying’s son influence the way she led her life?ताओ यिंग के पुत्र ने अपने जीवन जीने की शैली को किस प्रकार प्रभावित किया?Answer:Tao Ying, the protagonist of the story, was an ordinary woman like all other women. She […]

Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 4 Tomorrow

Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 4 Tomorrow Textbook Questions and AnswersUnderstanding the Text : Question 1.What is the consistency one finds in the old man’s madness?वह एकरूपता कौनसी है जो बूढ़े आदमी ( हैगबर्ड) के पागलपन में दिखाई पड़ती है ?Answer:Captain Hagberd’s madness is consistent in nature. He is mad after his son who has run […]

Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 3 A Wedding in Brownsville

Chapter 3 A Wedding in Brownsville Textbook Questions and AnswersUnderstanding the Text : Question 1.What do you understand of Dr. Margolin’s past? How does it affect his present Life?आप डॉ. मार्गोलिन के अतीत के बारे में क्या समझते हैं ? यह ( अतीत) उसके वर्तमान जीवन को किस प्रकार प्रभावित करता है?Answer:Dr. Margolin belonged to […]

Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 2 Eveline

Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 2 Eveline Textbook Questions and AnswersUnderstanding the Text : Question 1.Name the two characters in the story whom Eveline liked and loved, and two she did not. What were the reasons for her feelings towards them?कहानी में दो पात्रों के नाम बताइए जिन्हें ईवलिन पसंद एवं प्रेम करती थी और दो […]

Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 1 I Sell my Dreams

Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 1 I Sell my Dreams Textbook Questions and AnswersUnderstanding the Text : Question 1.Did the author believe in the prophetic ability of Frau Frieda?क्या लेखक फ्रॉ फ्रीडा की भविष्य बताने की क्षमता में विश्वास करता था?Answer:In the beginning, of course, he did believe in Frau Frieda’s ability of predicting future events. […]
