8 Silk Road

8 Silk Road About The Lesson The lesson is a travelogue in which the writer Nick Middleton has given the account of his journey from Ravu to Mount Kailash. The name ‘Silk Road’ has been given because the writer follows the route earlier followed by traders for the trade of silk from China. The writer […]

7 The Adventure

7 The Adventure About The Lesson “The Adventure’ is a story by which Jayant Narlikar tries to connect history with science. He gives history a scientific term. The story writer questions the quantum theory of science. The quantum is nothing but the quantity or amount of something physical. Mr Jayant has the opinion that the […]

6 The Browning Version

6 The Browning Version About The Story  This is a dialogue between a science teacher, Mr Frank and a student, Taplow who was given extra work on the last day of the school by a teacher Mr Crocker Harris. Mr Frank is jealous of Mr Harris’ popularity and want to know the view of students […]

5 The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role

5 The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role About The Story  This is an scholarly article written by Nani Palkhivala and published in Indian Express. He draws our attention to the alarming condition we are in. The health of the earth has badly deteriorated and if we don’t want to pass an impoverished planet for […]

4 Landscape of the Soul

4 Landscape of the Soul About The Story This essay throws light on the magical world which a painting reveals to us. But for that we have to either borrow the eyes of the creator or get into his mind. We are also introduced to two different goals and both the Europen and the Chinese […]

3 Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues

3 Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues About The Lesson  King Tut, the last heir of a powerful family that ruled over Egypt for centuries, died in his teenage. He was laid to rest along with artefacts of gold. His tomb was discovered in 1922 by a British archaeologist named Howard Carter. The world wanted to […]

2 We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together

2 We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together About The Lesson  This composition gives an account of a dangerous yet beautiful sea voyage undertaken by the writer, his wife and his two children in a boat named Wavewalker. After a lot of troubles they successfully cross the stormy part of the […]

1 The Portrait of a Lady

1 The Portrait of a Lady About The Lesson  This story ‘The Portrait of a Lady’ is taken from Khushwant Singh’s book “The Mark of Vishnu and Other Stories.” The writer presents a pen picture of his grandmother with whom he spent his childhood. The relationship underwent several changes as time passed away. These changes […]
